"You all come by the will of the Primitive Universe."

Suddenly, a deep and gloomy hoarse sound rang from the depths of the dim place.

The sound fell, and I saw a reddish World Beast flying slowly from the depths. In terms of body shape, it was a full circle larger than Mo Luo Sa and Brady.

Looking at its breath again, it is also different from all around other eternal True God level terrifying World Beast.

Its breath fluctuation is very weak, almost imperceptible, it has been restrained to a very terrifying point.

"The King of Posao!"

"You are still alive!"

Brady and other eternal True God-level World Beasts, seeing this full body At the time of the red World Beast, the expression suddenly startled, and there was an incredible color in his eyes.

In addition to shock, each one also allows some fear and vigilance.

Each era of reincarnation will not only give birth to a new Primitive Universe, but also a billion World Beasts. These World Beasts continue to cannibalize each other and finally give birth to an extremely terrifying King of World Beasts.

Mo Luo Sa, Brady and other World Beasts are all products of this era of reincarnation.

While the King of Posao, it is the World Beast who returned to the era first round, and the King of World Beast who lived to the end in the era of reincarnation!

"The mission of every World Beast in the reincarnation era is to kill one another until the last one is left. However, in the face of foreign races, it will temporarily truce until all the foreign races are killed. ."

The gaze of King Po Suo swept across the universe powerhouse, the calm voice fell, and he lifted the sharp claw moved towards Chu Bei and waved away.

hong long long!

Amid the loud noise, the red ripples congealed into substance and turned into a torrent of blood, rushing towards Chu Bei.


The long spear vibrates and sways, gushing rays of light; the golden disc spins wildly, releasing the horrible Devouring Power.

The two are intertwined, uniting to usher in the surging river of blood.


There was a shocking explosion.

After the torrent of blood burst open the long spear and Golden disc, the strikes fell on Chu Bei's body for an instant.

"How...how could it be!"

"The Lord of All Heavens Store actually lost!"

"He killed Mo Luo Sa's Peak Eternal True God!"

"Could it be that this World Beast has transcended the eternal True God realm!"


Looking at it and exiting The master of All Heavens Store, the expressions of the Powerhouses in the universe suddenly changed.

Especially the original ancestor, Primal Chaos City Lord and the others Powerhouse, has a lot of worry on his face.

"If even the Lord of All Heavens Store were defeated, wouldn't we be destined to die under the claws of these World Beasts!"

"We are still too greedy! Simply shouldn't come to this dim place!"

"What is there to regret! Even if we don't come now, when these World Beasts go out, we will inevitably die!"

There is the Universe Sea Powerhouse who sighs, and there is Powerhouse who is not afraid of life and death.

"You all took the initiative to deliver it to your door. Wouldn’t it be a pity if you don’t have a good taste?"

After the Pusa King started his hands, Brady and other eternal True God worlds Beast all showed a playful smile, looking at the Universe Powerhouse as if looking at delicious food.

The first ones to bear the brunt are the Shock King Ancestor and the Rock God Ancestor that are the closest to the World Beast.

"My lord, we are Mo Luo Sa's subordinates, we have already belonged to you!"

Shock King Ancestor and Qiu Rock God Ancestor immediately noticed the crisis, and the complexion greatly changed , With horror in his eyes.

"Don't say Mo Luo Sa passed away, even if he is still there, he won't be able to keep you."

Shock King Ancestor and Rock God Ancestor horrified tone barely fell, Brady has already Appearing in front of the two of them, the sharp claw waved, and the one with no difficulty tore them to pieces.

"It tastes much better than that of his companions."

Brady licked the blood from the corners of his lips, and when he looked towards the Powerhouse of the Universe Sea again, his eyes became crazy.


The Universe Powerhouse who witnessed this scene stared at Brady, holding breath cold air one after another, and his expression became more and more frightened.

"Now it's your turn."

Not only Brady, but other eternal True God World Beasts also begin to stir.

However, just when the commander of these realms was about to pounce on the cosmic sea army, there was a loud bang, and a huge palace appeared above the head of the cosmic sea Powerhouse.

Immediately afterwards, three silhouettes of white robes walked out of the palace. They stood side by side, each white robes faintly exuding colored light, and at the same time exuding an extremely terrifying pressure. The three Ancestral Gods spread out from their bodies, spreading all around.

After that, a group of colors appeared.

"That is the origin of Primitive Universe! And its three spokespersons!"

"Damn it! It lied to us! Otherwise, how could we get into such a situation!" "

"Among them are nearly a hundred immortal True God-class World Beasts, and we only have an eternal True God, the lord of All Heavens Store. Apart from him, there is only the ancestor of Zi Yue. There are two void True Gods with the ancestor of the East Emperor. Even the most Powerhouse in the universe is no more than two hands!"

"Yes! This is simply not a level battle!"


Seeing the Primitive Universe's origins, a group of Cosmos Powerhouses immediately began to complain.

"Why, you are really alive!"

The color trembles, making an illusory sound.

"This king hasn't dealt with you yet, you have taken action first." The King Posuo calmly looked at the primordial origin of the universe, with a cold voice.

"You are not strong enough, then I will give you a chance now."

A huge pupil appeared in the color enveloping, accompanied by its voice falling down, and countless colored rays of light projected from the pupil. .

In an instant, these colored lights scattered and moved towards each Powerhouse of the universe.


Just when a colored silk thread was about to sink into Chu Bei between the eyebrows, Chu Bei flicks with the finger and shattered it.

There are also colored lights directed at Luo Feng and other Human Race Powerhouses, which are also immediately broken.

As for the Powerhouse of other ethnic groups, Chu Bei ignored it.

Almost at the same time, the alien Powerhouse was pierced by colored light into between the eyebrows.

Also in this brief moment, a group of Cosmos Powerhouses, including the ancestors of Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi, bloomed with colored rays of light all over the body, as if covering the outer surface of the body with a layer of light. Color like Battle Armor.

Gradually, their breath began to multiply soaring, the terrifying breath fluctuations directly tore the void of all around, and chi chi made a sound.

"This...what's going on with this power!"

"I feel stronger than I have ever seen before!"

"Is this the Lord Universe Source bestowed it Opportunity!"

"What level of power we have now!"


I perceive the changes in the body and the fullness The power of Cosmos Sea Powerhouse was so excited, even the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi showed excitement.

"Senior, their strength realm?"

Primal Chaos City Lord and the original ancestor looked towards Chu Bei at the same time, with confusion on their faces.

"This is only temporary and will not benefit them." Chu Bei glanced at the Primal Chaos City Lord and responded.

With the blessing of Universe Source power, whether it is the ancestor of Zi Yue, the ancestor of Dongdi or the ancestor of Tie Mu, their strength has been greatly improved by terrifying.

"Is this the power of the eternal True God? And it should be Peak!"

The ancestor of Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi looked at each other with excitement.

Then, the two Powerhouses looked towards Chu Bei at the same time, and the fighting intent appeared in their eyes, as if they wanted to compete with the latter.

When they were above the Vortex River, they were shocked by the strength of Chu Bei, and now they are also standing on the eternal True God Peak, naturally very eager to learn from Chu Bei.

Unfortunately, the current situation is not suitable for infighting, because they have a common enemy.

Perceiving the gaze cast by the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of the East Emperor, Chu Bei raised a smile on the corner of his mouth and ignored it.

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