
The roar of anger resounded throughout the universe.

World Beast Mo Luo Sa's huge pupils began to appear bloody, full of endless killing intents.

After being beaten again and again by the opponent's weird chains, the strength in its body is constantly attrition, as if it has been eaten up a little bit.

"I'm going to eat you!"

Amid the strong roar of killing intent, Mo Luo Sa looked towards the far away all around shiver coldly countless World Beast.

next moment, I saw it wave its claws, and it detained thousands of World Beasts with the strength of the Universe Lord in an instant like a giant net, and then opened its huge mouth and swallowed them directly.

In the blink of an eye, the number of peripheral World Beasts dropped by more than half. On the other hand, Mo Luo Sa, after devouring these World Beasts, the breath riot has risen.

chi chi chi!

Mo Luo Sa's eyes shot blood light, shining on the black water stream.

At this moment, the black water flow is like being infused with a kind of terrifying energy, splitting into black silk threads, all of which quickly enveloped Chu Bei in the distance.

The black silk thread is extremely fast, and it seems that it is not limited by the speed limit of the universe and sea. In a flash, it arrives in front of Chu Bei, heavily surrounds it, and wraps it into a black silkworm pupa.

"Miscellaneous insects, die for me!"

Mo Luo Sa let out a low roar of the cold, and instantly appeared above the black silkworm pupa, carrying the power of terror at the same time. Photographed by sharp claw fiercely.

The front end of its sharp claw rippled, apparently carrying an attack on Divine Soul.

However, when Mo Luo Sa's sharp claw was about to strike on the silkworm chrysalis wrapping Chu Bei, there was a sudden explosion.

Next moment, the silkworm chrysalis exploded, and a long spear intertwined with the power of black and the power of prestige shoots out.

The long spear tip is shrouded, and the spear body is intertwined with various brilliance.


The long spear crossed a dazzling divine rainbow, wherever it passed, the void collapsed inch by inch, bringing up circles of strange rotating ripples.

hong long!

One claw and one shot collided.

In an instant, Mo Luo Sa's huge body trembled suddenly.

In the painful wailing, Mo Luo Sa first broke the sharp claw, and then his whole body was penetrated by the force of the long spear pierced by Chu Bei, and began to crack in a large area.


Mo Luo Sa's expression became more and more distorted and hideous. After the fiercely stared at Chu Bei, his huge body turned out to be transparent and illusory.

"Why? Don't you want to taste the taste of this seat? Why do you want to escape."

At this time, Chu Bei sounded in the starry sky with playful words.

As Chu Bei's voice fell, there was a loud bang, and a huge Golden disc appeared above Mo Luo Sa's head, bursting with terrifying tearing force.

Under the combined attack of the golden disc and the long spear, the original transparent silhouette of Mo Luo Sa in the center became solid again, but it became all split up and in pieces.

"Humans, how are you going to let me go!"

Aware of the changes in his body, Mo Luo Sa stared at Chu Bei with fear.

Chu Bei looked at Mo Luo Sa with a smile and was silent.

"Humans, since you are not willing to let me go! Then die, I also want to pull you up!"

I never got a response, Mo Luo Sa's huge pupils flashed After a trace of cruelty.

After that, Mo Luo Sa opened his huge mouth and spit out a black beam, like a signal, covering the entire dim place in an instant.

bang! bang! bang!

Along with the spit of Mo Luo Sa black beam, the entire dim place began to shake, and the bare peaks exploded one after another. .

Immediately afterwards, there was the roar of World Beast one after another.

Especially deep in the distant dark place, there are several particularly terrifying breaths emerging.

At this time, those World Beasts who had been staying on the periphery not far away looked at the depths of the dim place with fear, and their bodies were shaking more and more.

"Then...Are those also World Beasts!"

"It's a companion in the depths of summon dimly!"

very terrifying The breath fluctuates! "


Looking at the huge silhouettes emerging from the depths of the dim land, a group of cosmic powerhouses have terrified look.

"They There are many beings that are not weaker than me, but almost all of them are in a deep sleep. Being awakened by me now, maybe they will eat me immediately when they see me in this state, but they will never let you go! "

Mo Luo Sa glanced at the huge monsters that had awakened in the dark depths, and looked towards Chu Bei, with craziness in his eyes.

Under Powerhouse’s gaze, deep in the dim place, those huge silhouettes began to disappear.

When they reappear, they seem to have come to the outer circle area of ​​this dim place.

These huge silhouettes are scattered in the starry sky, looking at Mo Luo Sa and the Powerhouse of the universe one by one indifferently, as if there is no emotion.

Sweep away, there are thousands of them. Head; there are nearly a hundred heads whose breath fluctuation is not weaker than that of Mo Luo Sa.

"No...impossible! "

"What kind of terrifying power is this!" "

"Nearly a hundred eternal True Gods! Even if the owner of All Heavens Store can deal with one of them, it is impossible to deal with so many at the same time! "

"The origin of this Primitive Universe is simply for us to die! ”


Looking at the World Beast all around that releases terrifying breath, the cosmic Powerhouses including Zi Yue and Dongdi’s ancestor, their faces are all It turned into gray for a while, it’s hard to see the extreme.

Even the mountain guest who has been watching the show has a little consternation in his eyes.

If you say in the field The only thing that didn’t change his expression was Chu Bei, who was on the battlefield.

"Mo Luo Sa, I really didn’t expect you to be forced to this point by your own food, it’s ridiculous! "

An eternal True God-class World Beast uttered mocking words.

The voice fell, and its huge silhouette disappeared from the original place. When it reappears, it has opened its mouth. Arrived beside Mo Luo Sa.

"Brady, you dare! "

Mo Luo Sa eyes suddenly shrank, with monstrous hatred in his voice.

"After eating you, I can move to a higher level. "

The powerful World Beast named Brady sneered, but when he saw it was about to swallow the weak Mo Luo Sa, the golden disc was suddenly pressed down.

In the next instant, the terrifying force of swallowing and sucking spread, swept Mo Luo Sa.


With a cry of misery and pain, Mo Luo Sa The huge body was forcibly sucked into the Golden Disk.

At the same time, the long spear, which alternated between the power of black and the power of prestige, buzzed, and moved towards Brady swept away.

Brady seems to be aware of the crisis, and immediately distanced himself from the long spear and returned to his original position.

"Mo Luo Sa is dead! "

"What the hell is he from!" The strength is even higher than the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi! "

"When is the eternal True God coming out of the universe!" "

Shock King Ancestor and Qiu Rock God Ancestor looked at each other in blank dismay.

"You just killed Mo Luo Sa! "

At this moment, not only Brady, all World Beasts from the depths of the dim place turned their gazes to Chu Bei, with greed in their eyes, as if they had seen delicious food.

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