
The pupils of the three-headed Demon God shrank suddenly. It hasn't understood what happened yet, a ripple giant palm Swept over.

After a while, there was a scream.

Under this rippling giant palm, this terrifying breath of the three-headed Demon God's body was cracked across the board, flew out and exploded at the same time, turning into a pile of flesh and blood floating in the sky.

"What's going on!"

"What happened just now!"

"Master Guardian Beast...it's dead!"

"Who the hell is it! The guardian beast, it has already entered the chaotic Sovereign state. It is the most Powerhouse outside of the three monarchs of the food country!"


Wang With the flesh and blood floating in the distance, and the disappearing three-headed Demon God breath, all around the Powerhouse of Food Country that poked out their heads suddenly trembled, and their hearts were chilling.

After that, I could not help but cast my gaze on the entire group of Chu Bei, Zuoshanke, etc., looking back and forth, as if to find the person who killed the Three-headed Demon God.

"Many thanks Senior!"

The mountain guest looked blankly at the flesh and blood of the three-headed Demon God in the distance, respectfully moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand.

Chu Bei moved towards the sitting mountain guest slightly nod as a gesture, after easily solving the three-headed Demon God in the Chaos Sovereign realm, right hand turned the fist and moved towards the strikes ahead.

A seemingly inattentive punch, at the moment the punch was thrown out, the horror of the fist face appeared in an unusual form, and the spewing spatial ripples turned into thousands of Ancient Divine Beasts, rushing out rushing straight to the depths of the food country Place.

"Who dares to disturb the king's long sleep!"

With the low voice of coldly shouted from the Palace of Food Kingdom, three divine glows rushed into the sky, and in an instant, in the sky far away. Into Three Small Worlds.

Looking intently, there is a silhouette in each Small World. They are all dressed in Golden robes and golden crowns. They are dressed fairly uniformly, showing their majesty.

These three silhouettes are the three monarchs of the food country and the three most terrifying overlords of the food country’s cultivation base. They have all entered the Divine King realm!

"It's the three old fellows of Food Country."

"It's really Interesting."

"Who has such a great ability to make them all born. "


Just as the voice of the three kings of the food kingdom fell, Origin Continent's various countries and regions burst out one or two of the same terrifying breath.

Immediately afterwards, these silhouettes rose into the sky and appeared in the sky above their respective countries.

Looking at it, their all around are all self-contained worlds.

Judging from their clothes, they are obviously the kings of major countries.

At this moment, one by one looked at the territory of the food country as if they were watching a movie.

As more and more Divine Kings were alarmed, the entire Origin Continent Powerhouse was a sensation, and I looked at the silhouette of the world in the sky in amazement.

"King Jin! You really are not dead!"

"Haha, outlaw, dare to come back from the universe!"

"So, then Kill you today!"

Huo Ran, the Senhan eyes of the three kings of the food kingdom focused on the mountain guest at the same time, and the fierce killing intent surged like an ocean.

"It turned out to be him! No wonder there will be a familiar feeling."

"I witnessed that battle with my own eyes. The food country raided, the army of Jin was defeated, this Jin Wang’s wife and brother were all killed, and he was the only one who fled and disappeared."

"Yes, it’s been too long and I thought he was dead. I have to say that this King Jin is also a man. Poor guy."


Hearing the words of the three kings of the food kingdom, the crowd of onlookers seemed to remember something, and their eyes fell on the seat. Shanke's body.

As for other Powerhouses, the same is true, full of consternation.

"The blood feud back then should be reported today!"

In the face of the three kings of the State of Food, there is no fear on the face of the sitting mountain guest, bloodshot eyes are full of blood, with the same Thick killing intent.

"Only with you now?"

Hearing the words of Zuoshanke, the three kings of the food country are like hearing the funniest joke in the world, coldly Snorted fell, and one of the kings a finger pointed.

With a loud bang, the energy in the Small World that the king himself transformed into a violent rage, constantly compressed at his fingertips, and finally formed an energy arrow, in which the Divine King law circulated.

One arrow shot, whether it was behind or the void in front of the arrow pointed at it, all collapsed.


However, when the arrow carrying the terrifying power was about to penetrate the mountain guest, it was like hitting a rebound force, suddenly turned around, moved towards the food country. The king shot away.

Looking at its imposing manner, not only did it not come down, but it became more terrifying.

Seeing this, the king of the State of Food eyes suddenly shrank, a flash of surprise flashed in his eyes, obviously something unexpected.

hong long!

The king of the state of food hurriedly squeezed his punches and strikes.

With a loud noise, the Small World that it evolved not only collapsed in an instant, it also suffered the impact of on the arrow carrying terrifying energy, and the whole person flew out and collapsed. The void.


While witnessing this scene, whether it is the Divine King Powerhouse or other Powerhouses onlookers, all are astonished and lost their voices, with an unbelievable expression, as if they had seen something impossible. .

"So you came here prepared!"

"Is he your backing? The death of the three heads is also related to him!"

After the king of the food kingdom stabilized the stature, he first glanced at the sitting mountain guest coldly, and then fixed his gaze on Chu Bei's body, allowing some dignity on his face.

"Be cautious, let's go together!"

At this time, another king of the food country spoke, and he also stared at Chu Bei, his eyes were cold, every word Clank.

Obviously, from the previous energy fluctuations, he noticed Chu Bei's not simple.

Hearing the sound, the other two food kingdom masters looked at each other, and after making some exchange of eyes, they said: "Then join forces to kill him first, and then solve King Jin!"

"These three old fellows are still so shameless, do they want to play three against one!"

"It can't be wrong to see this formation. If it was one-on-one back then, none of them might not be Can you beat the guy Jin Wang."

"But then, can you tell the realm of the guy Jin Wang brought back? Divine King First Rank? 2nd-Rank? Or 3rd-Rank, 4th -Rank?"

"How could it be 4th-Rank! Above the 4th-Rank, they are all trying to beat the Guardian at Origin Poe. How can I have the time to intervene in this kind of thing."

"Regardless of this battle, the guy invited by King Jin is destined to be famous as Origin Continent."


Looking at the territory of Food Country Above, the three silhouettes rising in the imposing manner at the same time, the Divine King's words were smiling while watching the show.


Suddenly, the monarch of the food kingdom who was blasted off by Chu Bei first uttered a shout, and then squeezed out a fist mark of terrifying matchless. The bombardment hit Chu Bei.


The second king of the food kingdom also took action. He didn't hide his clumsiness, so he directly used the strongest move treasure!

This is one of the seven famous swordsmanship in Origin Continent, with unparalleled attack power.

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