"Quasi-Immortal Emperor?"

A cultivator came back to his senses on the square, asking for suspicion.

"I have seen the Quasi-Immortal Emperor in Baihua Dizhou, but he does not exist! Could it be said that he is from another state?" An Immortal King stared at Chu Bei and said aloud Tao.

"By the way, why did the people at Dark Demon Palace arrest him!" Another Powerhouse spoke with puzzled eyes.

Not only these Powerhouses who came to participate in the assessment and assessment in the field, but also the gazes of numerous cultivators looking towards Chu Bei in Yuantian Pavilion have also changed, so pay more attention.

"Master, they should have come for dísciple." Bu Xuan said with his head held high, biting his lip.

"After the establishment of the All Heavens Store, I will take a trip to the Dark Demon Palace as a teacher." Chu Bei smiled and touched Mobuxuan's head.

Gradually, everything on the square returned to normal, and everyone’s attention began to be placed on the assessment of the inner area.

"Next, come in!" After a quarter of an hour, the Yuantian Pavilion cultivator said again.

After that, a youth man wearing a purple robe who appeared to be in his twenties flew into the examination area covered by spherical ripples.

"He is finally here!"

"He will be able to judge his strength soon!"

"It should be Super King Level, no accident Forces, even 3-Star super King Level!"

On the square, when all the Powerhouses saw the silhouettes flying into the assessment area, they all showed expectation.

hong long!

With a loud noise in the spherical area, the hustle and bustle of the square disappeared and silence was replaced by silence.

At this moment, all the Powerhouses on the square were holding their breath, their eyes focused on Chu Bei's body.

weng weng weng!

In the rumbling sound, an army of ancient creatures composed of True Immortal strength appeared, roaring in the mouth, hiding the sky and covering the earth like killing Chu Bei.

In the face of this locust-like army of ancient creatures, Chu Bei's expression did not change at all, nor did he move.

But even if they didn't do anything like this, the army of ancient creatures who saw that they were about to come in front of Chu Bei made a bang, as if they were suddenly hit by an invisible force.

The power level of this invisible force is far above Immortal.

In an instant, the army of ancient creatures disappeared, leaving Chu Bei alone in the battlefield.

"Pass the current assessment, you can establish a 1-star King Level force; whether to proceed to the next assessment? If you pass, you can establish a 3-Star King Level force." Yuantian Pavilion's cultivator opened his mouth and kept it. Always indifferent expression.

"Continue." Chu Bei didn't even glance at the Yuantian Pavilion cultivator nodded.

long long long!

After Chu Bei made the decision, two giants with wide knives appeared on the battlefield. There were stars circulating on the blades with Immortal King breath.

The two giants waved their knives at the same time, and the terrifying blade glow came to Chu Bei in an instant, with a weird rune blooming.


Chu Bei still remains unmoved, but the two wide knives shattered on their own when they were less than ten meters away from him, turning into countless blades of light rain.

Then, the bodies of the two giants became distorted inexplicably and disappeared.

"If you pass the current assessment, you can establish a 3-Star King Level force; whether to proceed to the next assessment? If you pass, you can establish a 6-Star King Level force." Yuantian Pavilion cultivator's voice sounded on time.

"Continue." The same words came out from Chu Bei's mouth again.

As Chu Bei's voice fell, the spherical ripples trembled.

What appeared this time was a tiger-like creature. It was extremely large, with six wings on its back, and the power of the Star Region intertwined between each wing, continuously.

Nether Tiger, possesses the strength of Sixth Stage Immortal King.

It is precisely for this reason that the Third Stage Immortal King and Fourth Stage Immortal King that appeared before did not choose to take a fight, but the reason for giving up immediately.


With a roar of tigers, under everyone's attention, Minghu culled to Chu Bei, and sharp claw engulfed the stars.

However, for Chu Bei, it is no different from the most at first True Immortal creature.

Peng Sound again, the huge body of Minghu exploded and disappeared.

Looking at the scenes in the battlefield, the crowd watching Powerhouse on the square looked strange, but they didn't appear to be too shocked.

Since Chu Bei easily killed a group of people in Dark Demon Palace, they have determined that Chu Bei has entered the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Realm.

As a Quasi-Immortal Emperor, naturally, he can easily pass these three levels without any means.

In just a few minutes, Chu Bei passed two more examinations.

At this time, the atmosphere in the field has begun to rise, the silence is gone forever, and the noise is everywhere.

Everything is due to Chu Bei's last battle!

He easily defeated his opponent again, but the opponent was no longer Immortal King Realm, but a real deal with Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"If you pass the current assessment, you can establish a 1-star super King Level force; whether to proceed to the next assessment? If you pass, you can establish a 3-star super King Level force." this time, the name of Yuantian Pavilion The tone of the cultivator is obviously more allow some respect.

Even the Number One Influence of Yuantian Pavilion is very welcome to join Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouse.


As Chu Bei's light and fluttering voice fell, there was a strange mechanical sound in the field.

Next moment, in the shrouded ripples, a human-like magic puppet emerged. It walked towards Chu Bei step by step, its body moved slightly, as if it had life, and the whole body was palpitating. Red mist.

Under the gaze of countless eyes, the magic puppet's body is covered with a layer of azure armor.

At the same time, two spots of black glow were emitted from the eyes. Immediately afterwards, the demon puppet's body rang out again, and a fierce and violent breath of terror spread.

"This...this is the emperor!"

"It is said that this emperor was made by the emperor'Yuan' himself!"

"Although this It’s just the imperial puppet’s energy projection, but it also has the strength of the Third Stage Quasi-Immortal Emperor!"

"Do you think this powerhouse of unknown origin can defeat the imperial puppet?"


Feeling the breath of the terrifying emperor released from the devil's body, the expressions of all the Powerhouses on the square changed suddenly.


A loud roar resembling the ancient Great Desolate, swayed from the spherical ripples and echoed across the entire Blue Wave Mountain.

The terrifying sound waves carrying the breath of the emperor spread far, spreading throughout the Baihua emperor state.

At this moment, the emperor is like an ancient emperor beast that has just awakened from a deep sleep.

The roar is embarrassingly cruel and tyrannical, and it seems to be full of endless destruction and killing. The source of the roar seems to represent the most terrifying disaster in the world.

If it hadn't been for this spherical ripple with the powerful Immortal Emperor's power, this battlefield would have already collapsed in the roar of the emperor's puppet.


Chu Bei glanced at the emperor puppet faintly, and a smile was drawn at the corner of his mouth. He is becoming more and more curious about the strength of the First Immortal Emperor'Source'. It is actually only an energy projection to be able to refine a dead thing into such a terrifying.

Of course, the energy emperor in front of him is still not the slightest threat to him.

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