"Ancient Dragon Phoenix!"

"It turned out to be it! It got out of trouble and exiled it, and it was looking for hundreds of female emperors!"

" No matter how strong it is, how about it? Faced with the Hundred Flowers Empress, the outcome will only be the same as it was a million years ago."


Heaven Above, all the Powerhouses looked at them with astonishment. On the battlefield.

There are two figures intertwined. One of the silhouettes is a huge creature like Dragon not Dragon. It can also be said that it is a combination of two Divine Beasts.

Looking at it, there are countless Star Regions floating on the surface of this Divine Beast.

As for the other silhouette, it is a black clothed woman. Her appearance is not real, giving a sense of illusion.

However, there are countless emperor flowers blooming in their gestures.

"Master, that's daddy!"

Little Dragon Phoenix recognized the Ancient Dragon Phoenix in the battlefield at a glance, and shook Chu Bei's arm crying out in surprise.

hong long long!

In the battlefield, Ancient Dragon Phoenix and the black clothed woman kept fighting each other.

However, judging from the situation of several fights, Ancient Dragon Phoenix is ​​clearly below, and the roar from time to time is shaking, and the breath is extremely disordered.

On the other hand, the Hundred Flowers Empress seemed to be particularly calm, and every attack was very casual.

"The emperor learned that you were out of trouble, did not immediately take action, but gave you a chance. Didn't expect, you actually came to the door again. Since you persist in your own wrong doings, then This emperor will keep you in dust forever!" Empress Baihua's smile narrowed and her voice became cold.

"If you didn't sneak attack the emperor and grabbed the chance of the emperor, now you become the emperor, but the emperor!" Ancient Dragon Phoenix screamed, coldly snorted with a monstrous voice. Angry.

"What? The Hundred Flowers Empress took the opportunity of Ancient Dragon Phoenix to become the Immortal Emperor!"

"There are such things!"

"It's no wonder that Ancient Dragon Phoenix finds the trouble of Empress Hundred Flowers as soon as he gets out of trouble!"


When he heard Ancient Dragon Phoenix's words, all the Powerhouses looked surprised.

"The dusty past, what's the point of mentioning it again."

The Hundred Flowers Empress seemed to disagree, and her indifferent voice fell, protruding her crystal palms, and slapped towards the Ancient Dragon Phoenix .

This time, the attack of the Hundred Flowers Empress is no longer random, but full of the power of the Immortal Emperor.

The power of its palm is extremely terrifying, and it drives the monstrous imperial Dao symbol, covers the sky, and shakes the past, the present and the future.


Under this terrifying Immortal Emperor power, the power of the Quasi-Immortal Emperor in Ancient Dragon Phoenix's body was obviously suppressed, but there was still no sign of his face. The color of fear.

With a dragon roar phoenix roar, its huge body shrank sharply, mobilizing the whole body's immortal strength and stimulating the power of the Star Region, compressing it to the extreme at the tip of the claws, and greeted the palm of the Empress Baihua.

hong long!

In the battlefield, the sky burst into pieces, the Star River churning, and the power of the emperor filled the battlefield.

Ancient Dragon Phoenix's claws were broken, golden blood shot, and a large area of ​​dragon scales fell off.

Ancient Dragon Phoenix retreats, but before it can repair the injury, the Hundred Flowers Empress once again slapped her palm, making her palm even more fierce.


In an instant, the second palm of Empress Baihua struck the body of Ancient Dragon Phoenix.

When the explosion sounded, Ancient Dragon Phoenix's body exploded into a pile of minced flesh, and the emperor's breath surged in the flesh and blood.


Looking at the scene in the battlefield, the little Dragon Phoenix immediately showed anxious expression, but he quickly seemed to think of something, and immediately looked towards Chu. Bei: "Master, please save Daddy, he is not the opponent of that woman."


In the battlefield, a tremor of metal impact sounded.

I saw the Empress Hundred Flowers dancing with her hands, and in her palm, the four chains intertwined with the flowers of the Emperor Dao danced towards the pile of minced meat exploded by the Ancient Dragon Phoenix.

"This time, this emperor will seal you forever!"

The female emperor Baihua has a cold voice, without the slightest emotion, her voice carries Supreme majesty.


However, when these four chains were about to seal the Ancient Dragon Phoenix, a towering ancient tree appeared on the battlefield.

This is an ancient tree exuding ancient breath with a weird shape. It has thousands of leaves. The leaves are the same size, but the color and shape are all kinds of strange things. special.

The branches and leaves are shaking, and thousands of different shades of colors rippling from the sky above the ancient trees amid the humming sound, changing into various shapes from time to time.

At the same time, an extremely rich and relaxed and joyful breath spreads from thousands of leaves, rippling in the battlefield, transforming into a magical image.

Above the ancient tree, there was a baby beating, and with a light wave of its white tender hand, a ripple shattered the four chains.

"That...what is that!"

"The seal of Empress Hundred Flowers was ruined!"

Heaven Above countless Powerhouses stared blankly at appearance In the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment on the battlefield, just as they looked surprised, two huge silhouettes appeared beside the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment. It was the Enlightenment Tree and the Nether Tree.

I saw these three ancient trees in a triangular shape, and the moment their branches swayed, they shifted their shapes and positions, enclosing the Hundred Flowers Empress in the middle.

After being cultivated and built by the system, these three ancient trees have entered the Supreme Realm one after another.


At this time, the baby above the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment seemed to have received some kind of instruction, and looked towards the direction of Ancient Dragon Phoenix.

The white tender little hand waved again, and the misty and fresh air between the branches and leaves swept across the Ancient Dragon Phoenix like a river.

Almost in a flash, the minced meat of Ancient Dragon Phoenix healed and reorganized, and returned to its original appearance.

"The emperor hates nosy people!"

With the icy voice of the Empress Baihua, a very large emperor flower was born under her feet, among which there are thousands The unusual form is intertwined, and the Immortal Emperor breath is surging and breathtaking.

"Do you want to go to war with this seat?"

While speaking, Chu Bei has appeared on the battlefield, hovering over the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment, watching calmly With a smile on the corner of her mouth, she looked at the Empress Baihua.

He can judge the strength of the cultivation base of the Hundred Flowers Empress. Although he is not sure to kill the opponent, there is no problem in defeating it.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store!"

"It turned out to be him! I'm still thinking, who in this Baihua Dizhou will dare to provoke the Baihua Empress!"

"My God! Looking at the current trend, are the two Immortal Emperors going to fight?"

"is it possible that, what kind of friendship is there between the lord of the All Heavens Store and the Ancient Dragon Phoenix Is it? Otherwise, why did he help Ancient Dragon Phoenix?"


Looking at Chu Bei who suddenly appeared on the battlefield, the crowds watching Powerhouse were surprised. .


At this time, gazes shot into the battlefield from all directions of the chaotic universe, and there was no other than the existence of the powerful Immortal Emperor.

Even in this great realm of heavens, the Immortal Emperor also stands on Peak.

In the realm of Immortal Emperor, one Immortal Emperor wants to kill another Immortal Emperor, and the consumption of several epochs is basically impossible.

For this, the Immortal Emperors seem to have reached an agreement that they will not go to war at other times except for the emperor list battle, let alone Life and Death Battle.

It is precisely because the Immortal Emperor is extremely difficult to go to war. At the moment, Chu Bei appeared on the battlefield to face the Hundred Flowers Empress, which successfully aroused the interest of all Immortal Emperors in the Great Domain.

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