
Above the Vortex River, the color that represents the origin of the Primitive Universe vibrates, and once again makes a sound of gallop.

The three spokespersons in white robes are wrapped in colored rays of light, as if listening to the original voice of Primitive Universe, with extremely respectful expressions.

"Master Universe Source means that, for the sake of safety, you'd better not wait until World Beast comes and then resist; instead, take the initiative to kill them in the cradle." After a while, there was a The spokesperson spoke.

"Proactively attack?" The ancestor of Tie Mu frowned.

"World Beasts will kill each other and devour each other; although the number will continue to decrease, after devouring other World Beasts, their strength will become stronger and stronger. If it is all World Beasts If they die, and there is only one World Beast left, then this World Beast truly represents destruction." The spokesperson continued.

"What about the strength of the ordinary World Beast?" Tie Mu's ancestor asked.

"The newly born World Beast usually has its strength in the universe Venerable, and as it continues to be swallowed, it reaches the point where it is the Universe Lord, the most powerful powerhouse in the universe, and even stronger!"

The spokesperson's eyes swept across the Powerhouse of all races: "In other words, the cultivator below the Universe Lord can be said to die when facing any World Beast."

"The birth is the universe Venerable! So Scary!"

After hearing what the spokesperson said, the Powerhouse was in an uproar.

"Now that World Beasts are born, the sooner you deal with them, the more advantageous! Once those World Beasts fight each other and devour only one end, then the Holy Land universe, the small universe, and even the Primitive Universe will not Re-existence." The spokesperson preached.

The Powerhouses of all races looked at each other, and the last majestic voice sounded: "Where is this World Beast?"

The spokesperson of the white robe pointed out a direction: "Qingfeng realm core area, dark place."

"What? That is the three largest Danger Land in the universe! It is still the most dangerous dark place!"

"Don't Speaking of the core area, even the periphery is dangerous lurks on every side!"

"Then the founder of Human Race giant axe just died in the dark place? He is the most Powerhouse in the Peak universe. Even he died in it, wouldn’t it be more thorough if we went there!"

"No wonder the dim place, once caught in the dark place, you can’t come out, it turns out that it is the lair of the World Beasts!"


In the universe, the powerhouses of all parties suddenly startled their expressions when they heard the position uttered by the spokesperson of the white robe, astonishment surfaced on their faces.

"Every time you kill a World Beast, you will have a World Beast mark. The World Beast mark can be divided into different levels according to the strength of the World Beast killed. When the crisis is lifted, I will give you different opportunities based on the circumstances of the World Beast you killed. Universe Lord can use this to enter True God, True God can use this to become Void True God, and Void True God can become eternal True God!"

At this time, the color trembling that represents the origin of Primitive Universe, two beams of color rays of light directly envelop the universe of Zi Yue Holy Land and the universe of Dongdi Holy Land: "You two can come out, I'll be with you Standing on a line, World Beast is our common enemy."

At this brief moment, a stream of information flooded into the minds of countless Powerhouses, among which is included Zi Yue, the ancestor and the Eastern Emperor. Ancestor.

"As long as we kill enough, can we help us break through!"

Sea of ​​Consciousness has more information flow from the Primitive Universe origin, the ancestor of Tie Mu, the ancestor of shaking the sky, etc. The most Powerhouses in the universe are all heartened.

It's not just them, all Powerhouses in the field, including the ancestor of Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi, are all heartened.

At their level, what they pursue is nothing more than a higher realm!

The reason why they will explore the three major Danger Lands is to find the opportunity and then do the breakthrough, but the probability of finding the opportunity is minimal.

But even if you know this, there are still countless Powerhouses who are not afraid of life and death to try.

Now, this Primitive Universe origin tells them that as long as they kill enough World Beasts and it is convenient to help them make a breakthrough, how can they not be moved?

"It's another group of fellows!"

At the same time, in an unremarkable corner of the crowd, a man wearing an azure robe sighed faintly. It's the famous mysterious Powerhouse in the universe.

"Then it will be handed over to you. As for this world of advancement, it will be your final destination after defeat. Of course, it may only accommodate one ten thousandth of the creatures in the universe, or even Not much."

The original information of Primitive Universe appeared again in the Sea of ​​Consciousness in countless Powerhouses, and the next moment, the color entanglement disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, the three white-robed spokespersons and the palace behind them also gradually disappeared.

After the Primitive Universe origin and the spokesperson left, Vortex River all around suddenly fell into silence.

For a long time.

"Since you are all gathered together, how about we kill the Qingfeng world together now?" The ancestor Tie Mu glanced at Chu Bei and saw that the other party didn't have the slightest intention to express his opinion, and said Said.


Other ancestors nodded: "Qingfeng World is one of the three Danger Lands after all, so we can go together and have a reference to each other."

The Universe Lords of all races glanced at each other and agreed successively.

hong long!

At this moment, a streak of divine light across the universe of Zi Yue Holy Land and the universe of Dongdi Holy Land was passing by, in the direction of going away. It is the realm of Qingfeng.

"The ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi have gone!"

"Go! Let's keep up!"

"Facing World Beast, we are Be in the same camp with them! Follow them closely, and the danger will be minimized!"

Recognizing the two streaks of divine light, a lot of realm in Universe Lord and above Powerhouses are also fast Go away.

Of course, there are also Powerhouses of many ethnic groups who did not leave immediately, but cast their eyes on Chu Bei's body, seeming to observe the latter's whereabouts.

"Master, the founder of giant axe died in the hands of World Beast. Are we going now?" Primal Chaos City Lord looked towards the original ancestor opened the mouth and said.

The original ancestor did not speak immediately, but looked towards Chu Bei, as if waiting for the other party's answer.

"With this seat, don't worry about it."

Chu Bei glanced at the original ancestor nodded, very calm.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, the original ancestor, Primal Chaos City Lord and other Universe Lords also moved towards Qingfeng Realm and flew away.


Universal Sea, one of the three Danger Lands, Qingfeng World.

core area, a dark place.

hua hua hua!

In this dim world, one after another black mist is surging. The deeper you go, the more terrifying the breath of the black mist. .

In the dimly lit one black light after another from time to time, you can hear the roar of battle and the strange screams that make your heart palpitating.

Look carefully, every area has densely packed ugly monsters fighting.

These ugly monsters are extremely large, and the whole body exudes black rays of light. They have two ferocious heads, each with one eye, a nose, a mouth, and two sharp claws. They look extremely hideous, and each exudes monstrous evil breath.

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