"That Human Race, is it really from this era of reincarnation!" The World Beast army, including Brady, also showed incredible expressions at this brief moment.

"No...impossible! How can you take it!" In the battlefield, the two-headed Posao King lost self-control and muttered to himself.


With the roar, the two-headed Posao King once again looked towards the bottom, and the huge pupils shot out bloody glow.

"Whsuo, what do you want to do!"

"Damn it! Put your thoughts away!"

The eyes of the king of Psuo are eternal After the True God-level World Beast understood the other party's thoughts, their complexion was greatly changed one by one, and they all spoke out.

"The foreign race is now, this king needs you!"

The two-headed Posuo King's eyes are cold, without the slightest feeling: "Jie Tun!"

With Sen Han The voice fell, and the black giant web intertwined by the laws of chaos reappeared, and the breath on it was even more terrifying than before.

In an instant, a huge black net enveloped the World Beast army.


Not long after, a mournful scream sounded, and wailing in pain.

"Washing, a king in the era of reincarnation! You violated the principle and cannibalize us before we grow up. You will not end well!"

Including Brady The eternal True God-class World Beast, looked at the King Posao very angrily, with a strong killing intent in his roar.

Different from the previous, when dealing with the Primitive Universe's origin requires detachment, the King Pusa only swallowed the origins of other World Beasts; but this time, it was swallowed together with vitality.

bang bang bang!

The body of World Beast exploded one after another, turning into energy flowing along the giant net into the body of King Posuo.

First the Universe Lord level, then the True God level, and then the Void True God level.

At the end, even the eternal True God-class World Beast began to explode and turned into the nourishment of the King Posuo.

I don't know how long it took, and the king of Pusa took back the giant net as if he was full.

Look at the World Beast that is still alive below, including Brady, there are less than ten, and all of them are Peak Eternal True God level.

In the process, Chu Bei didn't stop him. He looked at the Pusa King as if he were watching a play, letting his breath continue to become more and more terrifying.

long long long!

In the battlefield, the bodies of the two wandering kings trembled violently, causing a strange buzzing sound.

At the same time, haemorrhage purple haze appeared all over the body.

When the blood purple mist dissipated, King Pusa seemed to have advanced again, and his body was actually covered with a layer of blood purple armor.

At the same time, two points of purple light are projected from the part of its eyes. Afterwards, amidst the sound of friction, a fierce and violent breath that shook the sky and the earth was several times higher than the previous one permeated.

"Divine King is high-level!"

Feeling the horrible divine force fluctuations released by the Posuo King, the face of the sitting mountain guest suddenly changed, and the subconsciously exclaimed in his mouth.

The original ancestors, Primal Chaos City Lord and other universe powerhouses, although they don’t know Divine King this realm, they can clearly judge from the breath of the Posuo King at this moment that the latter’s Compared with the previous strength, it has been terrifying to several levels.


A terrifying and stunning Divine Soul resounded like a huge roar from the ancient Great Desolate, resounding throughout the dim place. Terrifying sound waves echoed between the dry mountains, and the star dome shattered and shook.

At this moment, the roar of the Posuo King was embarrassingly cruel and tyrannical, full of endless destruction and killing. The source of the roar is to represent the most terrifying disaster in the world.

"It's over."

Primitive Universe trembles, sending out a wisp of Divine Sense.

"No matter what your background is, this king wants you to die!"

The roar of the Posuo King shook the sky, it set off, and the deity turned into a black glow and rushed towards Chu Bei.

At this moment, not only the dim place, as far as the entire Qingfeng realm, the entire vast universe, under its breath, became distorted, and seemed to be on the verge of destruction.

"Did you underestimate this seat, or overestimate yourself?"

As soon as the roar of the Posuo King fell, Chu Bei's joking voice followed.

hong long long!

Facing all around the distorted and collapsed void, Chu Bei looked on remain unmoved. When its flat voice fell, its right hand slowly lifted, moving towards the front and patted it.

This palm seemed soft and weak, but at the moment it was shot, the distorted space that was originally caused by the king of Pusa suddenly stopped.

Then, a palm print quickly zoomed in, and when greeted with the black glow that King Posao had transformed, it seemed to have become a huge monster covering the sky.


The black glow transformed by King Po Suo hit the huge monster, and it stopped abruptly. The terrifying matchless impact disappeared all of a sudden, and only a low collision sound was heard.

The five fingers of the colorful giant palm are held inward to bring out the dazzling rays of light. The black glow reappeared like King Posao, it seemed to be aware of the crisis, but when it was preparing to escape, the energy contained in the colorful giant palm suddenly stopped the starry sky, and everything was imprisoned.


The colored giant palm was held tightly, and the king of Psao suddenly let out a scream, his expression distorted in pain, as if he was suffering intolerable torture.

Looking at it, in the huge body of the King Posao, several strands of power such as fiery flame, rolling thunder, and Void Power are intertwined, destroying and tearing every area of ​​its body at the same time.

When these powers penetrated into every cell of King Pasa, there was another loud noise.

In the screaming and wailing, the huge body of Pusa King exploded and turned into dark golden flesh and blood.

In the process, it is clear that there is a fuzzy phantom trying to escape, but before it goes far, he is confined by the ripples scattered by the colorful giant palm, and then torn apart.

Gradually, the colorful giant palm slowly disappeared, and the battlefield at a high altitude became quiet.

If it weren't for the still floating flesh and blood, and the gap in the starry sky that has not yet recovered, why hasn't it happened?

After a while, the battlefield below also fell into dead silence.

Whether it is a cosmic powerhouse or the dying World Beast, they all stared at Chu Bei high in the sky in a daze.

Although they have tried to think that there might be such a result, when they really saw this scene, they still had difficulty concealing their inner consternation.

If it is said that at the time of the death of the Psuo King, among all the Powerhouses in the Dark Land, the most emotionally fluctuating is the mountain guest.

He stared at Chu Bei in the sky, and his body trembled slightly.

"Is that guy dead?"

Brady and other eternal True God-class World Beast looked at each other in blank dismay, glanced over the floating flesh and blood, and muttered Sound, with an indescribable expression on his face.

Although the King Posuo cannibalized them, they wished to smash them into pieces, but now they witnessed King Posuo's death, but there is a sense of resistance in their hearts. This is not what they want. result.

Posao Wangsheng, these few World Beasts that survived can still survive. However, the Posuo King is dead, and their endings will inevitably be the same as each other.

The facts are indeed as they thought, the mysterious person far away in the sky, his eyes fell on them.

The other party took a palm shot, and the dim place was directly illuminated by the dazzling colored rays of light.

bang bang bang!

Amidst a series of explosions, the remaining World Beast such as Brady came to an end.

Under the palm of Chu Bei, everything turned into nothingness.

"We won! The Lord of All Heavens Store won!"

"All World Beasts are dead!"

"Our universe does not need to be destroyed ! Everything is over!"

"very good!"


Finally, a group of cosmic powerhouses came back to his senses from the trance , First glanced at the blood and flesh of the Posuo King that was still floating, and then glanced at the place where Brady, who had turned into nothingness, and World Beast, one by one began to cheer with excitement.

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