In the world battlefield, two terrifying attacks blended together.

Perhaps the world battlefield is too far apart, or the collision of the two Immortal Emperor forces to offset itself, neither All Heavens Store Powerhouse nor Hundred Flowers Elder Gu did not hear the expected destroying heaven. extinguishing earth-like explosion sound.

Everything that happened in the battlefield looked more like a silent image from the perspective of watching Powerhouse.

The Hundred Flowers Empress and the Music of Hundred Flowers, and Chu Bei and All Heavens Myriad Manifestations collided.

Two figures hung in the void, quietly facing each other, seemingly two hands are peacefully attached to each other, but the blending palm is filled with the light of the Immortal Emperor Avenue.

Wherever the rays of light pass, they all around the world of their interpretation, one side after another burst, silently.

The confrontation between the two figures lasted for a quarter of an hour.

Finally, a buzzing broke the dead silence in the picture.

The Hundred Flowers Empress went back a few steps, the hundred petals all around dissipated, and allowed some Golden blood to be spewed out of her mouth. The blood fell on the Star Region, and the energy contained in it forcibly squeezed the Star Region. .

"Lady Empress is injured! How could it be possible!"

"He actually blocked the Baihua Di sound!"

"Very good, Sect Master is okay , He gained the upper hand!"

Looking at the scene in the battlefield, two completely different voices from Baihua Valley and All Heavens Store sounded.

hong long long!

Not waiting for the Empress Baihua to wipe off the blood from the corners of her mouth, Chu Bei has once again played a killer move.

The power of the terrifying Immortal Emperor tore the battlefield into nothingness, but when the aftermath of the collision was about to spread, a new world battlefield appeared.

Otherwise, let alone the All Heavens Store Dizhou, the entire Heaven Above and even other large areas will be affected.

After all, this is the Immortal Emperor battle!

The Hundred Flowers Empress complexion became ugly, and without hesitation, immediately greeted her.

Amid the explosion of destroying heaven extinguishing earth, two terrifying Immortal Emperor forces continued to vibrate, and the battlefield shattered one after another.

I don’t know how long it has been.

When a new world battlefield appeared, the two figures once again pulled the distance.

The Empress Hundred Flowers appeared, and her breath was obviously disordered; and Chu Bei, although she could also feel the fluctuations in her breath, it was obviously more stable than the Empress Hundred Flowers, and it was much better. .

"Let’s stop here. The Emperor promises that he will not infringe on your All Heavens Store Dizhou in the future, and is willing to divide Liushuihe into your Dizhou."

The eyes of the Empress Baihua are locked. On Chu Bei's body, after wiping off the blood from his mouth, he spoke lightly.

It's not hard to hear that there is a meaning of allowing some compromise in the words.

"This is going to be a truce? It's really meaningless."

"Baihua is so cruel, he is willing to let Liushuihe out, but I hit it very hard. A long-term idea."

"But then again, the owner of All Heavens Store is much better than we expected. He should have entered 2-Star already."



Hearing the voice of the Hundred Flowers Empress, the Immortal Emperors of Heaven Above other Emperors made their voices.

"What? Lady Empress wants to let out the river!"

A crowd of flowers Elder Gu looked like at each other in blank dismay as if they had heard something impossible. , Lost the soul.

"I have said that this battle is Life and Death Battle!" Chu Bei's voice is indifferent and does not contain the slightest emotion.

He ignored the compromise of the Hundred Flowers Empress and once again launched a terrorist attack.

"So, then fight to the death!" In response to Chu Bei's answer, Empress Baihua obviously also moved True Fire.

next moment, Purple Qi boiling inside its body, billowing out, like a wind thunder-like sound reverberating in the world battlefield.

"It's up to this seat to create a stronger battlefield."

The indifferent voice fell, and Chu Bei took a step forward over the Ancient Tree of Enlightenment.

As soon as it flew out between the eyebrows Heavenly Bead, the starlight was brilliant, Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move, Heaven and Earth changed.

Then, a flaming Hongqiao traversed from the world battlefield where they are now to the other, more splendid world.

"Life and Death Battle! Is this the lord of the All Heavens Store really going to be like this?"

"Speaking of this, wouldn't there be a fall."

"What's the matter with that world? It seems to be better than the average Immortal Emperor world!"

"It is related to that stone bead!"


A group of Powerhouses stared at the Heavenly Bead world shaped by Chu Bei in the distant sky, each one was dumbfounded.

In that world, Chu Bei blood energy is like the sea, the heavens are wrapped in an unusual form, and the light of the dazzling Immortal Emperor permeates.


In the battlefield, the Hundred Flowers Empress glared at Chu Bei, coldly shouted and shattered countless Star Regions.

After that, she took the lead. The emperor's body skyrocketed, her purple hair was like Star River, and her eyes were like lightning.

In her physiognomy, the imperial flowers are in full bloom, the weather is in great numbers, the clouds are shrouded and the purple clouds are flowing.

Unusual form stands directly in the Heavenly Bead world, and the all around Star Region looks extremely small in front of it.

In the next moment, with a buzzing sound, a treasure wheel flew out from the great hand of the Hundred Flowers Empress, shining cold light.

The treasure wheel is flying and there are countless imperial flowers spinning on it. Each imperial flower is a world and possesses infinite divine ability.

"Hundred Flower Wheel! That is the Emperor Artifact of Lady Empress!"

"She is really going to fight to the death!"

" After this battle, regardless of victory or defeat, one of the two Great Emperor Level forces of Hundred Flower Valley and All Heavens Store will disappear forever."


See the treasure in the hands of the Hundred Flowers Empress. Round, various sounds sounded.

Zhengdao Immortal Emperor soldiers are directly related to the origin of the Immortal Emperor, and can even be said to be part of the Immortal Emperor itself. Once the Immortal Emperor's soldiers are damaged, then the origin of the Immortal Emperor will inevitably be severely damaged.

For this reason, even in battles between Immortal Emperors, Immortal Emperor soldiers are usually not used unless it is really compelled by circumstances.

By then, it will mean the beginning of Life and Death Battle.

"Emperor flower treasure, chaos change, kill!"

The Hundred Flower Empress is like a demon. The shrouded Purple Qi on the body becomes crimson like blood, and the breath is more terrifying it.

She held the Hundred Flower Wheel, as if to freeze Heavenly Bead world, moved towards Chu Bei and suppressed it away.

The treasure wheel spins crazily, the dazzling Immortal Emperor divine glow bursts, and the various ancient world interpretations in the petals are connected by the power of the Immortal Emperor, giving full play to the Profound Truth.

Chu Bei's expression remained unchanged, he saw his right hand moves, Tree of Enlightenment, Enlightenment Tree, World Tree, Golden Disc, and the power of Xiaohei merged together, and finally became a five-color long sword.

Followingly, the Chu Bei silhouette flickered, directly immersed in the five-color long sword, and greeted the Hundred Flower Wheel that came from the bombardment.

hong long long!

In this brief moment, the Hundred Flowers Empress danced with her hands, and under her traction, the terrifying power in the Hundred Flowers Wheel was detonated.

In an instant, the vision and divine sense of all the Powerhouse watching the battle were all taken away by the dazzling rays of light in Heavenly Bead world.

When they saw everything in the Star Region again, the Heavenly Bead world, which seemed to have experienced a devastating riot, had quieted down.

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