In the battlefield, the hard stone slabs under the feet of the two of them were shocked into powder directly; the cracks were like spider webs, continuously spreading out.

Immediately afterwards, one silhouette shot backwards like a cannonball, and a mouthful of red blood spurted out of his mouth. The body fell to the ground and slid several meters against the floor before stopping.

In the spectator stand, countless line of sight gathered together, and when it was confirmed that the defeated people, their complexions turned gray.

Xue Beng lost!

This result came too suddenly and unexpectedly, making them completely unprepared.

"Luo Tian, ​​this...what's going on! Didn't you say that he is just 1-star Dou Shi?" Deputy Headmaster suck in a breath of cold air, his face was at a loss.

At this moment, he does not have the calmness when he was in charge of Outer Academy. He is more like a person who thunders and sculpts clay sculptures and wood sculptures.

"When I brought him back to the Academy, he was indeed just 1-star Dou Shi! Mentor Ruo Lin can testify for me! As for the situation before me, I have no idea."

Luo Tian was dumbfounded, his brain had lost the ability to think, he stood there still like a wood, staring at the winning Xiao Yan with both eyes blankly.

"Dou Qi armor!"

"He is Da Dou Shi!"

"No wonder Xue Beng will lose!"

"Is he really a freshman?"


Finally, the clamor rang out on the battle stage of the vast crowd.

The Academy dísciple, who was disdainful of Xiao Yan before, once again looked towards Xiao Yan, obviously there is something more inexplicable.

A Da Dou Shi, let alone a freshman, even if it is placed in the entire Canaan Outer Academy, it is also an outstanding well-known figure!

Of course, enough to qualify for this Inner Academy finals.

"Brother Xiao won!"

"Brother Xiao is Da Dou Shi!"

"Brother Xiao is mighty!"


As for all the freshmen present, they have already screamed frantically, they are all little fans.

On the competition stage, the fifty dísciples who entered the finals looked at each other, and their faces were filled with incredible colors.

The strength that Xiao Yan showed, also let them to be startled!

"Tutor Luo Tian, ​​now do you think Xiao Yan can join the final?" Chu Bei smiled at Luo Tian and asked.

At this time, Luo Tian seemed to have thought of something, staring at Chu Bei in disbelief, probed: "Boss Chu, you must have promoted Xiao Yan's cultivation base!"

"It's not important." Chu Bei spread his hands.

"I am afraid that only you can do it."

Luo Tian took a long breath, and the other party did not refute his question, which undoubtedly confirmed his statement.

After that, Luo Tian turned and looked towards Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan and the two veterans.

Hu Gan and the two elders exchanged their eyes, but they were nodded at the same time.

"Xiao Yan, although you have just come to the Academy to report, but through the strength you have shown before, we unanimously agree that you enter the Inner Academy and can join the finals of this Inner Academy trial!"

After announcing the result, Hu Gan looked towards Chu Bei again, and stopped talking.

"many thanks Headmaster!"

Xiao Yan first moved towards Hu Gan and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, then bowed to Chu Bei, and finally jumped Leap, jumped onto the platform.

"Brother Xiao, come on!"

A group of freshmen got up from their seats to cheer for Xiao Yan.

"Little fellows, I don't need to repeat the rules of the game anymore, right? You understand?" Hu Gan glanced across the 51 silhouettes on the platform.


Bidou rang neatly.

"That's the case, then I announce that the finals will begin!"


As Hu Gan's voice fell, the originally quiet competition platform, Suddenly dozens of Dou Qi of different colors burst out, dazzling.

Immediately afterwards, the silhouette swept in a flash on the stage, one by one quickly moved towards the edge of the bucket.

Because this is a big melee, except for myself, everyone else in the field is all enemies.

For this reason, they are all afraid of being in the center of the battlefield, being attacked by groups, or being attacked by enemies behind their backs, and being blasted out of the battlefield.

Look at the battle stage again. At the moment when Hu Gan announced the start of the finals, excitement screams and screams of excitement resounded across the sky.

A crowd of spectators dísciple, almost broke their voices and cheered for their favorite contestants.

"This year's melee mode is indeed more provocative than previous rounds." Hu Gan looked triumphant, seemingly satisfied with his decision.

long long long ——

As the game begins, those contestants who fail to at first and retreat to the edge of the battle table can only be forced to enter the melee first.

Perhaps because they are all afraid that people who have already occupied the marginal position will suddenly make black hands. Even when they are fighting with others, they will only retreat at the touch of a touch. At the same time, they watch all around vigilantly.

Because they are more or less familiar with each other, those who are weaker and in the middle of the battle stage gradually become the primary targets of other people's attacks.

Soon, these weaker players began to get out of the game.

Gradually, some people have learned from experience.

In the battlefield, those who are normally well-connected began to approach each other and hug each other.

As more and more people found their companions, the chaos in the field began to improve.

The situation in the field has also changed accordingly.

One by one, small groups joined forces to attack those who were alone.

"This kind of melee is totally unfair to Brother Xiao!"

"Yes! Those who have good friends with each other are beginning to cling together, and Brother Xiao is alone, the situation is unfavorable. !"

"It would be great if we also had the strength of Brother Xiao! Then we can help him on the field!"


On the battle stage , A group of freshmen fought for Xiao Yan.

The game continued, and a four-person team caught Xiao Yan's attention.

Unfortunately, none of these four-member groups entered the realm of Da Dou Shi, and there was no threat to Xiao Yan at all. In the end, all four of them were blasted out of the competition platform by Xiao Yan.

With the lessons learned, other groups that originally wanted to take action against Xiao Yan gave up this idea one after another.

In order to avoid unnecessary trouble, Xiao Yan directly broke out the Dou Qi fluctuation of Da Dou Shi 4-Star, which shocked everyone in the field.

In addition to Xiao Yan, there are six other tyrannical breaths rushing up on the Bidoutai, each occupying a position.

Looking closely, these six people are the most promising champions Xue Feng, Nangong Chong, Shi Tian, ​​and Wu Hao, Hu Jia and Bai Shan.

What is staggering is that these six people did not form a group, and even took the initiative to attack the participants who formed the group.

In particular, Xue Feng, Nangong Chong, and Shi Tian are like tigers coming out of the mountain. No matter which group they encounter, they will all be blasted out of the battlefield by tyrannical means.

"Your name is Xiao Yan, right? I watched your fight just now. It is rare for you to become Da Dou Shi at your age."

Wu Hao appeared in a flash To the front of Xiao Yan: "Let me come experience your method."

"Then please enlighten me." Xiao Yan looked serious.

Wu Hao of the Law Enforcement Group in front of him is above him in terms of the cultivation base alone, reaching 5-Star Peak.

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