"It's you!"

Ancient Dragon Phoenix recovered from his injury, seeing Chu Bei's appearance clearly, a touch of astonishment flashed through his large pupils, and at the same time gratitude.

Chu Bei tilted his head and glanced at Ancient Dragon Phoenix, indifferently smiled, slightly nod.

"Is the Lord of All Heavens Store."

Emperor Baihua stared at Chu Bei, her face turned very heavy.

With the sound of coldly snorted falling, the silhouette of the Hundred Flowers Empress gradually disappeared. To be precise, it was integrated into the Great Emperor flower at her feet.

The emperor flower blooms, thousands of unusual forms are intertwined and presented, carrying the surging Immortal Emperor breath moved towards Chu Bei.

"Since you are about to go to war, then this seat will fight."

Chu Bei's words are full of smiles, and there is no trace of panic on his face.

The voice fell, and the Tree of Enlightenment under his feet swayed frantically with the Enlightenment Tree and the Nether Tree.

Chu Bei's body is imaginary, and for a moment it seems to have turned into a thousand silhouettes, but when I look at it again, it looks like an illusion.

At this moment, the battlefield seemed static and eternal.

Whether it is the attack of the Hundred Flowers Empress or the attack of Chu Bei, it seems that it has slowed down by billions of times.

Under countless line of sight, two attacks carrying the power of the Immortal Emperor collided very slowly.

hong long!

However, when the two were intertwined, everything seemed to be back to normal again.

The power of the extremely terrifying Immortal Emperor instantly tore that battlefield into nothingness. When the aftermath of the collision was about to spread, a new battlefield appeared.

Otherwise, let alone the Baihua Dizhou, the entire Heaven Above and even other large areas will be affected.

After all, this is the Immortal Emperor battle!

In the battlefield, the power of two terrifying Immortal Emperors continued to vibrate, and the world shattered one after another.

Until a long time, the emperor flower exploded first, and the Hundred Flowers Empress appeared and took three steps back.

Immediately afterwards, the Chu Bei silhouette was also revealed, and the breath was obviously more stable than the Empress of Baihua.

"evenly matched!"

"No, the Queen of Flowers is a little weaker!"

Looking at the two figures separated in the battlefield, the crowd watched the Powerhouse After reacting, he exclaimed.

"Are you sure you want to be on the opposite side of the emperor for it?"

Emperor Baihua's gaze is locked on Chu Bei's body, her face is getting more heavy, and her words are cold.

"From now on, he will be a member of the All Heavens Store."

Chu Bei stared at the Hundred Flowers Empress, his voice gradually became low: "No matter it is now , Or on the day when this seat is absent, if you dare to attack someone in the All Heavens Store, this seat will not only destroy you, but also hide in Hundred Flower Valley!"

Speaking of last, Chu Bei The sound of thunder exploded in the entire chaotic universe, shaking the soul of every cultivator.

Obviously, what he said was not only to the Hundred Flowers Empress, but also to all the Powerhouses in the great domain of the heavens, including the existence of other Immortal Emperors.

"Sure enough, any Immortal Emperor is not a master who can easily provoke."

"haha, in our realm, how can we not establish a little majesty."

"That is true, when we established our power, the movement might not have been smaller than him."


Everywhere in the great realm of heaven, There was a dialogue with Immortal Emperor, with a smile.

"Immortal Emperor's majesty, no blasphemy!"

"This All Heavens Store, I am already joining it!"

"There is such a strong Sect Master , Other forces must not dare to offend!"


Those Powerhouses who were originally planning to join the All Heavens Store on the 2nd day, after hearing what Chu Bei said, their eyes became firmer. .

"Are you threatening this emperor?"

The Hundred Flowers Empress stared at Chu Bei coldly, climbing up again in an imposing manner, her expression extremely heavy.

"If you fight again, this seat will be undying endlessly!"

Chu Bei looked directly at the Hundred Flowers Empress, and the colorful ripples on the outside of her body were not weaker than the latter.

The weird atmosphere was deadlocked for a quarter of an hour, and the Hundred Flowers Empress was coldly snorted: "If you in All Heavens Store dare to offend my Hundred Flowers Valley, this emperor can't kill me!"

Hearing this, a strange color appeared in the eyes of the crowd watching Powerhouse.

Although the imposing manner of the Hundred Flowers Empress is still tough, it is obviously a step back.

Chu Bei laughed and converged in the imposing manner. After all, his Level 21 products are running out of time.

In case, the other party is really anxious and undying with him, then he has to use only Level 22 products.

"Let's let go of your grievances with her first. Even if you can't let it go, you have to wait until you enter the Immortal Emperor Realm to find the old accounts." Chu Bei looked towards Ancient Dragon Phoenix and said.

"My heart knows it." Ancient Dragon Phoenix moved towards Chu Bei nodded.

"You will stay in All Heavens Store in the future." Chu Bei continued.

"Okay!" Ancient Dragon Phoenix agreed.

"Ancient Dragon Phoenix is ​​this joining the All Heavens Store?"

"My God! Putting it that way, All Heavens Store besides that Immortal Emperor, there is also A Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection?"

A group of Powerhouses were surprised, even if the emperor-level forces wanted to gather the existence of a Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection, it was extremely difficult.

After all, Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection can already create super King Level forces on its own.


2nd day.

In the area where the original Black Blood Island was located, one after another magnificent buildings rose from the ground.

Looking around, every corner is full of vast crowds, and each and every one reveals a powerful breath. The weakest among them is True Immortal Powerhouse.

Today, the emperor-level forces of All Heavens Store Guangnamen, they gather here, they have only one purpose, and that is to join the All Heavens Store and become a member of the All Heavens Store, and they have their shelter.

Chu Bei is transformed into tens of millions of clones, but those who meet the requirements will be allowed to join.

Even among those who joined, there are two Quasi-Immortal Emperors!

At this moment, Chu Bei felt a familiar breath, and immediately looked towards the northeast.

There a streak of divine light quickly penetrated many Star Regions and appeared in front of Chu Bei.

"I thought you would not come!"

The person who came was Hong Meng, the most powerful Powerhouse of the Cooling Dragon Plane, an 8th layer Quasi-Immortal Emperor.

"Look at your breath, distance to breakthrough Ninth Stage is just around the corner."

Seeing acquaintances, Chu Bei couldn't help but smile, and said: "Would you like to consider joining All Heavens Store?"

"Otherwise, what do you think I'm here to do?"

Speaking of which, Hong Meng smiled and looked solemn, moved towards Chu Bei with double fists Picking up: "Hong Meng has seen Sect Master!"



Chu Bei one after another visited the other thirty-nine emperors of Heaven Above, to be precise, visited thirty-nine Immortal Emperors, and transformed the area where the black blood island was located in the original restricted area The fortieth Dizhou, its name is All Heavens Store Dizhou.

What shocked Chu Bei was that among the thirty-nine Immortal Emperors, at least thirty Immortal Emperors were stronger than him!

Of course, Chu Bei also joined Heaven Above all the Immortal Emperor's self-established emperor league, becoming the 40th member of them.

Since the emperor ranking battle has not yet started, Chu Bei naturally ranked last in the Heaven Above emperor ranking, that is, forty.

Of course, this does not mean that his strength is the weakest, at least the Hundred Flowers Empress is not his opponent.

As for the Immortal Emperor list of the entire chaos universe, Chu Bei still lacks some popularity and is not qualified to be on the list.

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