[3-Star King Level forces: nether shadow church established]

It was there that the Third Stage Immortal King shook his head and gave up continuing the assessment and flew out of the assessment area, including The entire Baihua Dizhou including Blue Wave Mountain is blooming with flowers of avenues.

The petals are intertwined, forming a line of eye-catching and bright characters in the air.

"Actually, I think he should continue the assessment! Maybe he can build a 6-Star King Level power."

"For the Third Stage Immortal King, it is still too risky Fortunately, if it fails, it will be the end of body dies and Dao disappears."

"In the end, because I am too confident, are there few Supreme Powerhouses that die in this assessment? Have you forgotten the fall of the Ninth Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor?"


On the square, a numerous cultivators Powerhouse is looking at the Third Stage Immortal King flying out discuss spiritedly.

"Next, come in!"

A cultivator of Yuantian Pavilion spoke, and as its voice fell, another Immortal King Realm Powerhouse flew into the assessment area.

No matter who enters the arena, the assessments before and after are the same. At first, there are a group of True Immortal creatures, and then there are two giants of the same Immortal King.

This Fourth Stage Immortal King, like the previous Third Stage Immortal King, chose to give up after defeating the giant and established a 3-Star King Level force.

"Next, come in!"

A member of Yuantian Pavilion spoke again.


This is an ongoing process.

With the shouts of Yuantian Pavilion cultivator, the Powerhouses who lined up to assess the forces entered the arena in turn.

"It's a similar process."

Chu Bei glanced at the core area assessment, and after muttering to himself, he flew to a source sky with three Honorary Disciples. Pavilion cultivator.

Different from the assessment area, the place where the registration line is located is in the middle area of ​​Canglang Square.

"The name of the power that Bao Shang wants to create." The Yuantian Pavilion cultivator glanced at Chu Bei. There was only one question.

"All Heavens Store."

Chu Bei's answer is also very simple.

"Go in line." The Yuantian Pavilion cultivator didn't take a look at Chu Bei, and looked towards the next person after speaking.

"Look at that person! Are you familiar!"

"It's the person Dark Demon Palace is looking for!"

"Quick...Quickly... Go tell Dark Demon Palace! In this way, Dark Demon Palace will owe us a Favor!"

"He is still in the central area, not under the protection of Yuantian Pavilion, don't beat the grass to scare the snake!"


In a short while, the eyes of a cultivator in the crowd fell on Chu Bei's body. When Chu Bei's appearance was clearly seen, The cultivator was taken aback first, then his face was full of excitement.

A little bit of time goes by.

Several people passed the rating assessment during this period. Of course, all of them were King Level forces.

As of the arrival of Chu Bei, the highest-rated power is nothing but a nine-star King Level created by Ninth Stage Immortal King Peak. From start to finish, a Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouse did not play.

xiū xiū xiū!

At this moment, countless divine rainbows swept from the distant starry sky, and finally hovered over the central area of ​​Canglang Square.

Looking at the divine rainbow, these divine rainbows are wearing the same clothes. They are all dressed in black and gray robes. The robes are made of special materials and have black channel shrouded, which gives people a kind of eerie horror. The sense of direct vision.

Recognizing the identities of these people, one of the numerous cultivators in the Central District suddenly appeared astonished, with an incredible face. The Yuantian Pavilion cultivator located in the central area also frowned, his face a little dignified.

"Dark Demon Palace's ghost forest and Nether Fire! How can they appear here!"

"The people who come here are all like us who are preparing to create power!"

"Do they have any purpose here?"

"This Blue Wave Mountain is the site of Yuantian Pavilion! No matter how strong Dark Demon Palace is, I dare not fight Blue Wave Mountain. Idea."

"As far as I know, Dark Demon Palace is frantically looking for who, is it possible that the person they are looking for is here?"


In the central area of ​​the square, the eyes of a number of cultivators focused on the people who came to Dark Demon Palace, and they were all suspicious.

"We are here at Dark Demon Palace only to find people, and will never break the rules of Yuantian Pavilion." Guisen and Nether Fire moved towards Yuantian Pavilion and all the staff hugged the cup one. fist in the other hand said.

"You can't step into the assessment area, we don't care about the others." An old man in Yuantian Pavilion said, his voice was a little hoarse, but it was terrifying Divine Soul.

Gui Sen and Nether Fire nodded signaled, and then scanned the entire central area of ​​the square.

It didn't take long for them to find their target, with a happy smile on their faces.

After that, terrifying breath fluctuations emerged from the surface of the two human bodies, which appeared in unusual forms such as Star River and stars.

Next, the two of them didn't have any scruples, and directly moved towards Chu Bei's location and took a palm shot.

"Damn it!"

"They didn't even let us go!"

The faces of the Powerhouses located in Chu Bei all around suddenly looked like It became difficult to look, immediately moved towards far away and flew away.

In an instant, only Chu Bei master and disciple remained in that space.

Because the movement made by Guisen and Nether Fire was big enough, even the Powerhouse in the inner zone was shocked, and each one cast surprised eyes.


It's just that these two terrifying attacks, before they fell on the Chu Bei master and disciple, were blocked by an invisible force, and then burst into nothingness.

"Actually... I took it!"

"Guisen and Nether Fire are both Sixth Stage Immortal Kings! Could it be said that that person is the Seventh Stage Immortal King, or even the Seventh Stage Immortal King? In the 8th layer Immortal King and Ninth Stage Immortal King?"

"He is who! Is he here to create a power too?"

Looking at the two broken palm prints, A group of Powerhouses showed incredible colors, and they looked at Chu Bei again, allowing some stunned eyes.

In this brief moment, Guisen and Nether Fire frowned, their faces suddenly becoming solemn and hard to look.


Almost at the same time, Guisen and Nether Fire reached a consensus.

Although neither of them did their best in the attack just now, it can be judged from this blow that this person's strength is definitely above them.

Only from the previous picture, they made a mistake in their judgment!

Able to disintegrate their attack as easy as blowing off dust, at least the 8th layer Immortal King!

With the strength of the two of them, no matter how they unite, they will definitely not be opponents of each other.

"Dark Demon Palace people? I won't provoke you, but you are looking for it again."

However, it does not wait for Guisen, Nether Fire and the rest of Dark Demon Palace. The Powerhouse pierced through Tianyu and left, and a cold and indifferent voice rang in their ears.

Next moment, a layer of colorful ripples surfaced outside their bodies, no matter how difficult they were to move, the power of the Immortal King in their bodies was also imprisoned.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the bodies of Guisen, Nether Fire, and other Dark Demon Palace Powerhouses burst apart, without even the screams Sent, and Divine Soul was blasted into nothingness by color ripples.


On the square, a number of cultivators Powerhouse was stunned, staring blankly at the location where Guisen, Nether Fire and the others passed away, with a dazed expression. numbness.

They couldn't believe that the two Sixth Stage Immortal Kings fell so suddenly, and the person who shot didn't even move.

If it weren't for the reverberating explosion, they even thought they had hallucinations.

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