"World Beast, they are the most terrifying creatures bred in the entire universe! They are opposites to the Primitive Universe, and only one is born after a very long time. World Beast, and every time World Beast is born, it is a great calamity!"

A spokesperson faintly said: "Why are there only two Holy Land universes in the entire universe since the Endless Era? Because before The Holy Land universe of Japan was destroyed by World Beast. When they were born, they would destroy all universes, not only the Holy Land universe, but also the small universe, and even the Primitive Universe!"

"What! Is even the Primitive Universe inevitable?" The expressions of countless Powerhouses changed suddenly.

"When all the universes are destroyed, the creatures in them will naturally become extinct. But unlike the Holy Land universe and small universes, the Primitive Universe will become its origin after its destruction. After years, it will evolve into Primitive Universe again. , Bred new creatures." The spokesperson continued.

"At that time, we were already not in. What does the new Primitive Universe have to do with us!" Powerhouse from Primitive Universe said.

"So it can be said that the emergence of World Beast puts you on a line with the Primitive Universe. The Primitive Universe is destroyed, and you will also be extinct. Therefore, the Primitive Universe needs you to kill together. World Beast." The white robe spokesperson's voice sounded in the vast universe.

"When will World Beast come?"

I heard that spokesperson said that the ancestor of Tie Mu browsed tightly frowns and couldn't help but opened the mouth and said.

"This point Primitive Universe Master Yuan did not specify, maybe three days, maybe three years, maybe already on the road. And this promotion to the world can improve your strength and have the strong treasure , So as to destroy World Beast."

Speaking of which, the spokesperson looked towards Chu Bei: "As for your previous disrespect to the Primitive Universe Master, it has forgiven you. Let us spread the word. , If you solve all World Beast for it, it will send you to Origin Continent in the depths of the universe. There can make you stronger!"

"Origin Continent in the depths of the universe ?"

"Where is that!"

"Does it mean that there is the Chaos Sovereign in his mouth and the Divine King?"

"Also That is to say, Primitive Universe is to cooperate with the owner of All Heavens Store of Human Race?"


Powerhouse discuss spiritedly of all parties in the universe.

"What right does it have to forgive this seat?"

Chu Bei looked at the three spokesperson jokingly, with a playful look on his face.

"Bold! Dare to despise Primitive Universe Master!"

When Chu Bei said, the three spokespersons in white robe immediately browse tightly knit and coldly snorted, and release Supreme power at the same time. Suppressed moved towards Chu Bei.

"Don't say it's you, even if the Primitive Universe in your mouth is intimate, this seat will not take it in your eyes!" Facing the three horrors carrying the Universe Source, Chu Bei's face gradually Get cold.

Afterwards, as his eyes condensed, a loud explosion sound, the three terrifying coercive forces collapsed.

next moment, the three Universe Source spokespersons wearing white robes seemed to be hit hard and flew upside down suddenly.

Seeing that their bodies were about to explode, a cloud of colorful enveloping them successfully resolved the terrifying energy in their eyes.

But even so, the breath of the three white-robed spokespersons has become extremely weak.

After they had stabilized their stability, they immediately moved towards the colorful and deeply bowed, with an extremely respectful expression: "I have seen Master Universe Source!"

"What? Is that the origin of Primitive Universe!"

While witnessing this scene of all influence Powerhouse, their eyes instantly focused on the colorful enchantment, showing an expression of incredible surprise.

With their strength, they can feel the power of various laws such as gold, wood, water, fire, earth, wind, lightning, time, space, etc. contained in the color, and they always exude endless The coercion.

This coercion far exceeds the most powerful Powerhouse in the universe, and it is also above the two void True Gods, the ancestor of Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi!

long long long!

Suddenly, the colors swayed and roared, and strands of colored silk penetrated into the bodies of the three spokespersons.

After a while, the three spokespersons seemed to have received some instructions, and immediately looked towards Chu Bei: "Master Universe Source asked us to spread the word, it has no intention of being an enemy of you! I just hope you can solve the World for it. Beast, as for rewards, if you ask for something, it will satisfy you as much as possible. The death of the founder of Human Race giant axe is related to World Beast."

Feel the terrifying of Chu Bei When the three spokespersons faced Chu Bei again, they obviously became respectful, and their eyes were full of strong jealousy.

"It turns out that the death of giant axe senior was caused by World Beast!"

Hearing the words of the spokesperson, a group of Powerhouses, including Primal Chaos City Lord, showed expressions of astonishment.

Chu Bei's mood did not fluctuate at all, and he calmly looked at the purple 氤氲: "As for the question of World Beast, if he threatens the Human Race, I will naturally not stand idly by. But right now, I do want to Do one thing to release the little fellow that you suppressed."

weng weng weng!

The color entanglement seems to understand the meaning of Chu Bei, and once again brings out a burst of weirdness ll.

But this time, a distorted space wormhole appeared in front of it, and a fuzzy silhouette slowly emerged in the wormhole.

Gradually, the silhouette becomes clear, that is a gray robed old man, where he stands as if time and space are affected, everything becomes peaceful and quiet.

Seeing the appearance of the old man, Primal Chaos City Lord's body trembled, and his eyes were full of excitement.


Primal Chaos City Lord took a step forward, teleported to the gray robed old man, and knelt down directly, tears shed even more.

At this moment, he has been waiting for too long!

For him, the original ancestor is both the Master and the father. Just because he wants to protect the situation created by the original ancestor, his Primal Chaos City Lord is conscientious and does not dare to relax at all, and carefully manages the entire human race .

"That...that is the original ancestor!"

"His Senior was released!"

"Very good! Really very good!"

In the Star Sea, other Human Race Powerhouses also recognized the identity of the gray robed old man, and fell to their knees, very respectful.

If the founder of giant axe is the Guardian of human prosperity, then the original ancestor is the founder of the rise of Human Race, and Chu Bei is the founder of the glory of Human Race!

"Get up, don't be like a child."

The original ancestor was taken aback, then smiled and raised the chaos.


Chaos was heavily complied, and then got up.

"Many thanks Senior for help!"

The original ancestor looked towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand with gratitude in his eyes: "Junior has been Primitive The universe was originally suppressed, but the virtual universe remaining in the territory of Human Race is considered part of my ideology. For this reason, Junior also knows what you have done for Human Race."

When facing Chu Bei, The original ancestor is very respectful, he has half-footed into the realm of Void True God, and it is precisely because of this that he knows the difficulty of breakthrough.

He doesn't think that the owner of this All Heavens Store is a character in their reincarnation era. In his opinion, the other party must have been born before the Two Great Holy Lands universe.

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