In the dim place, an incomparable terrifying force shoots out from the eyes of the king’s whistle, and instantly penetrates into the bodies of all the powerhouses watching the battle, confining their divine force, making them unable to move even a little bit.

"Start with your group of ants first."

Huo Ran, the King Posao said again, and the terrifying sound waves bring up black ripples, moving towards the bottom like a rushing wave Rushed.


In an instant, a scream rang out.

It is stronger than Peak Void True God such as Zi Yue ancestor and Dongdi ancestor. Under the impact of black ripples, the body began to all split up and in pieces.

As for those True God and Universe Lord, the body exploded directly. Every time they explode and reorganize, their breath will be obviously weakened by 10%.

long long long!

Just when the powerhouses in the universe were unwilling to die but had no choice but to wait for death, the severely injured Primitive Universe originated with a buzzing sound, and then flew over their heads.


The Primitive Universe emits a chaotic light, which evolves into a wall of light, resisting the impact of black ripples.

"Do you think you are still qualified to be the opponent of this king?" Looking at the chaotic light wall below, the king aloof and remote, with a look of disdain.


As the coldly snorted sound of the Posuo King fell, the black ripples seemed to be filled with new terrifying power, and when they struck the wall of chaos light again, the latter directly cracked the latter.

"Let’s go, I can live a little longer if I leave now."

At this time, Zuoshanke glanced at the original ancestors and other Human Race Powerhouses: "It's detached. Chaos Sovereign has entered the Divine King Realm, and no one has stopped it. The end of the destruction of the universe is doomed. If you can escape this catastrophe, you can also witness the arrival of a new era of reincarnation."

"But where can I escape? The end is death." Hearing the words of the guest sitting on the mountain, the original ancestor, Primal Chaos City Lord looked at each other, with a lonely expression in his expression.

"Senior, won't you leave?"

At this time, Primal Chaos City Lord looked towards Chu Bei. Although he still didn't know the origin of Chu Bei, he knew the other party Primitive Universe that does not belong to this reincarnation.

Chu Bei put his hand on Luo Feng's shoulder, while looking at Primal Chaos City Lord, and then at the Powerhouse of Cosmic Sea, whose expressions of pain are trapped under the wall of chaotic light, shook the head, seems to be hesitating.

"I really don't want to waste it like this."

After a long while, a faint sigh came out from Chu Bei's mouth.

Although Chu Bei's sigh is not loud, it shook the deepest part of everyone's heart, like a bronze bell shaking in his mind.

"What is wasted?"

After hearing Chu Bei's words, Zuoshanke, the original ancestor, Primal Chaos City Lord, and a group of Human Race Powerhouse looked puzzled towards Chu Bei .

But just like that, all of them suddenly became tight and their faces were dumbfounded.

Suddenly, the place where Human Race Powerhouse was located was empty and quiet. Everyone fell into a dead silence, staring at Chu Bei in a daze, as if they were hooked.

At this moment, everything seems to be still!

For a moment, what they saw Chu Bei seemed to be directly incarnate into an incomparable Boundless Starry Sky that was tens of thousands of times larger than the Primitive Universe, and various small universes appeared in it. .

But when they were concentrating, the Boundless Starry Sky changed back to Chu Bei, just like an illusion.

"You...your are who!"

The battle between Primitive Universe and the King Posuo, the expression of the guest sitting on the mountain has not changed; King Posao has entered Divine King Realm, Zuo Shan Ke was only a little surprised; but at this moment, his face changed drastically when he looked at Chu Bei.

His whole person is like a thunderbolt on the clear sky, like a thunderbolt, like a clay sculpture and wood sculpture, and his whole body is numb.

The original ancestor, Primal Chaos City Lord, was dumbfounded. Suddenly, the owner of All Heavens Store was like a person. He was clearly right in front of them, but gave them a feeling of remoteness.

Whether it is the original ancestor or the Primal Chaos City Lord, the brains of the two people seem to have lost the ability to think. They stand still like wood, staring at Chu Bei with both eyes stunned.

As for the other Human Race Powerhouses, they also noticed the changes in Chu Bei, and they were all at a loss.

The other side.

ka-cha, ka-cha!

Under the strikes of black ripples, the chaotic wall of light created by Primitive Universe's origin has more and more cracks on it, and it has reached the edge of collapse.

Look at the Primitive Universe itself, the huge pupils are flowing with Golden blood, and breath begins to decline, which seems to be the end of life.

"Is it really going to be annihilated..."

Looking at the origin of the Primitive Universe that is about to die, a group of Cosmos Powerhouses muttered to themselves, with a whisper in their eyes. The king's hatred also carries with it his reluctance to this World.


As the icy and indifferent voice of Pusa King drifted away, those black ripples evolved into a black sledgehammer, which crashed down and brought destroying heaven extinguishing. The power of earth.

Looking at the huge black hammer above my head that is so huge that it almost covers the entire outer circle area of ​​the dim place, the expressions of the powerhouses in the universe are like suddenly relieved, no longer afraid of life and death.


However, when the powerhouses in the universe closed their eyes to welcome the huge black hammer, death did not come. In their ears, there was a strange, crisp sound.

One by one, Universe Sea Powerhouse opened his eyes subconsciously and looked up. This look was dumbfounded again.

"The attack of King Posao was resolved! What is going on!"

"Is the Primitive Universe still struggling?"

" no! That's not Primitive Universe Strength of Source breath!"

"Where do these light spots come from!"


A lot of universes Powerhouse stared blankly at the scene above his head, with confusion and confusion on his face.

I stared, and saw that the black sledgehammer was less than ten meters away from the nearly shattered chaotic light wall, a brilliant spot of light appeared out of thin air, instantly wrapping the black sledgehammer .

Under the coverage of these brilliant light spots, the black sledgehammer broke down at a terrifying speed until it was completely turned into nothing.

"How come!"

"Even the Primitive Universe can't stop the whirling, how could there be existence that can stop whirling!"

"That melts away What kind of energy is the whirling attack, and where does it come from!"

Not only the Universe Sea Powerhouse, but the dying World Beast army was also shocked, looking at each other in blank dismay, eyes There was an incredible color in it.

“en? ”

While witnessing his attack being resolved during the whole process, King Posao focused his eyes on the brilliant light, browsing frowned.

The whispering and perplexing sound fell, and the huge mouth of the head of the Pusa King opened, directly spitting out a black beam of light, and once again moved towards the origin of the Primitive Universe and the powerhouses of the universe sea.

On breath fluctuations, this black beam of light is even more terrifying than the previous black sledgehammer.

Under such power, the World Beast army and the Universe Sea Powerhouse are directly oppressed and almost suffocated.

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