chi chi chi!

The World Beast army spread out far away, with a weird low whistling sound and fear in the voice.

Not long after, there was a loud bang, in the sky Chaos Qi Flow filled. In the endless Chaos Qi Flow, there is a black mist, and a tall silhouette emerges in the center of the black mist. It is the World Beast Mo Luo Sa.

"It looks delicious food!"

As soon as Mo Luo Sa appeared, he glanced across all the powerhouses of the universe, and then greedily licked his tongue.

Looking at its expression, it seems that the entire universe Powerhouse is its prey.

Also in this brief moment, all Powerhouses including Zi Yue and Dongdi have stabilized their stature and looked at Mo Luo Sa with great vigilance.

Only the breath released by the other party inadvertently made them feel the pressure.

If those World Beast breath fluctuations that they had previously fought with them were streams, then the breath fluctuations of the World Beast in front of them can be described by surging rivers.

"That's Shock King Ancestor and Qiu Rock God Ancestor!"

"The two of them didn't die!"

"And looking at them, it seems Become the servant of that World Beast!"

"What realm is the strength of this World Beast!"


Soon, Shock King Ancestor He and Qiu Rock God Ancestor appeared behind Mo Luo Sa. Witnessing this scene, the expressions of the Powerhouses in the universe changed suddenly.

"You two are the strongest creatures in the universe, right?"

Mo Luo Sa stared at the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of the East Emperor, the dreary cold voice fell, the huge body All around began to circulate a breathtaking black light.

next moment, I saw his mouth suddenly opened without warning, but there was no roar, but some were just ripples.

Ripple turns into a long spear, piercing the soul of the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi silently.

At the same time, Mo Luo Sa's silhouette also disappeared, splitting into two black rays of light, which appeared in front of the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi in an instant.

The ancestor of Zi Yue and the ancestor of the Eastern Emperor seemed to be aware of the crisis, eyes suddenly shrank, without any hesitation, the tight body immediately broke out the most terrifying power.

After that, the two converged the divine force into a pair of fists and blasted out suddenly.

hong long!

Accompanied by two loud noises, the space suddenly fell into a terrifying silence, and two huge light spheres merged at the collision.

In the light sphere, the heavy expressions of the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of the East Emperor can be vaguely seen.


Suddenly, the aftermath of the waves dispersed, spreading to the entire battlefield in an instant.

This layer of aftermath is like a soul that can directly hit people. Whether it is the Universe Powerhouse or those World Beasts that only have the strength of the Universe Lord, their expressions have become extremely painful and distorted, and the mouth emits mournful scream.

Just as countless Powerhouses tried their best to withstand the aftermath of the attack, there were two more explosions, and then in their sight, a silhouette of each of the two light spheres flew upside down, and the breath was very high. disorder.

"The ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of the East Emperor are injured!"

Looking at the bright drops of blood in the sky, the faces of the Powerhouses in the universe changed drastically.

The ancestor of Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi stabilized the stability and suppressed the riotous breath, and then began to repair the blood stains on his body.

"Eternal True God!"

When the ancestor of Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi looked towards Mo Luo Sa again, he browsed tightly frowns.

"I didn't expect you two to come next!"

Two groups of black rays of light joined together and became like Mo Luo Sa again, with a hint of light in the eyes Surprised, he said: "The little fellow you called the founder of giant axe before, but died directly under this blow."

"What? The original giant axe of Human Race was the founder of human race. It killed him!"

"I am afraid that the most powerhouses in the universe that disappeared in the dark are related to him! As for Shock King Ancestor and Qiu Rock God Ancestor, they must be afraid of death, so they beg for mercy. The servant of World Beast!"

"Even the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi were defeated, this World Beast must have entered the higher realm!"


Hearing what Mo Luo Sa said, countless Universe Sea Powerhouses were shocked.

Looking at the Human Race Powerhouse again, Ling Li's killing intent rises up. The gaze looking towards Mo Luo Sa can't wait to dismiss it.

"The taste of you two must be more delicious than the creator of giant axe." Mo Luo Sa twisted his neck, and the black glow all around his body began to beat.

Seeing this, the ancestor of Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi also summon their respective Xeon magic.

However, before they could take a shot, a silhouette descended in front of them.

"Sure enough! All Heavens Store is the main player!"

"This Mo Luo Sa killed the creator of giant axe, Human Race of course has to come forward!"


"The Lord of All Heavens Store is also the eternal True God. I really hope he can kill this World Beast."

Looking at the back of Chu Bei, a group of Powerhouses in the universe talked out loud. .

"Human Race? is it possible that you want to avenge the founder of giant axe?"

Mo Luo Sa looked at Chu Bei disdainfully: "But from your breath Look, the taste doesn't seem to be very good."

Chu Bei laughed, said nothing, just waved his right hand.

After that, a chain of black light gushing out of his palm, moved towards Mo Luo Sa and flew away.

long long long!

Where the iron chain passes, the starry sky in this dark place is twisted and torn apart by huge gaps.

Also in this brief moment, the disdain on Mo Luo Sa's face disappeared, replaced by a face full of consternation and surprise.

oh la la!

The chains carrying Devouring Power like a giant snake arrived in front of Mo Luo Sa in an instant. The tips of the chains shook, bringing up dense black snowflakes and fluttering snow, except for the terrifying Devouring Power. , And also imprisoned the space where Mo Luo Sa was located.

Mo Luo Sa's huge pupils condensed, accompanied by a low growl in his mouth, and the black mist around it all around instantly turned into a turbulent black water stream, welcoming the lashing towards it. The chains.


The almost condensed black water stream collided with the chains like giant snakes, bringing a crisp trembling sound.

In an instant, a square space similar to a prison appeared in the all around of Chu Bei and Mo Luo Sa.

The terrifying energy storm caused by the collision of the black water and the chains rages endlessly in this space, successively making terrifying sounds similar to the roar of the ancient ominous beast.

At first, the black current can also resist the chains that look like giant snakes.

But over time, with a snorting, the chains finally cut through the black water and hit World Beast Mo Luo Sa.

pa!! !

The dark chains carrying the horrible Devouring Power's seemingly soft slaughter hit Mo Luo Sa at the moment it was violent to an incredible degree.

In this lash, Mo Luo Sa's head sank directly, as if it became a piece of gold ingot.

pa! pa! pa! pa!

After the whipping, the chains shook again immediately, 2nd Strike, 3rd Strike, 4th Strike, and the fifth strike, and they fell one after another.

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