Star Sea Mountain.

It sounds like a mountain, but it is not located in the continuous mountain range, but a great island suspended in the sky in the most Central Region of Heaven Above.

The Yuantian Pavilion has set up a headquarters in each big domain, and this Star Sea Mountain is the headquarters of the Yuantian Pavilion in Heaven Above, and it is also the location where the Great Emperor Level forces sign up.

Looking around, all around the Star Sea Mountain, endless stars are circulating, surrounded by the collapsed Star River.

On the island, the breath of Immortal Emperor pervades, even if it is stronger than Quasi-Immortal Emperor here, it is very depressing.

Because the Star Sea Mountain is also the place for the next Heaven Above grand competition, the island has been very lively every day, and there are silhouettes everywhere.

Of course, speaking of the most concentrated place, there is no other place than the Star Sea Plaza in the center of the island.

Star Sea Plaza is divided into several areas, each area has the Small World created by Gendi clone.

According to reports, these Small Worlds contain the Source Law created by the source emperor, and can even withstand the aftermath of the battle of the Immortal Emperor below 3-Star.

Over the Star Sea mountain, several divine rainbows passed by and landed in front of a great hall on the Star Sea square.

"The Lord of All Heavens Store, I knew you were coming, and I will be waiting for a long time."

The leader of this line is naturally Chu Bei. It is Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and the others.

Just when their entire group landed in front of the great hall, a middle-aged man dressed in a robe printed with the word “Tian Ge” came out in the hall. Looking at its breath, one is the Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouse.

"The registration time has not passed yet, right?" Chu Bei smiled and looked at the middle-aged man in front of him.

"No, no, the Lord of All Heavens Store, you came at just the right time." The middle-aged man glanced at Chu Bei, then at Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie and the others, very enthusiastic. After all, his hands evolve, and a stone tablet made of unknown material, but released with brilliant rays of light, appears.

Looking closely, I saw a total of 38 lines on the stone tablet, and each line was printed with a line of characters, corresponding to the 38 emperor-level forces of Emperor Zhou.

Chu Bei glanced at the stone tablet faintly, and with a wave of his sleeves, a thirty-ninth line appeared on the stone tablet with six characters

【All Heavens Store 帝州, All Heavens Store 】

At this moment, the stone tablet bloomed with divine glow and appeared in all corners of Heaven Above in an instant, which means that the registration of All Heavens Store was successful.

"Sure enough, All Heavens Store Sect Master has returned, and All Heavens Store has also signed up!"

"It is very good! Heaven Above, thirty-nine emperor-level forces, one capital No absence!"

"Wait for the Heavenly Emperor-level power battle to start!"

The Powerhouse in every corner of Heaven Above, look up at the word All Heavens Store printed on the top of your head. During the divine glow, there were two loud bangs, and two more shocking unusual forms appeared.

It's just that these two unusual forms are not only flooded with Heaven Above, but the projection reaches the entire chaotic universe.

That is two figures. Behind them, there are records about their lives.

"Immortal Emperor, or two Immortal Emperors!"

"That is Hong Jun of Chuangshi Dizhou and mixed Kun! Chuangshi Yuanling's Head Direct Disciple, second disciple!"

"putting it that way, the creation of Emperor Zhou is now one state and three emperors!"

"According to the rules of the imperial force war, as long as the founder does not participate, the doorman There is no realm limit for participants in the battle! Needless to say, Hong Jun and Hunkun will definitely participate in the battle of forces!"

"My God! It seems that the battle of forces at this time, the creation of the world Dizhou is bound to shine!"

"The so-called Heaven Above 39 Immortal Emperors are actually only on the surface. As far as I know, except for the founders of Three Great Influences. , The number of other Immortal Emperors will never be less than three."


In an instant, the focus of everyone’s discussion was registered by All Heavens Store and became Hong Jun, Hun Kun became the emperor.

"Hong Jun and Hun Kun turned out to be emperors! Maybe they want to enter the power list again this year and enter the top five." Ancient Dragon Phoenix looked at that in the sky The two methods spoke out.

Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Jin Chanzi, Drifting, and Ao Lie looked at each other with strangeness in their eyes.

They, Hong Jun, and Hun Kun are all from the West, and they didn't expect each other to enter the Immortal Emperor's realm.

"Why? Afraid of encountering them in a battle of forces? Are you so unconfident?" Perceiving the expressions of Sun Wukong and the others, Chu Bei smiled knowingly.

"Master, if you are in the same Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection, dísciple is naturally fearless. But the two of them have stepped into the Immortal Emperor Realm, and dísciple is no longer an opponent." Sun Wukong responded.

"The game hasn't started yet. Who knows how this will end." Chu Bei's faint eyes looked towards the distance, and then said: "I am the first to go as a teacher this time. "

Hearing Chu Bei's smiling words, Ancient Dragon Phoenix, Hong Meng and the others did not answer. When they wanted to come, Chu Bei just made a joke that's all.

The rules of the imperial rank battle are roughly as follows:

It can be seen as two rounds before and after. The First Stage is a contest between Powerhouse, the gatekeeper who removes the founder of the faction; the second match , It is a contest between the Great Influence founders.

In other words, the final evaluation result is based on the combination of the two to give the ranking of the power list.

As for the proportion, the former and the latter account for 50% each, and both adopt the conventional points system.


"Sect Master, I heard Wukong and they said, do you have other Direct Disciple? And the strength has reached Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection?"


When the entire group returned to the All Heavens Store, Ancient Dragon Phoenix seemed to have thought of something, and said to Chu Bei: "Sect Master, it is not difficult to enter the top 15 with our strength. But those There are five or six Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection among the top ten forces, and there are more Quasi-Immortal Emperor Powerhouses underneath than us."

"This seat knows what you mean. "

Chu Bei smiled and looked at Ancient Dragon Phoenix, and then pointed a little, a blue cross roller slowly emerged in front of him, and in the roller was a blue passage woven by a long river of time.

"That's it!" Seeing the wheel of time and space, the faces of the five people including Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie changed, with faint excitement.

The two of Ancient Dragon Phoenix and Hong Meng were surprised when they felt the energy fluctuations in the wheel of time and space. They were obviously shocked.

"Look! Sect Master, what is that stuff in front of him?"

"I don't know, I haven't seen it!"

"That Is the blue passage of Cham leading to a side big domain?"

"There seems to be someone out there!"


All Heavens Store Inside, more and more dísciples gathered around the all around of the Chu Bei entire group, each with respectful faces, while their eyes were attracted by the wheel of time and space, and they whispered to each other.


The wheel of time and space rotates and vibrates.

Under the countless line of sight in All Heavens Store Powerhouse, a silhouette appeared in the blue passage of Cham.

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