Under the gaze of countless Powerhouses, within a few seconds, the Primitive Universe all around is once again full of colors, and the breath of life has returned to the state of Peak.

"This seat can also make you reborn, and it can also make you perish."

Chu Bei calmly looked at the Primitive Universe source, his expression from start to finish remained the same: "I will give you another chance to choose."


Chu Bei's voice fell, and the scene fell into deathly silence.

Not only the Universe Powerhouse, but the eyes of the World Beast army are all projected on the Primitive Universe.

The Primitive Universe trembles with a humming sound, and the chaos law is contained in the color enveloping all around.

If it is placed before, it is absolutely impossible to put down its body, because in its eyes, it is the Sovereign of this vast universe, and it is Supreme.

But since losing to the detached Queen Pusa, it has felt the approach of death. Not only that, just now, this All Heavens Store master’s shot made it enter the Death Gate level one second before, and the next second to restore it to the Peak state. It also made it clear comprehension there is Heaven beyond the Heaven. reason.

Under the terrifying power of the latter, it only feels like a grain of sand facing the endless desert, very small; it can’t give rise to any resistance at all, or it can be said that there is no resistance at all. The power of resistance.

The origin of Primitive Universe is in hesitation.

After a long while!

"I would like to serve you as the Lord."

The Primitive Universe made a choice. It looked towards Chu Bei, and a respectful voice floated across the dark place.

"You made a correct decision."

Chu Bei's voice sounded, and then I saw him flicks with the finger, and a white light sphere of his fingertips sank into the Primitive Universe The original body.

In an instant, the origin of Primitive Universe trembled, and the breath became riot, but it soon calmed down.

I noticed the white light sphere that seems to erupt in the power of Destruction at any time. The Primitive Universe's origin first sighed helplessly, but in a blink of an eye, there was a wave of breath of joy.

It suddenly discovered that the white light sphere that was penetrated into its body by the person in front of it can not only obliterate it at any time, but also continuously nourish it.

Under the nourishment of this power, it has an inexplicable self-confidence. Perhaps within ten thousand years, it will be able to transcend the Chaos Sovereign realm and enter the Divine King realm!

"The Master of Primitive Universe actually recognizes the master of All Heavens Store!"

"In other words, the master of All Heavens Store is now not only the owner of Human Race Guardian, it is the Sovereign of the Primitive Universe and even the vast universe!"

"This is too sudden!"


Hear In the words of Primitive Universe, the powerhouses of Cosmic Ocean took a long breath, and the gazes looking towards Chu Bei again became more and more astonished, and at the same time they carried a deep respect.

"The Primitive Universe actually recognizes the Master as the master." Luo Feng muttered to himself in a daze.

"Zai Shan Ke, senior, what realm is he now!" The original ancestor looked towards the Zu Shan Ke beside him and asked aloud.

"His divine force fluctuations are different from ours, I can't see through. Maybe it's the high-end Divine King, or maybe..." As he said, the voice of Zuoshanke broke off, and I saw He shook the head.

"You mean, he is probably the realm above the Divine King!" The original ancestor eyes shrank.

The mountain guest did not answer the call, it was just nodded.

At the same time, far away in the sky, Chu Bei's gaze moved away from the Primitive Universe's body, and looked towards a group of Cosmos Powerhouses.

A ray of light shines out, again bringing up a flower of the avenue.

The petals are floating, and the gorgeous pollen pouring on the body of the Universe Powerhouse with the refreshing fragrance of flowers.

In an instant, the whole body of the Cosmos Sea Powerhouse was wrapped in gorgeous rays of light, and the limbs and hundreds of skeletons had mysterious power flowing, repairing and nourishing their bodies.

"The sense of weakness is gone!"

"The injury from the original backlash of Primitive Universe was healed!"

"It was the senior who healed us! "


Perceiving the changes in the body, all the Powerhouses of Cosmic Sea were taken aback for a moment, then their faces were excited and extremely excited.

Afterwards, they moved towards Chu Bei cup one fist in the other hand, bowing and saluting, with gratitude in their eyes.

Chu Bei glanced across a group of Cosmos Powerhouses, and after nodded signaled, he looked towards King Posao.

"Who are you in the end!"

When Chu Bei's gaze was met, King Posuo's face sank.

With the questioning voice coming down, the king of Psao sharp claw swung abruptly, a black sickle cut the star dome, and instantly reached Chu Bei's.


However, the black sickle's destroying heaven extinguishing earth-like horrible breath has not yet dispersed, and it is torn apart by Chu Bei's gaze and exploded into a rain of light.

When he saw this, the king of Psao roared, and the huge mouths of both heads spit at the same time.

Hey! Huh! Huh!

Several black light waves were shot out, blasting towards Chu Bei from different directions.

Chu Bei's expression remains unchanged, from start to finish is a calm and composed posture.

It seems that in his eyes, what he is facing is not a Divine King, but an unremarkable ant.

Seeing that black light waves from different directions are about to block Chu Bei in all directions, a layer of colored ring of light appears on the surface of Chu Bei.

When these black light waves strike on the color ring of light, they bounce off instantly.

Afterwards, like the previous black sickle, it was annihilated by a strand of strength of Supreme and turned into a rain of light, disappearing.

"The Destruction of the Realm!"

Watching his own attack one after another was resolved, the expression of King Posuo became serious.

After that, I saw its body divided into two.

The two Posao Kings cast their eyes on Chu Bei at the same time, and the blood patterns on the body surface floated into huge blood patterns, forming two huge World Beasts of light. Two World Beasts of light, one on the left and the other on the right, spread out immediately after fuse together, and instantly enveloped the starry sky.

"This is the ultimate move to defeat Master Primitive Universe!"

"Master Sect Master can he take it?"

Look at the top of your head With the extremely bright terrifying Annihilation Light, the hearts of the Powerhouses of Cosmic Sea were all tense, and their expressions were extremely tense.

The battle on the battlefield is related to their life and death, to be precise, it is related to the survival of the entire universe!

Chu Bei wins, and the universe is unharmed; Chu Bei loses, and the universe is destroyed, entering the next era of reincarnation.

The original ancestors, Primal Chaos City Lord, Luo Feng and many other Human Race Powerhouses could not help but tighten their fists, with deep worries on their faces.

But when countless Powerhouses were nervously staring at the distant sky, a particularly abrupt colored ring of light suddenly lit up in the battlefield flooded by Annihilation Light.


The moment the colored ring of light appeared, it was like an endless swallowing Cave entrance, and I saw that Annihilation Light that defeated the Primitive Universe was crazy. Was sucked in.

In an instant, the dazzling Annihilation Light disappeared, and everything on the high-altitude battlefield returned to its previous appearance.

"My God! Is the colorful ring of light the means of the Lord of All Heavens Store? It actually absorbed all the destruction of the world that the Pusa King played!"

" In other words, the Lord of All Heavens Store really took it!"

"That was an attack that defeated Primitive Universe Master Yuan! The Lord of All Heavens Store not only swallowed it, but it also seems to have not How much effort!"

"What kind of cultivation realm is the Lord of All Heavens Store! Do you still think he is the eternal True God now?"



A group of Cosmos Powerhouses saw a scene in the battlefield again, and their eyes instantly fell on the peaceful Chu Bei, with expressions of consternation to the extreme.

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