In the dim place, the excited expressions of the powerhouses in the universe are like avoided a catastrophe.

At the end, all Powerhouses such as Zi Yue, Dongdi, Tie Mu, Shaking ancestor, etc., looked at each other and exchanged their eyes. At the same time, they moved towards Chu Bei solemnly. bow.

In addition to gratitude, the gaze is more of respect for Powerhouse.

Under the eyes of countless worshippers, Chu Bei put his hands behind him, and walked back to Luo Feng's side.



Luo Feng and Primal Chaos City Lord have just spoken, but they have not finished speaking, a silhouette He knelt down in front of Chu Bei with a puff.


Looking at the action of Ziashanke, it is not only Primal Chaos City Lord and original ancestor, but Zi Yue ancestor, Dongdi ancestor, Tie The ancestor of Mu and other Cosmos Powerhouses were also shocked.

"What's wrong with Zuishanke!"

"It's the first time I saw him so lost self-control!"

"What the hell does he want to do? ??"

There was Universe Sea Powerhouse staring at the mountain guest, and couldn't help but speak out.

Sitting on the mountain, there is a mysterious existence in the universe, knowing everything.

No one knows his origins, and no one knows his body cultivator, but one thing is certain, the strength of the opponent is terrifying matchless, no less than the most powerful Powerhouse in any universe.

"Senior, have you detached from Divine King Realm and stepped into the higher level of realm?"

The mountain guest kneeled in front of Chu Bei and couldn't help but speak , The name of the latter has also changed. There was a vibrato in his words, and his expression was a little nervous.

"Didn't you already have the answer in your heart? Otherwise, why would you kneel down for this seat?" Chu Bei held up the mountain guest with a smile on his mouth.

"Senior, I have something to ask for! If you can avenge me, I would like to be the same as the Primitive Universe, and serve you as the Lord." The mountain guest looked serious.

"It's not necessary."

Chu Bei shook the head, pointed at Luo Feng, and said: "It's just after this seat has helped you, this seat is not there. Sun, you must guide this discipline well."

Sit Shanke glanced at Luo Feng, without any hesitation, immediately heavily nodded, and then ignited a killing flame that had hidden countless years in his eyes.

"Let's talk." Chu Bei's calm voice sounded.

"senior, I am the Divine King of Origin Continent."

As soon as I spoke, the cosmic Powerhouses were stunned and their mouths were big. Zhang.

"God...Divine King!"

"This, how is this possible!"

"Doesn’t it mean that the strength of this mountain guest is still Above the Primitive Universe Master, it is comparable to the King Posao!"

"Why didn't he make a move before, but just be a spectator!"

"Also, what he said Where is Origin Continent?"


The powerhouses in the universe are confused.

"I'll tell you what you don't know."

Sit Shanke's gaze swept across the curious-faced cosmic Powerhouse, and there were complexities in his eyes. color.

Hearing this, the powerhouses of the universe are quiet, and listen upright.

"At the end of the universe, there is a continent called Origin Continent. There are ancient civilizations that you have never been in contact with, and there are countless powerhouses beyond True God." The guest captain exhaled and began to speak.

"I remember, Primitive Universe Master Yuan also mentioned this Origin Continent!"

"No wonder I am a little familiar too!"

When I heard Origin Continent from the ears of Zuoshanke again, a group of Cosmos Powerhouses seemed to recall something, and they couldn't help but all looked towards the origin of Primitive Universe.

Before going to this dim place, the Primitive Universe source also told the owner of All Heavens Store that if the other party can solve the problem of World Beast for him, he will take the other party to Origin Continent.

Just now it seems that this has become a joke, and the other party has already regarded the latter as the main thing.

Moreover, the latter's strength is not only in this universe, even if it is placed in Origin Continent, it is definitely pinnacle or even beyond Peak.

Otherwise, how can this self-proclaimed Divine King sit for the latter?

Primitive Universe Primitive Universe ignored the gazes of the Powerhouse of the Universe Sea. The huge pupils shot out a ray of light, locked on the mountain guest, with the same strangeness, as if to see the other person through.

"The world of Jin is yours?"

There is Universe Sea Powerhouse thinking of that kind of humanoid huge monster, tentatively opened the mouth and said.

Sit mountain guest nodded: "On Origin Continent, I grew up in a tribe and was absorbed into a sect. In the sect, I fell in love with my Senior Sister and married her. Since In those endless years, I rose step by step, taking sect as the backing, and finally established Jin Kingdom based on sect, and I was the Lord of Jin Kingdom."

Speaking of which, sit on the mountain. The guest shook his head again and sighed: "It's a pity that there is no eternal prosperity. After the endless years of security, the food country raided my Jin country, killed my wife, killed my courtier brother, and destroyed my Jin country! Everything about me is ruined in the food. In the hands of the country."

In the end, madness and hatred burned in the eyes of the sitting mountain guest, and he could no longer suppress the killing intent hidden in his body.

Hearing this, the Cosmo Sea Powerhouse sighed, looking towards the gaze of Zuo Shan Ke, allowing some pity.

The relatives who have known each other for endless years and the country they created have been destroyed. I am afraid that only those who have experienced it can truly understand this pain.

"Although there are three Divine Kings in the Food Kingdom, they are extremely difficult to kill when they reach this realm. Even though the three of them joined forces, I still escaped and escaped into the universe of this dimension. ."

When the Cosmos Sea Powerhouse quieted down, the mountain guest continued: "It’s just that my Divine Soul was hit hard, and it’s hard to maintain Divine Physique. The world you see is the world of Jin. My Divine Physique. And the me in front of you now is just a ray of Divine Consciousness, without the strength of Divine King."

"What is the dimensional space?"

Some Powerhouse caught the key points in Zuoshanke’s words, and hurriedly asked.

"Origin Continent is called Origin Continent because it is the origin of all dimensional spaces. In Origin Continent, there are three thousand dimensional spaces, and within each dimensional space there is a sea of ​​universe. There is also a Primitive Universe in each universe." The mountain guest will solve the puzzles for the universe of Powerhouses.

"What? There are three thousand universe seas!"

"Then how can I reach Origin Continent? Just moved towards the depths of the universe sea until the end?" The original ancestor asked.

The rider shook his head and said: "Every universe and sea has a reincarnation passage. When the strength reaches the Void True God, you can pass the reincarnation passage and reach Origin Continent."

"How many Divine Kings are on that continent?" Tie Mu's ancestor asked.

"After countless years of change and powerhouses from three thousand universes, the number of Divine Kings may have exceeded one hundred. Divine Kings can be divided into 6th-Rank, and above it is Divine King Realm."

Speaking of this, the mountain guest looked towards Chu Bei: "It is the senior your realm, but as far as I know, the most powerful powerhouse of Origin Continent is only the Divine King 6th-Rank."

As soon as I finished speaking, the mountain guest seemed to have thought of something, and continued: "But at the end of Origin Continent, there is a mysterious seater! According to rumors, as long as he can be defeated, he Go to the vast and vast Great World! It's a pity that this mysterious seater is extremely terrifying, and Divine King 6th-Rank can't help him."

"Mysterious seater? The broader world ?"

"Has no one ever defeated him?"

Primal Chaos City Lord, the original ancestor had curiosity in his eyes.

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