On the square, a line of sight fell on the battlefield. The broad knife transformed by the Dark Demon Palace Palace Master, the dark Demon Palace Powerhouses, including the vicissitudes of life, were held back. Breathe, eyes fixed on the battlefield.

Looking at Chu Bei again, his expression remained unchanged, calm.

He took one step and turned into a colorful divine rainbow, with a variety of weird breaths intertwined, especially chaotic ripples.

hong long!

The divine rainbow collided with the wide knife, and the Immortal Emperor was full of power.

The aftermath of the collision shattered the space barriers of the battlefield, shattered the law of Profound Truth, and spread to Heaven Above, and even the entire chaotic universe.

"This war Dou Qi's interest rate fluctuation...Immortal Emperor Powerhouse!"

"The battle area is Heaven Above the Baihua Dizhou!"

" Isn’t the establishment of the emperor All Heavens Store also in Baihua Dizhou? Could it be said that the Immortal Emperor in the battle is the master of the All Heavens Store?"

"It is very possible! As for the other one. Immortal Emperor, I must be the Queen of Hundred Flowers!"

"No, the breath of the other emperor is very chaotic, and he has not become an emperor! But a Great Perfection Quasi- that burns the origin and sublimates to the extreme. Immortal Emperor!"


As the aftermath of the collision spreads, more and more Powerhouses in the entire chaotic universe are disturbed, and a pair of vision falls through the star dome. In the battlefield, there is no lack of supreme existence, which is also the Immortal Emperor!

In the battlefield, divine rainbow and wide knives are intertwined, consuming each other.

Finally, under the waiting of countless double anxious eyes, the stalemate was broken.

A loud explosion sound, which contained a crisp cracking sound, the wide knife shrouded Immortal Emperor breath was submerged by the divine rainbow.

After that, there was a scream, very painful.

Immediately afterwards, before the silhouette of the Dark Demon Palace Palace Master came out, a bright golden disc in the divine rainbow fell, and the wide knives were all included in it in a flash.

next moment, the roar of the battlefield disappeared, and it was quiet all of a sudden.

Almost at the same time, Heaven Above and even the entire chaotic heavens were silent, and the cultivators that were originally noisy and talking were all in awe.

"It's over!"

"A Great Perfection Quasi-Immortal Emperor has just fallen!"

"This is the inevitable result! Immortal Emperor's majesty Not to be violated!"


There are Powerhouses in every corner of the chaotic universe.

After killing the Dark Demon Palace Palace Master, the colorful divine rainbow changed back to the shape of Chu Bei, and fell back to the sky above the Dark Demon Palace.

"Lord Palace Master...he was killed!"

"How could this be the result!"

"He really came from another emperor Is the Immortal Emperor in the state?"


Dark Demon Palace A group of Powerhouses looked at Chu Bei in a daze, with fear on their faces.

"Who, are you?"

Meeting Chu Bei's gaze, the Vice Palace Master of Dark Demon Palace could not help but shudder, and an inexplicable spine rose from his back chill.

He subconsciously climbed an imposing manner to the extreme, always vigilant.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store."

The indifferent words fell, Chu Bei smiled at the vicissitudes of old man: "This can be considered to make up for your regret before death. "

"All...All Heavens Store!"

"All Heavens Store, an emperor-level force that just passed!"

Hearing what Chu Bei said, The vicissitudes of old man seemed to understand everything at once.

But it's too late now, and the area where Dark Demon Palace is located suddenly roars.

An incomparably terrifying mysterious force rushed down like a river, pouring down in an instant.

bang bang bang!

Dark Demon Palace’s great halls shattered and collapsed on their own amidst the shocking sound of the sky, and the shrouded stars in the mountains turned into nothing.

One after another A miserable cry came from below, and the densely packed black bloody glow rose up until it disappeared in the air.


The vicissitudes of life old man has a distorted expression. He endures the pain and kills Chu Bei, knowing he is invincible, but he has no choice.

The battle ended very quickly, but three times in the fight, the vicissitudes of life with the strength of Quasi-Immortal Emperor Sixth Stage were bombarded and killed by Chu Bei, and the fleshy body and Divine Soul were killed.

The vicissitudes of old man died in battle, and the Immortal King and True Immortal Powerhouse behind him were destroyed in an instant, without the slightest resistance.

"The Dark Demon Palace of the three super King Level forces is gone!"

"What is the origin of this Immortal Emperor? Just after the establishment of the Emperor Level forces, one was destroyed soon Super King Level power! Could it be that Dark Demon Palace touched his reverse scale? Or, he just wants to use this to build power?"

"No matter what the reason, in short This All Heavens Store is far from what we can provoke."


Outside the Dark Demon Palace, more and more Powerhouses are poking their heads out, their faces full of consternation. .

The gaze that looked towards Chu Bei was also full of deep fear.

In just a few breaths, a super King Level force standing in the Peak of Baihua Dizhou turned into a pile of dead places without any vitality.

"Daddy, mother, our Bu family's revenge has been avenged." Bu Xuan stared at the Bu family and his wife.

"Many thanks, my benefactor avenged my Bu's family!"

The Bu family looked at the ruins below, came back to his senses and looked at each other, and then immediately moved towards Chu Bei Kneel down, eyes filled with gratitude.

"Anyone who offends this seat, kill him!"

Chu Bei's expressionless face, although his voice is flat, it resounds in every corner of the chaotic universe, like It is warning all cultivators.

"Benefactor, the reason why Dark Demon Palace destroyed my family and captured my husband and wife two people is to force us to tell the secrets about the source sky stone." It seems that a decision has been made to transmit Chu Bei with Divine Consciousness sound.

"I have heard about it." Chu Bei replied.

"Benefactor, in fact, the secrets we know are not Yuantian Stone, but Yuantian Stone Mine!"

The Bu family took a deep breath and started giving it to Chu Bei Telling about the secrets they know.

After a long while.

"Yuantian Stone Mine!"

After hearing what the Bu family said, Chu Bei's emotions finally arose.

A source sky stone is equivalent to an Immortal Emperor device, let alone this Fangyuan sky stone mine!

According to rumors, among all the forces in the Chaos universe, only the top five emperor-level forces hold active sky stone mines!

It's a pity that according to the Bu family, this source sky stone mine was born thirty years later.

For other Immortal Emperors, thirty years may be just a short sleep, but for him it is very long.

The most critical point is that not only he knows the news, but other Immortal Emperor Powerhouses also learned this secret from different channels.

Immortal Emperors who only learned of this secret are all tight-lipped, so that this secret has not been spread.

hong long long!

At this moment, a new battlefield appeared in the north direction.

The battle in the battlefield is equally fierce, and the emperor’s breath is permeated, which can be compared to the battle between Chu Bei and Dark Demon Palace Palace Master.

"What's going on!"

"It's the battle of the fairy Emperor level again!"

"The wave just stopped, the wave came again!"

"What the hell is going on today! Two consecutive Immortal Emperor battles!"

"That is the Queen of Flowers! The one who fought against him is another creature!"


With the sound of the battle, all Powerhouses in Heaven Above cast their eyes.

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