From the perspective of the current Primitive Universe and the breath of the Posuo King, they are equivalent to the Third Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

In Quasi-Immortal Emperor this realm, every Third Stage is a heavenly abyss. The strength between Fourth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor and Third Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor is not on the same level at all.

As for the Divine King this realm, it should be equivalent to Fourth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor, but it has not stepped into the real Immortal Emperor Realm.

"How did you know?"

Sitting on the mountain staring at Chu Bei, browse tightly frowns.

Chu Bei glanced at the mountain guest, but still just laughed and did not give an answer.

hong long long!

In the realm of Realm Light, the battle between Primitive Universe Origin and the Pusa King has become more intense, and the surging laws of chaos are mixed with many other laws.

The cosmic sea army and the World Beast army looked at each other intently, their eyes filled with shock.

The battle continues, and it's getting into white-hot.

I don’t know how long it has been.

Finally, amidst the roar of the killing intent filled with anger, the two figures separated.

"Your instincts are not wrong, but you are still a step late! Or, you have made me! I have not been fully sure before, but through a battle with you, this king is now Confident and detached!" The King Posuo looked at the Primitive Universe and let out a low growl, followed by a roar. The white light at the top of the sharp horn on its two heads became more and more dazzling, as if time and space have changed. .

At this moment, both the Universe Sea Powerhouse or Brady and other World Beast troops felt that their eyes seemed to be blurred, and there seemed to be two Posao Kings in their sight.

As the white light converged, and the void in the battlefield stabilized, they found that there was no hallucination, and that the Pusa King did indeed divide into two.

World Beast has the ability to clone millions.

But the so-called clone is far less powerful than the deity; but at the moment, the body of this king divided into two has the same breath fluctuation. What's more terrifying is that any one of them exceeds the previous two-in-one state.

"Jie Tun!"

Suddenly, the two Posuo Kings looked towards the World Beast army below at the same time.

"What does it want to do!"

Facing the gazes of the two wandering kings, Brady and other eternal True God-level World Beast expressions suddenly condensed, and an inexplicable heart surged. chill.

However, before they can figure it out, the two Posao Kings in the Realm of Realm played a bunch of Chaos Laws at the same time.

In the rumbling sound, the two chaotic laws are intertwined and turned into a giant black net, which instantly falls and envelopes the World Beast army.

In an instant, all World Beast including Brady, the whole body lit up with black rays of light. In the sound of chi chi, these black rays of light moved towards the two surging kings along the giant net.

"Damn it! It is going to devour our origin!"

"Whishuo, you are really insidious! I also said that facing a foreign race, we will fight together! Now, you are actually against us Start!"

"Ah-let me go!"

"Even if you die, I won't make you feel better!"


Surrounded by the giant black net, the expressions of the World Beast army suddenly became distorted and hideous, looking extremely painful. Each and every one let out a stern roar, with strong anger.

Among them, there is also the eternal True God-level World Beast, who directly chose to explode the origin, trying to perish together with the king of Posuo.

Unfortunately, the terrifying energy generated by these World Beast self-destructs has not yet touched the two Pasa Kings, before being assimilated by the black giant net, and finally flowing gently into the latter's body.

At this time, the breath fluctuations of the two Posuo Kings are growing crazily. Within a few seconds, there was a loud bang, and the two Posuo Kings seemed to have broken a certain barrier at the same time. Has been sublimated.

"senior, what is the current strength of that World Beast?" The original ancestor pointed to the two wandering kings in the realm of Jieguang, who browsed tightly frowns.

"Divine King Realm!"

Chu Bei hasn't spoken yet, but Zuoshanke has already said very solemnly.

Perceiving the change of the Breath of the Posuo King, the huge pupil that represents the origin of the Primitive Universe is obviously more dignified.


"Destroy of the world!"

The two kings of Posao at the same time turned their eyes to the origin of Primitive Universe, and the blood lines on the body floated into huge ones. The scarlet pattern forms two huge World Beasts of light.

I saw two World Beasts of light, one on the left and the other on the right. After fuse together, they spread out immediately, and instantly enveloped the Primitive Universe.

Almost at the same time, Primitive Universe also launched its most powerful chaotic attack, resisting the terrifying Annihilation Light.

hong long!

There was another loud noise.

The entire realm of light is flooded with dazzling white glow. The Primitive Universe and the silhouettes of the two Posao Kings are all invisible, and only two terrifying matchless vortex passages can be seen. The outer walls of these two vortex passages are like mirrors, entangled with each other.

At this moment, whether it is the Universe Sea Powerhouse or the dying World Beast army, all staring at the battlefield in the Realm of Light.

They know that the battle between Primitive Universe Origin and King Pusa is about to end, and there will be results soon!


As countless creatures waited nervously, finally there was another explosion in the Realm of Light.

After that, there are endless shock waves.

Finally, the Realm of Light is broken!

next moment, an extremely large pupil flew out of the battlefield, and it was vaguely visible that its all around was about to extinguish the color.

long long long!

At this time, in the lower battlefield, those Universe Powerhouses who received the original source power of Primitive Universe blessing, the light armor outside their bodies exploded, producing incomparable terrifying bombing power.

Under this bombardment, even the ancestor Zi Yue and the ancestor of Dongdi screamed bitterly and painfully, their expressions distorted to the extreme. As for the ancestors of Tie Mu, the ancestors of the shaking sky, these True God-level Powerhouses, and a group of Universe Lords, it is even more painful, as if they are suffering irresistible torture.

"That...that is the origin of Primitive Universe!"

"Is it defeated! Breath is so chaotic!"

"The reason why our power The disappearance must be due to the failure of Primitive Universe Master Yuan! Moreover, we were also backlashed!"

Looking at the huge dim pupils that fly over, the powerhouses of the universe forcefully hold back Pain screamed.

"Today is the day of destruction of all universes!"

The white radiance dissipated, and an indifferent voice sounded in the dim place.

The voice fell, and the silhouette of the Pusa King was once again revealed in the sight of all creatures.

After that, under countless line of sight, the two bodies of King Posuo merged into one again, and Ling Li's gaze faintly swept across the source of the seriously injured Primitive Universe and the countless creatures below.

"That World Beast didn't hurt at all!"

"Even the Primitive Universe Master Yuan was defeated, so who else can stop it!"

"Does it mean that the universe we live in is really going to be destroyed?"

"Not good, my power is imprisoned!"

"Just a ray of light That's it!"


The moment a group of Cosmic Sea Powerhouses looked at King Pusa, their bodies trembled suddenly, and then a look of fear appeared on their faces.

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