"The knot...is it over..."

"Who won!"

"The Hundred Flowers Empress and the All Heavens Store The Lord is gone.”


When all the Powerhouses looked at the empty Heavenly Bead world, they were full of astonishment. There was a buzzing sound, and the Hundred Flowers Treasure Wheel took the lead. Appeared in the sight of all Powerhouses.

"Look! The Hundred Flowers Wheel has appeared! Lady Empress must have won!"

"Haha, I know that the master of All Heavens Store Impossible is the opponent of Lady Empress He must be dead!"

Seeing Baihuabao Wheel, Baihuagu Elder showed an excited expression, but the face of the person in All Heavens Store was sad.

However, the excitement of the Baihua Elder Gus has not disappeared. With a ka-cha, the Baihuabao wheel shattered and exploded into thousands of pieces.

"The Hundred Flower Wheel is broken!"

"What's going on!"


" Could it be that Lady Empress was defeated!"

Looking at the treasure wheel in the battlefield that burst into thousands of pieces and finally turned into light and rain, the smiley expression of Elder in Hundred Flower Valley suddenly stiffened, his face suddenly stiffened. It dimmed for a moment.

One second, two seconds, three seconds.

The Hundred Flowers Wheel dissipated, and there was another ripple in the silent battlefield.

At this moment, the hearts of Baihua Elder Gu and All Heavens Store Powerhouse were hung in their throats, one by one holding their breath, staring at the ripples with two figures slowly emerging without blinking.

The result of the battle between the lord of All Heavens Store and the Hundred Flowers Empress is directly related to the survival of the two Great Emperor Level forces!

The Hundred Flowers Empress was the first to be revealed, the behind the emperor flowers are withering, the breath is weak to the extreme, and the body is all around with bright blood floating.

Looking at Chu Bei again, the breath is far more stable than the Empress Hundred Flowers. The five-color long sword in his hand is especially present, releasing five strange breaths mixed together.

"Sect Master is safe and sound!"

"Not only is it okay, but also ruined the Emperor Artifact of the Hundred Flowers Empress!"

"Sect Master is mighty! "


Seeing Chu Bei's back in the battlefield, All Heavens Store Powerhouse let out a long sigh, and the hanging heart seemed to let go.


"The emperor's wheel is dead, why are your soldiers of the Dao intact!"

Looking at the approaching Chu Bei, the Empress Baihua retreated instinctively, every time she took a step back, the Star Region on both sides of it would explode.

At the same time, her cold eyes stared at the five-color long sword in Chu Bei's hand, which was a blend of Golden Disc, Enlightenment Tree, Tree of Enlightenment, etc., with a deep consternation in her expression.

Chu Bei did not answer the question of the Hundred Flowers Empress, holding a five-color long sword, bursting with imperial light, the power of the Immortal Emperor was surging, and continued to move towards the Hundred Flowers Empress approaching.

"You kill undying me..."

Emperor Baihua had not finished speaking with a trembling sound, and Chu Bei swung out the five-color long sword again.

The Hundred Flowers Empress's pupils shrank suddenly and tried her best to block each other, but without the Hundred Flowers Wheel, it was even more unable to resist this might of a single sword.


The Breath of the Empress Baihua became weaker, and the silver and purple blood spurted in her mouth, which directly crushed all around the Star Region.

"It's useless! This emperor is eternal! Even if you are also among the Immortal Emperor, you also kill me!"

The Hundred Flowers Empress moved towards Chu Bei roar, But it was another sword.

Emperor Hundred Flowers exploded again, but soon regrouped.

"Kill undying me, everyone will kill undying me!"

Emperor Baihua's body was split by the five-color long sword time and time again, and then reorganized again, she was like a demonic , Moved towards Chu Bei roar crazy.

"Kill undying you?"

Chu Bei suddenly sneered: "Then refining you!"


Just as Chu Bei swung his sword away from Empress Hundred Flowers again, there was a buzzing sound. Before the Empress Hundred Flowers' meat was reorganized, an extremely large iron lump appeared strangely.

The iron lump opened its huge mouth, and its mouth seemed to have endless suction power. It was useless to resist the power of the Immortal Emperor, no matter how the pile of ground meat transformed by the Hundred Flowers Empress.


The fearful voice of the Empress Hundred Flowers resounded from the shredded meat releasing the power of the Immortal Emperor.

However, as the iron lump sucked, the voice of Empress Baihua became smaller and smaller, until it disappeared completely.

The Golden Bowl was retracted, and the battlefield of Heavenly Bead World was suddenly quiet.

Countless line of sights were frozen on the only silhouette in the battlefield, all of them fell into sluggishness.

"You won, Sect Master won!"

All Heavens Store Powerhouse first came back to his senses from shock, and began to cheer.

All Heavens Store In all corners of Dizhou, you can hear excitement and shouts everywhere, each with a high expression.

"Lady Empress has been suppressed!"

"The same Immortal Emperor, why is the gap so big!"

Compared to All Heavens Store Powerhouse , The Elders of Baihua Valley were full of horror, and the gaze looking towards Chu Bei became more and more horrified.

Especially when the opponent is looking at them, a chill suddenly rises in his heart, like falling into an ice cellar.

Chu Bei sticks out his left hand, and for an instant it seems as if he is separated from the Endless Starry Sky, and instantly imprisoned all the remnants of Baihuagu into the Heavenly Bead world.

Immediately, the five-color long sword was swung out.


The remnants of Hundred Flower Valley are all gone.

To solve all the infringements of All Heavens Store Dizhou’s Baihua Valley Powerhouse, Chu Bei stepped forward and appeared directly in the upper area of ​​Baihua Dizhou.

Seven swords in succession, swing out!

The original prosperous Baihua Dizhou was destroyed, and all the creatures were annihilated in the horrible sword glow, silently.


Seeing this scene, the other Powerhouse watching the battle in Dizhou took a long breath.

"On the day of my absence, Baihua Dizhou repeatedly invaded All Heavens Store Dizhou! Immediately, Heaven Above has no Baihua Dizhou, nor Baihua Empress!"

At this moment, Chu Bei's voice suddenly exploded like a rolling thunder across the entire Heaven Above, directly shaking the heart of every Dizhou Powerhouse, full of Supreme majesty.

"Wrath of the Immortal Emperor! Not only annihilated an emperor force, but also an emperor!"

"When you arrive at the Immortal Emperor, the realm, no How can I establish some prestige? With the lessons learned from Hundred Flowers Valley, I am afraid that no emperor-level forces dare to pay attention to All Heavens Store."

"Yes, even those veteran emperor-level forces, I need to weigh the methods of the Lord of All Heavens Store."


The Powerhouses in the Great Emperor States are sighing.

"2-Star Intermediate, this has already entered the top 20 among us."

"Anyway, I am not his opponent."

"It's just 30 years, and the number has changed from forty to thirty-nine. The owner of the All Heavens Store is not a good one."

Immortal Emperors of each emperor are separated from each other. See, divine sense sound transmission, and then the breath converges, and fell into a deep sleep.


When Chu Bei took Heavenly Bead back to the Sea of ​​Consciousness and dropped it into the All Heavens Store, Bu Xuan, Bing Tongtong and Little Dragon Phoenix were immediately excited He ran forward and bowed respectfully.

"Yes, the progress is quite big."

I found out the breath of Bu Xuan, Bing Tongtong, and Xiao Dragon Phoenix, and Chu Bei was satisfied with nodded.

In just thirty years, the strength of these three little fellows has actually entered the Divine Flame Realm, especially Buxuan, and has even touched the threshold of the True Oneness Realm.

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