On the battlefield, I saw the emperor dancing with his hands, the law intertwined into a light and shadow, his body is small, but his palm is long, the whole body is pitch black like black jade, and the black light is little bit.

This is a sword fetus, no stronghold one cannot overcome, cut Demonic Killer cents.


Sword cry sounded, and the slapped sword fetus shot at Chu Bei.

In an instant, the sky was vast, the Divine King law broke out, and the air of destruction swept Above the Heavens and Under the Earth.

The third king of the food kingdom also shot. He condensed the divine force into a divine spear and shot it, and the goal was directed at Chu Bei.

Looking at the three Divine King attacks from different directions, Chu Bei laughed, and there was no trace of fear on his face. I saw his right hand pinched, and three nine-color Dao flowers emerged, welcoming the fist print, sword tire and divine spear respectively.


First, there was a metal explosion, and the sword tire collapsed; then, the fist mark turned into a rain of light and dissipated; finally, the divine spear shattered and scattered in pieces. .

"who the hell are you!"

I personally felt the terrifying power rippling from the nine-color Daohua, and the three kings of the food country trembled suddenly.

Especially the two kings who had not been in contact with Chu Bei's energy before, and there was a thick surprise in their pupils.

"The dying person, even if you know who you are, what is the point?" Chu Bei glanced at the three kings of the country, with a smile in his words.

hong long long!

Just as Chu Bei's voice fell, three nine-color Taoist flowers had appeared in front of the three kings of the kingdom of food.

Suddenly, amid the loud noise, three powers detached from the Divine King Realm turned into an energy storm and swept the space where the three kings of the food kingdom were.

Boom, boom, bang!

In an instant, three low-pitched explosions floated from above the territory of the food kingdom, echoing in every corner of Origin Continent.


Whether it is the Divine King Powerhouse watching the battle, or other Powerhouses, one by one staring at the energy storm above the territory of the Eater Country, all are dumbfounded.

It can be vaguely seen that in the energy storm, the bodies of the three kings of the state of food exploded again and again, bringing up patches of bright blood.

In just a few breaths, during the energy storm, the three kings of the Kingdom of Food exploded and regrouped twenty-six times!

Watching this scene, Powerhouse of Food Country became numb, and his eyes were staring out of surprise.

They couldn't believe that their Supreme King would one day fall into such a predicament.


"No matter who you are, I want you to die!"

Suddenly, the energy storm has spread out from the food country one after another The three kings roared with a terrible killing intent.


At this moment, a metal tremolo sounded in the energy storm, like dragon roar.

next moment, a long sword cut through the energy storm, and the three kings of the food country walked out of it.

This is a purple sword about seven feet long, showing off one's ability, divine light dazzling, the sword body has a variety of weird patterns and flickering, it is a piece that will make the impression at a glance A deep weapon of terror. The sword body trembled, and its voice was cold, making soul tremble.

This is a Supreme weapon that transcends the Divine King weapon!

It carries a killing intent, which violates immortal dao harmony, spreads out, turns into a weapon of punishment, and is held in the hands of a king of food.


In addition to the purple sword, there is also an azure round mirror emerging from across the sky!

In the round mirror, the mountains and rivers are magnificent, and the big stars turn, presenting a complete Great World, which is extremely real.

It is so quietly horizontal in front of the other three kings of the food kingdom, but there is a terrifying breath permeating, as if to suppress the universe.


There is another metal roar. A long bow appeared in the hand of the last king of the food kingdom, the bow body all around thousands of brilliant rays of light flowing, with the breath of time. The bowstring fluctuates, and the power that is no less than the purple sword and the azure round mirror exploded.

"Purple Maple Sword, Shifang Mirror, and Nether Bow!"

"The guy invited back by King Jin actually forced the Three Kings of Food Kingdom to use these three Supreme magic That’s it!"

"No matter what the final result is, Shiguo has suffered a blood loss this time!"

"Once magic is used, it will take millions of years to use it next time. After that!"


The other Divine Kings onlookers recognized the magic used by the three kings of the food kingdom at a glance. After being shocked and astonished, they all had their faces Only the expression of taking pleasure in other people's misfortune is left.

"Three Immortal Emperor soldiers, Interesting."

Chu Bei faintly glanced at the swords, round mirrors, and long bows in the hands of the three kings of the food kingdom, and noticed that they were circulating. A touch of surprise flashed in his eyes. But that's only the case, there is still no fear at all.

If it was the original weapon of the Immortal Emperor's enlightenment, he might have to take it a bit more seriously, but if it was just a weapon refined by the Immortal Emperor, it wouldn't be in his eyes.

It just made him a little curious about why the Immortal Emperor soldiers appeared on the Origin Continent.


At this time, the three kings of the State of Food took action.

The first king held a purple maple sword, swept a purple beam, penetrated the sky, penetrated the sky, and brought up a piece of Divine King's law, which bloomed like fireworks. The tip of the sword dazzled with divine light, vaguely carrying a power that surpassed the Divine King Realm.

The second king embraced the ten-square mirror, oh la la made a sound, all around the void instantly collapsed. The sound of sacrificial offerings sounded in it, clear and magnificent, and breathtaking. The world in the mirror is smelted together, forming a ring beam that is compressed to the extreme and shoots out from the mirror, and the target is directed at Chu Bei.

The third king holds a bow and a string, and an arrow that hooks the Origin Continent Supreme Law is formed, bringing a buzzing sound.

At this moment, the imposing manner of the three kings of the food kingdom has risen to the extreme, urging the Immortal Emperor to attack Chu Bei from different directions.

"This is the end."

Chu Bei is still calm, hunting in a purple robe.

The indifferent voice filled with Supreme's majesty fell, and a colorful river suddenly appeared under his feet. The river was tumbling, and mysterious lines lit up one after another, continuously intertwining and blending.

At this time, the attack of the three kings of the food kingdom has come.

The purple maple sword swept across, the terrifying gas of attack turned into densely packed lines, like a purple sword edge, moved towards Chu Bei surrounded; in the ten-square mirror, thousands of different brilliance enveloped the void, brilliance four Even if the Powerhouse in the Chaos Sovereign realm touches these brilliance, the fleshy body and Primordial Spirit will immediately burst into pieces; the Nether bow and arrow are shot out, and the bright sky is suddenly dark, wail like ghosts and howl like wolves.

Under the power of these three Great Immortal Emperor Artifacts, even if the same realm watched the Divine King Powerhouse, his heart could not help but feel heavy and his face was solemn.

The gazes looking towards Chu Bei are full of sympathy and pity.

However, when these three Great Immortal Emperor Artifacts were about to hit and engulf Chu Bei, a golden disc appeared behind the latter, and then the hundreds of millions of divine glow in the center of the disc flew out. , Quickly intertwined with each other.

After forming a giant palm, simply and straightforwardly moved towards the Three Great Immortal Emperor Artifacts and the three kings of the Kingdom of Food. Wherever the giant palm has passed, the scene of worship by hundreds of millions of people can be clearly seen.


The purple sword edge of the Purple Maple Sword, which was transformed by the gas of attack, was instantly shattered by the giant palm, and then the brilliance of the mountains and rivers of the ten-square mirror was also instantly shattered, and finally it was the Nether Bow and Arrow.

The breakage of the three Great Immortal Emperor Artifact attacks is just the beginning.

The giant palm interwoven by billions of gorgeous rays of light continued to sweep, and when it hit the three Great Immortal Emperor Artifacts, the latter collapsed like tofu, transforming into the Immortal Emperor, and the light rain dissipated.


Looking at the annihilated Immortal Emperor soldiers in his hands, the pupils of the three kings of the food kingdom shrank suddenly, and a sense of fear rose in the mind.

But before they are ready to attack again, the divine force in their bodies is imprisoned, and they can only watch the terrifying giant palm take pictures.

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