Heaven Above, the lower state of the moon.

In the central part of Dizhou, in a Holy Mountain all around shrouded Star River, a slender silhouette stands in the misty fairy fog. Her hair was flying, and there was a long river flowing in her eyes.

"Is it going to be destroyed after only 30 years of establishment? It is really the shortest emperor-level power in history."

The slender silhouette glanced at All Heavens Store. On the battlefield above, the delicate and flawless features outline the color of allowing some regrets.

The slender silhouette of the sighing emperor of the Moon under the Moon, is a female emperor like the Hundred Flowers Empress, one of the forty Immortal Emperors of Heaven Above.

At the same time, the Wilderness Emperor state.

This Great Prefecture is just like its name. Looking around, there is hardly any vitality. It can even be said that this huge emperor is only an Immortal Emperor.

The land of reddish-brown seems to be infested with blood, hard and withered. Desolation and emptiness coexist, and some huge rocks stand scattered on the ground, which looks like tombstones at first glance.

The space between Heaven and Earth is drowsy, and the faint black fog adds a touch of gloom to this imperial state.

The endless reddish-brown land, far away and dead, has no signs of life.

"It's really Interesting. When the lord of All Heavens Store returns and sees the imperial power he created turned into a pile of ruins, I don't know what I will feel."

reddish -Brown Deep in the earth, a beam of eyes shot through the sky and projected into the battlefield where Ancient Dragon Phoenix and the Hundred Flowers Empress are located. The long, low, ethereal sound was playful.

Heaven Above, Star Sea Dizhou.

crash-bang ——

This Fangdizhou is particularly special, it is like an endless silver ocean. Waves roll up from time to time, like metal storms beating the shore.

hong long!

With a loud noise, the sea surface seemed to be cut by Heavenspan giant sword and divided into two halves, and then the Immortal Emperor's Qi machine overflowed, crossing the past, the present, and the future.

"Emperor Hundred Flowers, this is really your style, base and shameless."

A stalwart silhouette appeared on the sea, with cold eyes looking towards Tianyu, shaking forever At this moment, the long river of years is in chaos.

Heaven Above, Floating Island Dizhou.

This Fangdizhou is formed by countless islands. On each island, there are countless Powerhouses.

"Long time, this is the first direct collision between Heaven Above two emperor-level forces. It's a pity that the Lord of All Heavens Store is not there. There is no suspense in this battle."

Over one of the largest islands, a phantom appeared, and the power of the Immortal Emperor was revealed, which was daunting.


Heaven Above, in addition to Baihua Dizhou and All Heavens Store Dizhou, the other 38 Dizhou also have unusual forms present, surging Immortal Emperor breath.

hong long long!

In the world battlefield above the All Heavens Store in Dizhou, the breath of Ancient Dragon Phoenix is ​​getting weaker and weaker, and the huge body explodes again and again, and then it becomes more and more difficult to regroup and repeat.

"Have you seen? Your Ancient Dragon Phoenix is ​​about to die in the hands of Lady Empress!"

"Wait until Lady Empress is free to get rid of you ants, but just snap your fingers A short time!"

"If I were you, I would just give up resisting! At this time, what else can you struggle with?"

"haha, is it possible that do you still expect that Ancient Dragon Phoenix can defeat Lady Empress?"


Seeing the scene in the battlefield above, the Baihuagu Powerhouse on the other battlefields smiled triumphantly sound.

Hearing the joking words of the people of the Valley of Flowers, the faces of the All Heavens Store Powerhouses were extremely ugly. At the same time, they looked towards the world battlefield above, and their eyes were filled with deep concern.

"Dragon Phoenix senior is still half a step away."

The All Heavens Store Powerhouse sighed, with unwillingness in their words.

"Can pull a cushion back is one!"

The All Heavens Store Powerhouse killing intent is even more intense.

"Kill all these stupid All Heavens Store idiots!"

Powerhouse of Baihua Valley sneered, with disdain in his eyes.

However, when these Hundred Flower Valley Powerhouses once again gathered momentum to besiege the All Heavens Store Powerhouse, a wave of chaotic ripples rushed like a flood.

Where the Chaos Ripples passed, these Hundred Flower Valley Powerhouses even disappeared inexplicably before they even had time to scream.

"This...this is what happened!"

"Where are those people in Baihuagu? Not only people disappeared, but breath also disappeared!"

"Are you dead?"

Looking at all around the Baihua Valley Powerhouse that suddenly disappeared, all the All Heavens Store Powerhouses stared at the chaotic ripples appearing out of thin air, looking at each other in blank dismay, with dazed confusion on his face.

At this time, in those battlefields above Dizhou, obviously they hadn't noticed the weird scene in the battlefield below, and they were still fighting fiercely.


Suddenly, in the battlefield between the Hundred Flowers Empress and the Ancient Dragon Phoenix, a metal tremor suddenly sounded.

Looking at it, the Empress of Hundred Flowers behind thousands of emperor flowers bloom. With her hands dancing, these emperor flowers are intertwined into four dazzling long spears.


Emperor Baihua's voice is cold, not mixed with the slightest emotion, and the voice carries Supreme majesty.

At this moment, her imposing manner climbed to the extreme, and the imperial power carried by the four dazzling long spears also reached an unpredictable terrifying height.

Following the cold voice of Hundred Flowers Empress Sen, four bright long spears shot at the pile of Dragon Phoenix minced meat that had not had time to regroup.



In the ruined All Heavens Store, the little Dragon Phoenix made a sound as if he sensed something. The crying dragon roar is heartbreaking.

"After today, Baihua Dizhou and Baihua Valley will no longer exist!"

However, seeing those four shots hit by the glaring long spear swung by the Baihua Empress When Ancient Dragon Phoenix cracked a pile of minced meat, an indifferent voice filled with Supreme majesty but with a strong killing intent sounded above the All Heavens Store Dizhou, and then penetrated the void and echoed throughout the Heaven Above.

After that, a towering old tree appeared in front of the pile of Dragon Phoenix minced meat, a four-shot bright long spear that swept to meet the Queen of Hundred Flowers.


Two Immortal Emperor forces collided, and the four-shot long spear was knocked out.

Looking closely, this is an ancient tree with a weird shape exuding ancient breath.

I saw that it has thousands of leaves. These leaves are the same size, but the color and shape are all kinds of strange things, each with its own characteristics.

The branches and leaves are shaking, and thousands of different shades of colors rippling from the sky above the ancient trees amid the humming sound, changing into various shapes from time to time.

An extremely rich and relaxed and joyful breath of fresh air diffuses from thousands of leaves, rippling in the battlefield, transforming into a magical image.

Above the ancient tree, there was a baby beating, I saw its white tender hand gently waved, ripples poured into the pile of minced meat.

Soon, the minced meat was reorganized and turned back into Ancient Dragon Phoenix, and its chaotic and weak breath began to recover steadily.

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