"Look! Wu Hao found the new student!"

"This new student has entered the realm of Da Dou Shi at such an age. It can be described as a truly extraordinary Natural talent! It’s a pity that Wu Hao has been staring at him. It’s unlucky."

"Yes, Wu Hao is different from Xue Beng. He has been practicing in the Black-Corner Region all the year round and died in him. There are at least a hundred Da Dou Shi in his hand, and his cultivation base has reached 5-Star Peak."

"I just don’t know if this freshman can hold on to Wu Hao for a few seconds."


On the Guanbattle stage, a group of dísciples quickly noticed Wu Hao's movements; when they discovered that their prey was Xiao Yan, their expressions showed pity for Xiao Yan. .

Under the gaze of countless line of sight, Wu Hao silhouette moved like a ghost.

In an instant, I was in front of Xiao Yan.

Aware of the oncoming horrible energy, Xiao Yan did not hesitate at all. After locking Wu Hao's position, he immediately swung a full strength attack.


A muffled sound is heard.

Two figures hit points.

"I underestimated it."

Wu Hao glanced at Xiao Yan approvingly, and the speed of his feet began to increase.

Xiao Yan's expression is serious, and his speed also speeds up.

bang bang bang!

Two figures are quickly interlaced.

In just a few breaths, Xiao Yan and Wu Hao fought more than ten times.

"I can deal with Wu Hao!"

"Is he so strong!"

"Look at his Dou Qi fluctuations, At least 4-Star Da Dou Shi!"


The dísciples who watched the game looked incredible.

At this time, the situation suddenly changed compared to other battlefields on the fighting platform.

Xue Feng, Nangong Chong, Shi Tian, ​​Hu Jia and Bai Shan all united in a tacit understanding and launched a devastating attack on those tyrannical groups.

"Damn it!"

With a low growl of unwillingness, there are fewer and fewer people on the stage.

When the last group was expelled, only five people, Hu Jia and Bai Shan, and Xiao Yan and Wu Hao who were still fighting, were left on the stage, a total of seven people.

"These guys who made up the number have finally been driven off." Bai Shan said as he straightened his clothes.

"Next, it's our battle. I won't show mercy to you." Hu Jia blanked Bai Shan.

"What's the hurry? Wu Hao is fighting the freshman." Bai Shan pointed to the battlefield between Xiao Yan and Wu Hao.

"This is called Xiao Yan's new student, and it really made me to be startled. If Wu Hao doesn't use some housekeeping methods, I'm afraid I won't be able to take him for a while."

Not only Hu Jia, Bai Shan, Shi Tian and the others, the two veterans on the podium, Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan, and everyone in the spectator stand focused their eyes on Wu Hao and Xiao Yan.

At this moment, the battle between the two has entered a white-hot state.


There was another loud noise.

two figures rewind several steps at the same time.

However, this time, Wu Hao did not immediately launch another attack, but glanced at the competition platform where there were only seven of them left.

"Wu Hao, can you do it in the end!"

"That is, a new student can't win it."

"How to say it is also in the Law Enforcement Group The influential figure, your performance now disappoints me."

Xue Feng, Nangong Chong, and Shi Tian laughed sarcastically one after another.

Wu Hao ignored Shi Tian's ridicule, but was coldly snorted, and his eyes returned to Xiao Yan.

"Maybe your future achievements will be above me, but for now, that's it."

The deep voice fell, Wu Hao right hand turns, a handful of silver and white The long spear flashes from the Storage Ring.

The long spear trembles, and the silver Dou Qi gleaming with electric light is like a small snake, covering the body of the gun.

With a sharp shout, Wu Hao held the handle of the gun, and as he swept forward, the tip of the gun shook quickly, bringing up a few silver-colored glow.


However, when the silver-colored glow was about to pierce Xiao Yan, a Long knife appeared in the latter's hand and rushed forward.

The long spear was blocked, Wu Hao's complexion did not change at all, his arm shook again, and a silver Dou Qi like electric light surged out along the gun body, the target reached Xiao Yan's head.

Xiao Yan did not evade, just when the silver Dou Qi was only 30 cm between the eyebrows, the majestic Dou Qi in his body solidified into an energy film diagonally above his head.

Another muffled sound.

The energy membrane was rippled by the strikes, but Xiao Yan himself was still unharmed.

The attack was resolved once again, and Wu Hao's expression finally became heavy.

Next moment, I saw him holding the handle of the gun in both hands; after that, he spun wildly.

Suddenly, a silver long spear turned into a wind wheel, and the violent energy fluctuations even opened the battle table, deterring people.

Looking at Wu Hao again, the silver light on the body surface is prosperous. From a distance, it looks like a silver light sphere.

"Unexpectedly, I was forced to use this move!"

Whether it is Hu Jia, Bai Shan, or Xue Feng, Nangong Chong, and Shi Tian who had previously ridiculed When they saw Wu Hao's silver light on the surface, they all looked moved, and their eyes were shocked.

Feeling that the long spear in Wu Hao's hands condenses and rises like thunder's violent energy, Xiao Yan's expression allows some solemnity. At the same time, holding the handle of the knife with both hands, began to dance in an orderly manner.

Gradually, the silver long spear turned into a wind wheel in Wu Hao's hand returned to standstill.

It's just that the long spear at this moment is completely transformed into a silver lightning gun.

The handle, body, and tip of the gun are all lightning glow swept in a flash, accompanied by the sound of terrifying thunder.


Wu Hao's eyes fixed on Xiao Yan, his voice fell, and his gun flashed.

After a short while, the long spear stabs Xiao Yan.

Under the gaze of countless shocking gazes, an arc of silver lightning that is about one zhang thick, shoots out from the tip of the gun.

Wherever the arc passes, the calm void seems to be torn apart a gully; its speed is even faster to the pinnacle, and it flashes past.

Looking at such a terrifying blow, watching the battle stage sounded the sound of sucking air-conditioning.

One by one subconsciously swallowed, these attacks, let alone 4-Star Da Dou Shi, even if 7-Star or even 8-Star Da Dou Shi were hit, they had to be seriously injured on the spot. !

A spear thrust comes out, and Wu Hao has a touch of sorrow on his face.

This thunderstorm is Xuan Class Top Grade Dou Technique. In terms of lethality alone, it can even be comparable to the ordinary Di Class primary level. It is also his most powerful means of attack!

During the experience in the Black-Corner Region, it was this move that made him famous.

On the rostrum, Deputy Headmaster Hu Gan begins to stir, seeming to want to make a move; but seeing a peaceful look of Chu Bei not far away, he hesitates.

"Blade Storm!"

However, when the gun carrying the terrorist power was about to stab Xiao Yan, Xiao Yan swung out the Long knife held in both hands.

At the same time, there was a shout in his mouth.

Just at this brief moment, the spectators whose eyes have been focused on Xiao Yan actually felt a sense of trance.

In that moment, Xiao Yan's silhouette disappeared.

When they saw Xiao Yan again, they had already hit Wu Hao's silver lightning gun with a knife!

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