in the sky, this giant palm appears suddenly, but it contains endless power of Immortal Emperor.

With a palm blast, the stature that swept forward by nearly a hundred Hundred Flower Valley Powerhouses suddenly stopped, as if they were imprisoned by life for an instant.

"What's wrong!"

"My body can't move anymore!"

"This is Immortal Emperor...breath!"



Looking at the giant palm that appears out of thin air above, the pupils of the Powerhouse of Hundred Flowers Valley suddenly shrank.

But just as their panic sounds fell, before they had time to react, the chaotic giant palm carrying the Immortal Emperor breath had already slapped on their heads.

With a loud bang, the seven-tier Quasi-Immortal Emperor, as strong as Leng Ling, only held it for a few seconds before turning into nothingness.

As for the people in the Hundred Flowers Valley whose realm was still under him, they turned into fly ash when the chaotic giant palm fell.


Witnessing this scene, twenty All Heavens Store Powerhouse emoticons including wind armor startled, looked at each other in blank dismay.

Until when they saw the coming Chu Bei, they were first taken aback, and then all bowed down.

"Bye—see Sect Master!"

The voice was neat and uniform, with excitement in his voice.

"Get up."

Chu Bei's voice is calm, waving his hand to hold up twenty All Heavens Store Powerhouses.

"Sect Master, you are back! All Heavens Store is in a bad situation now. Dragon Phoenix senior, Hong Meng senior and others are probably in crisis."

The wind armor suppressed the excitement in his heart, looked at Chu Bei very respectfully, and said quickly.

"This time I come back, this is the solution to this matter." Chu Bei complied lightly.

The wind armor in front of him was the one he recruited into All Heavens Store himself. As for the other nineteen people, they are very unfamiliar. They should have joined All Heavens Store in the past 30 years.

It’s just that the image of Chu Bei has been widely circulated in the All Heavens Store, so the other nineteen Powerhouses can immediately recognize Chu Bei, the owner of the All Heavens Store.


At the same time, All Heavens Store Dizhou.

hong long long!

The originally extremely prosperous Dizhou has turned into a vast battlefield with fierce battles everywhere.

In the battlefield, there are True Immortal level, Immortal King Level, and Quasi-Immortal Emperor level.


"Kill all the invaders of Hundred Flower Valley!"

"Death to protect All Heavens Store!"

"Born as an All Heavens Store person, and die as an All Heavens Store soul!"

"Kill one without losing, kill ten with blood!"


All Heavens Store In the starry sky, the earth, the large and small battlefields of Emperor Zhou, you can hear the sonorous war songs and the iron-blooded shouts of killing, countless brilliant brilliance flickering.

The Powerhouse and All Heavens Store Powerhouse in Baihua Valley, the two armies are fighting fiercely, densely packed, and they are fighting with their majestic breath.

Looking around, the entire All Heavens Store Dizhou seems to be shrouded in a vast expanse of immortals, murderous aura!

In these countless battlefields, there are three battlefields that form their own world that are particularly eye-catching.

In these three battlefields, the most powerful Powerhouse of the two forces is fighting fiercely.

Among them, the battlefield where Ancient Dragon Phoenix and the Hundred Flowers Empress are the most focused. After that, it was the battlefield where Hong Meng and the Great Elder of Baihua Valley were located.

"Hong Meng, this is our fourth match, but it's the last time."

Baihuagu Great Elder swings a strong attack and sends out The voice of a smile.

Hong Meng glanced at the battlefield between the Hundred Flowers Empress and Ancient Dragon Phoenix, and then looked towards the Great Elder of Hundred Flowers Valley, with a heavy look on his face.

In the previous several offenses, the Hundred Flowers Empress did not take action. Although they all suffered losses, they successfully repelled Hundred Flowers Valley.

But this time is different. The Hundred Flowers Empress came to the All Heavens Store in Dizhou in person, but they did not have the Immortal Emperor to sit in, and the situation was not optimistic.

At the moment, there are two figures intertwined in the most focused world battlefield.

One of the silhouettes is a huge creature like Dragon not Dragon. It can also be said to be a combination of two Divine Beasts.

Outside its body, there are countless Star Regions ups and downs. The other silhouette is of a black clothed woman, her appearance is not real, giving a sense of illusion. However, in his gestures, countless emperor flowers bloomed, vividly dripping.

These two figures are the most Powerhouse Ancient Dragon Phoenix in All Heavens Store today and the Queen of Flowers in Baihua Valley.

hong long long!

In that battlefield, Ancient Dragon Phoenix and the Hundred Flower Empress kept fighting each other.

However, judging from the current situation of the battle, Ancient Dragon Phoenix was clearly below, and his mouth made a roar from time to time, and his breath was extremely chaotic.

Looking at the Queen of Hundred Flowers again, although her breath is still stable, it is not very calm, and her vague face seems to have some dignity.

"Unexpectedly, after thirty years of trifling, you have made such a great progress! If you let you go on like this, I am afraid that within ten thousand years, you will really step into the Immortal Emperor!"


Speaking of this, the voice of the Empress Baihua became cold, and the killing intent in her eyes became more intense: "I have decided not to seal you up, but to completely let you disappear in this world! "

"On innate talent, the emperor has always been above you! If you didn't sneak attack the emperor and grabbed the chance of your emperor, how could you become an emperor!" Ancient Dragon Phoenix seems to be Reminiscing about the past, snorted, coldly snorted with terrible anger.

"That is the dusty past. The situation before you is that you have not really stepped into the Immortal Emperor Realm after all, and this emperor can still kill you!" The indifferent voice of the Empress Baihua fell, and the crystal clear palm came out again , Slapped towards Ancient Dragon Phoenix.

This time, the attack of the Hundred Flowers Empress condenses her Dao Proving Technique, and the power of the Immortal Emperor is flooded between her gestures.

The power of the palm, the terrifying extreme, drove the monstrous imperial Dao symbol, covering the sky, shaking the ancient and modern future.

"What's the fear of death!"

Faced with the increasingly terrifying attacks of the Hundred Flowers Empress, Ancient Dragon Phoenix still did not see the slightest fear on the face.

Following the dragon roar phoenix roar, its huge body shrank sharply, mobilizing the immortal strength of the whole body and stimulating the power of the Star Region, compressing to the extreme at the tip of the claws, facing the palm of the Empress Hundred Flowers.


When the two collided, the sky on the world battlefield burst into pieces, Star River churning, and the power of the emperor pervaded.

Ancient Dragon Phoenix's claws were broken, golden blood shot, and a large area of ​​dragon scales fell off.

"The emperor has to see how many times you can hold it!"

Without waiting for the Ancient Dragon Phoenix to repair the injury, the Hundred Flowers Empress once again slapped her palm, making her palm even more fierce.

In an instant, the second palm strikes straight on the huge body of Ancient Dragon Phoenix.

When the explosion sounded, Ancient Dragon Phoenix's body exploded into a pile of minced flesh, and the emperor's breath surged in the flesh and blood.

When the Hundred Flower Empress personally led the attack on All Heavens Store in Dizhou, Heaven Above and other Dizhou also had countless Powerhouses who paid attention.

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