
However, when the black beam of light is about to strikes on the almost shattered chaotic light wall, those brilliant light spots evolve into a giant hand, sweeping past, crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood. Then the black beam of light was annihilated.


Looking at the attack being blocked again, the King of Posuo was shouted, and Ling Ling's killing intent instantly swept across the dark place.

At this moment, a silhouette appeared high in the sky, facing the King Posuo.

"Who is he!"

"Is he just blocking the whirling attack!"

"It's Human Race Powerhouse!"


Looking at the silhouette that appeared high in the sky, the dying World Beast army including Brady was confused.

On the other hand, when looking at the Powerhouse of the Universe Sea, when seeing the silhouette of that silhouette clearly, all of them changed their complexions, sucking in a breath of cold air, dumbfounded, in a state of astonishment, and fell into a trance and numbness.

"He...he...the lord of All Heavens Store!"

The ancestor of Zi Yue, the ancestor of Dongdi, the ancestor of Tie Mu, the ancestor of shaking the sky, mumbling in his mouth, I can't tell the whole story Words come.

Since the Primitive Universe came, they ignored the existence of Chu Bei for a while, and even almost forgot it.

Now, the appearance of the opponent reminds them of the scene where the opponent suppressed Zi Yue's ancestor not long ago.

"Isn't he the eternal True God? How could it resolve the World Beast's attack for us!"

"Even the Primitive Universe Master was defeated!"

Just as the faces of the Powerhouses in the Universe Sea were all puzzled, a buzzing roar came from far away in the sky.

Also at this brief moment, they suddenly discovered that the silhouette of the owner of All Heavens Store seemed to become unrealistic. There seemed to be an illusion and an illusion in their eyes, and the owner of All Heavens Store seemed to be changing.

Not only that, each Powerhouse sees a different scene.

He was seen by Powerhouse and turned into Boundless Starry Sky, encompassing countless universes larger than Primitive Universe.

When Powerhouse saw him, he turned into an old towering tree. Under the old tree, there is a Yin-Yang Symbol spinning, and there is a fat baby hovering all around it. Above the ancient tree, a golden bowl is inverted, and a green beam hangs down, among which there are hundreds of millions of silhouettes of worshiping images.

When Powerhouse saw him, there was a blazing flame burning all around, and there was a mysterious Fire Law. Seeing him by the Powerhouse, he is dazzling and has no body, as if it is made from the convergence of light, and also contains the Supreme Law.

When Powerhouse saw him, he moved Boundless Starry Sky with his fingers. When Powerhouse saw him, accompanied by Nine Heavens thunder, black, purple, green and other lightning were all over, and some lightning evolved into the appearance of the ancient Divine Beast. Just looking at it, he couldn't help but bow his head in worship.

When Powerhouse saw him, all around Senbai rays of light permeated, extending like a spider web in the emptiness Primal Chaos Space, causing it to split apart and then heal again and again. A Powerhouse saw him, dancing his right arm, and the entire sky above the Qingfeng realm collapsed. The long river seemed to bear an irresistible force of gravity, and it was hanging directly on the Star River like a Chutian waterfall.


"This...what the hell is going on!"

"Is the Lord of All Heavens Store really just the eternal True God?"

"Am I dazzled!"

A group of Cosmic Powerhouses stared at Chu Bei with their eyes widened, and their expressions became more and more tranced.

This scene is so weird!

The lord of All Heavens Store was clearly above their heads, but they tried their best to see Chu Bei's deity without breaking through the illusion.

Just as countless Powerhouse's faces were full of consternation discussions, there was a hum, and the illusion in their respective sights disappeared, and they once again saw the appearance of Chu Bei.

At this moment, Chu Bei has no energy fluctuations, no breath, and it feels like an ordinary person.

But if you look closely, there are subtle light dots beating around his body, and a different Universe World evolves in each light dot.

Every time these light spots beat, they will bring up hundreds of millions of flowers on the avenue, as well as an endless interpretation of the Star Region and Star River.

Whether it is the flower of the avenue, the Star Region or the Star River, they are all contained in that little light spot.

It is as strong as True God in the void, and the most Powerhouse in the universe. If you don't perceive those light spots carefully, it will be difficult to detect.

"You are blocking me!" Wang Po Suo looked at Chu Bei coldly with a cold voice.

Hearing the voice, Chu Bei glanced at King Po Suo, expressionless, without the slightest mood swing on his face, calm and composed.

His eyes are very indifferent, as if in his eyes, this breakthrough to Divine King Realm's Posuo King Capital can't be considered.

In the distant battlefield, Chu Bei carried behind with both hands, his indifferent gaze swept all around, calm as water. It seems that everything here can't stir his heartstrings.

"Be the master of this seat, this seat can be saved for you!"

Finally, Chu Bei looked towards the original direction of Primitive Universe.

Following that, a voice of overwhelming calmness and majesty sounded.

"What! The main of All Heavens Store let Primitive Universe recognize Master!"

"My God! The main of All Heavens Store, he is crazy!"


Hearing Chu Bei's words, the expressions of all the universe powerhouses suddenly startled, as if they had heard some unimaginable words.

The same is true for Powerhouses such as Zuishanke, Yuanzu, Primal Chaos City Lord, etc., staring at Chu Bei with surprise on his face.

"No matter who you are, it is impossible to think that I will serve you first!"

Primitive Universe trembles: "even more how, I know my own situation better than anyone else , It can’t be repaired at all! My life has come to an end, and everything will be handed over to the next reincarnation!"

Along with the Primitive Universe origin, the coldly snorted sound of anger falls, and one is intertwined by the laws of chaos. The resulting terrifying beam moved towards Chu Bei shot away.

hong long!

However, before this terrifying beam touches Chu Bei, it is directly squeezed into nothingness by an invisible force.

"Do you know the consequences of shooting this seat?"

At the same time as the chaotic beam annihilated, Chu Bei's icy voice wafted from the dark place.

Different from hearing Chu Bei's voice before, this time Cosmic Sea Powerhouse all trembled, as if they had fallen into an ice cellar, and the whole body was cold.

Almost at the same time, the origin of Primitive Universe was like being hit by an invisible terrorist force and flew out directly.

In an instant, the breath of Primitive Universe's origin fell to the bottom and almost died out.


Looking at the Primitive Universe's origin that keeps twitching in the distance and almost no breath, the powerhouses of the universe can't help but hold breath cold air.

Just as countless pairs of horrified eyes were cast on Chu Bei's body, the latter raised his right hand and waved it lightly.

next moment, a blooming avenue flower hovering above the dying Primitive Universe source.

The flower of the avenue rotates, and the splendid pollen is scattered, falling on the origin of the Primitive Universe.

In just a few seconds, the breath of the Primitive Universe's origin began to grow, and all around rose again to become colorful.

"This...this is restored!"

Perceiving the rapid recovery of the breath fluctuations of the Primitive Universe, the powerhouses of the universe looked at the flowers of the rotating avenue in a daze. Exposed the color of surprise.

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