"That guy who? How come I have never seen it before."

"Does his mind get in the water? It's coming out at this moment! I want to participate in the finals."

"haha, I want to get to the finals without passing the preliminaries. I'm afraid I am dreaming."

"Such an eye-catching, it should be a freshman who just registered ."

"In this class of freshmen, he is also considered the most famous. In addition to his own strength is far ahead of other freshmen, he also has a magical treasure box."

"Quickly Look! It's Brother Xiao!"

"Fuck, what does he want!"


On the square, countless line of sights focused on Xiao Yan's body.

The old students who haven't seen Xiao Yan look like they are looking at a fool; and the new students are confused and excited.

On the rostrum, the two veterans looked towards Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan after looking at Xiao Yan.

Hu Gan looked towards Luo Tian beside him: "Isn't this the evildoer you brought back from Wu Tan City? Although he has the highest cultivation base of this new year, as far as I know , He is no more than 1-star Dou Shi, even if compared with the weakest person in the finals, it is still a far cry."

"I can’t figure it out, the past few days he got along with him Not an arrogant person."

After responding to Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan, Luo Tian looked towards Xiao Yan, and when he was about to say something, he seemed to have discovered something, and his expression suddenly startled.

"Boss Chu!"

Next moment, Luo Tian exclaimed.

"Tutor Luo Tian, ​​we met again."

Chu Bei paced to Xiao Yan's side, and moved towards Luo Tian, ​​waved his hand and said hello.

"Who is this man!"

"Should be with the guy who is going to participate in the finals."

"But look at Tutor Luo Tian's The expression seems to be very excited because of his appearance."


In the square, the eyes of the Academy dísciple shifted to Chu Bei.

"He is the mysterious businessman you met during your trip to Wu Tan City?" Hearing Luo Tian's exclamation, Hu Gan's expression also changed.

Luo Tian nodded, said: "The great spell of nine chains is bought from him."

Affirmed by Luo Tian, ​​Hu Gan re-examined Chu Bei.

After all, I learned from Luo Tian that this businessman is a high-level Dou Zong!

"Master Headmaster, I also want to enter the Inner Academy cultivation, I wonder if I can also participate in the finals?"

Xiao Yan moved towards Hu Gan bowed with respect.


Rather than waiting for Hu Gan to speak, Luo Tian took the lead in reprimanding shouted.

"Why give him a chance to try." Chu Bei said, his voice calm.

Hearing the sound, Luo Tian was taken aback, and then hurriedly said: "Boss Chu, it is Outer Academy's most outstanding dísciple who can enter the finals, and the weakest of them is 8-Star. Xiao Yan is a talent. 1-star, and this year’s mode is a melee, making him go up for fear of getting hurt."

"In that case, you can find someone to try if he is qualified." Chu Bei put his arms around his chest Before, the corners of his mouth were smiling.

"Xue Beng, you have to be measured, don't hurt him."

Just as Luo Tian hesitated, Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan opened the mouth and said.

Received instructions, a man in white immediately walked from the viewing stand to Xiao Yan.

"Little Junior Brother, there is Heaven beyond the Heaven there is Person beyond the Person, don’t you understand the truth?"

The man named Xue Beng looked at Xiao jokingly Yan: "Let the senior brother teach you a lesson today."

"Then Junior Brother thanked you first, but senior brother don't hurt yourself." Xiao Yan responded.


Xue Beng coldly snorted, and then looked towards Hu Gan: "Master Headmaster, can I take action?"

See Hu Gan nodded motioned, Xue Beng took a step forward, making a fist with his right palm; accompanied by a muffled sound, a roaring wind roared with oppressive breath.

Xiao Yan face doesn't change, just lift up the sleeves at a moderate pace.

"His opponent is Xue Beng, the guy who almost made it to the final!"

"Faced with 7-Star Dou Shi, but still so calm, really not knowing the immensity of Heaven and Earth."

Seeing Xiao Yan's calm and composed appearance, a group of dísciples spoke out one after another.

For Xiao Yan's performance at this time, they have only one word to describe: newborn calves do not fear tigers!

"If it wasn't for Master Headmaster's order, I really want to teach you a lesson!" Xue Beng frowned in disgust at Xiao Yan's carelessness.

As the shout fell, Dou Qi quickly rushed to the right fist in Xue Beng's body, and then rushed forward.

In the blink of an eye, Xue Beng has already squeezed his fist and reached Xiao Yan.

Aware of Xue Beng's imposing manner, Luo Tian and Hu Gan's expressions can't help changing slightly, and they are ready to take action at any time if the situation is not right.

However, Xiao Yan, as the protagonist, is still very calm and collected.

Under the gaze of countless eyes filled with various emotions, Xue Beng's powerful punch was less than 30 centimeters away from Xiao Yan.

But just when everyone thought Xiao Yan was about to be blasted back by a punch, Xue Beng's fist that had been stuck to Xiao Yan's chest suddenly stiffened, as if imprisoned.

At some point, Xiao Yan has already reached out his palm.

It was this hand that blocked Xue Beng's powerful right fist, and continued on the trajectory.

"That guy actually took it!"

"How is it possible! Brother Xue Beng must have released the water!"

Seeing this scene, there was an uproar. .

"Brother, I'm not as weak as you think. Please also show your ten% strength." Xiao Yan looked at Xue Beng calmly, a slight curve of the corner of his mouth raised.

Xue Beng seemed to be immersed in shock. When he felt Xiao Yan's sudden rise of Dou Qi fluctuations, his pupils suddenly shrank, and finally a touch of horror crossed his face.

At this time, Xiao Yan also turned his palm into a fist, carrying fierce energy on the face of the fist, and slammed into Xue Beng.

Wherever the fist passes, there are fluctuations in the space, and the ear-piercing sound of sonic boom, like the sound of muffled thunder, is endless.

Feeling Xiao Yan’s aggressive offensive like a thunder, Xue Beng finally came back to his senses from the trance, quickly stepped back and quickly opened the distance from Xiao Yan.

"I look down on you! Then let me see how strong you are!"

Xue Beng's fighting intent rises in his eyes, and he starts to use Dou Technique with a kick Stepping down, the hard floor erupted with a ka-cha sound, and small cracks spread rapidly from the soles of his feet.

next moment, Xue Beng let out a low roar, Dou Qi in his body is running to the extreme at this moment, pale red Dou Qi gushing out from the body, and finally a red Dou Qi Cloak is formed on the surface of the body .

Immediately afterwards, the Xue Beng silhouette flickered, leaving a dozen afterimages as Dou Technique; the red glow surged, and the afterimage closed.

Xue Beng punches again, but this fist is dozens of times more powerful than before!

"Senior Brother Xue Beng has done his best!"

"That guy seems to be stronger than we thought!"

Looking at Xiao Yan and shooting violently! When the red glow went away, everyone was shocked.

Faced with Xue Beng this fist, Xiao Yan still face doesn't change.

I saw a layer of armor slowly emerging from its body surface, and then it was punched out.


Two punches collided!

A loud noise erupted from the collision.

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