that silhouette stands with hands, shrouded with the breath of the emperor. At first glance, it gives people a very contradictory feeling. They are clearly standing in the passage, but they feel that they are thousands of miles apart.

This is a young man who seems to be in his twenties, his body shrouded all around. During the steps, the clear blue passage came out and stood in front of Chu Bei.

He hangs quietly in the air, as if he merged with Heaven and Earth, and looks like an ordinary person but also like a Sovereign of Heaven and Earth. His gaze sweeps and moves, and he lives in the world for a long time. The imposing manner of the high position scattered and scattered, making people involuntarily admired, and wanted to kneel down and worship. If you stare at it, you can see that there is a ray of colorful flame beating between the eyebrows, which is very strange.

"dísciple Xiao Yan has seen the Master!" Looking at the wheel of time and space, Xiao Yan immediately recognized it, followed the breath and fixed it on Chu Bei's body, cup one fist in the other hand saluted.

Xiao Yan tone barely fell, Chu Bei has not yet responded, and a new silhouette comes out of the wheel of time and space.

This is a man in a robe with exquisite facial features and a cold face. He stepped out of the wheel of time and space.

For a moment, his body was suddenly dazzling, as if it had no body, as if it were composed of countless light atoms.

"dísciple Chen Nan, meet the Master!"

Chen Nan is the same, calming down his excitement, and moving towards Chu Bei Ju with respect. Bowed.

I saw it behind, the mighty power of light seemed to be transformed into a wicked child, constantly evolving everything, including Ancient Divine Beast, Far Ancient Immortal soldiers, Qionglou and jade pavilions, and various unusual forms.

Without waiting for the All Heavens Store dísciple to make a sound, the wheel of time and space turned for the third time, and another fuzzy silhouette appeared.

I saw him holding a gorgeous Trident. When this fuzzy silhouette walked out of the wheel of time and space, its appearance gradually became clear.

"dísciple Tang San, see Master!" With respectful shouts, like rolling thunder, echoed in All Heavens Store.

"dísciple Ye Fan, meet the Master!"

The 4th silhouette walked out of the wheel of time and space, his body all around accompanied by Nine Heavens thunder, black, purple, green and other lighting There are even some lightnings that have evolved into mysterious gigantic beasts. He is like the Sovereign of Thunder, just looking at him, he can't help but bow his head in worship.

"dísciple Shi Hao, I have seen the Master!"

In the buzzing sound, the fifth silhouette came out of the wheel of time and space, all around Senbai rays of The light permeates, like a spider web, extending in the sky, making it split and then heal, repeating itself again and again, that is the terrifying Power of Primal Chaos.

"dísciple Linley, I have seen the Master!" The Six Paths silhouette appeared, and behind it, a Golden dragon was faintly seen swimming. It has four pairs of dragon horns, and behind its huge body are hundreds of millions of dragon clan creatures kowtow and worship.

"dísciple Luo Feng, I have seen the Master!" Soon, the seventh silhouette walked out of the wheel of time and space. He behind brought up a black halo, like an endless huge black hole, in which there was an incomparably terrifying suction power, which seemed to be able to Devouring All Living Things.

"Master, did you use Supreme Divine Ability to make my dísciple appear here? Where is this?" Chen Nan looked at Chu Bei with a bewildered face, and then pointed his finger at the wheel of time and space , And pointed to Ye Fan, Tang San and the others: "What else are they? What are they?"

"You are all Inheritors selected for the division." Chu Bei glanced over Chen Nan Xiao Yan and all the protagonists of the plane, with a smile on their lips.

This time from the experience city, in addition to the promotion on the cultivation base, he can also summon all the contractors.

It may be the difference between the Time and Space Flow Speed ​​of the different domains. Today, the cultivation base of these contractors has reached the point where they can compete with the guardians of that domain.

"Master, is this the chaotic universe? The breath of the emperor is so vigorous!"

"Indeed, this is far from the dísciple's big area. "

Shi Hao, Ye Fan and the others felt the breath of energy in the air all around, and looked at each other. They guessed that the world where they are now must be the highest level of chaos. Great domain.

It is only here that the energy fluctuations of the Immortal Emperor can be filled in the air, and there is a mysterious suppression in the dark, even if they are affected by their strength.

"Sect Master, are they all your Direct Disciple?"

"Five! Like Elder Sun and them, there are five Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection!"

"Plus Dragon Phoenix, now the number of Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection in All Heavens Store has reached eleven!"

"Speaking of which, take it In the coming battle of forces, our All Heavens Store’s performance will be even better!"


A crowd of All Heavens Store dísciples gradually came back to his senses, in a little Quasi- After the Powerhouse of Immortal Emperor Initial Phase revealed the cultivation base of Chen Nan, Tang San, Ye Fan and the others, one by one exclaimed. At the same time, his face was filled with excitement.

"I am calling you here as a teacher. One is to let you visit the All Heavens Store here, and the other is to give you self-tempering." Chu Bei sounded with a smile.


Just when Chu Bei’s voice fell, Xiao Yan, Chen Nan, Tang San, Ye Fan, Shi Hao, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Drifting A total of twelve silhouettes of Jin Chanzi, Ao Lie, Linley, and Luo Feng stood side by side, looking respectful.


2nd day.

It is also the day when the Heaven Above Emperor-level war of forces began.

These days, because of being a battlefield of forces, the Star Sea Mountain is extremely lively. Today, it has reached a peak period of 100,000 years.

"Have waiting, finally waited until this day. I was so excited when I thought of seeing those Immortal Emperor Powerhouses!"


"I don't know at this time, which imperial forces' children will shine."

"Needless to say, there must be an Emperor Sect! After all, that Hong Jun and Hun Kun have become emperors!"

"This All Heavens Store shouldn't let us down. Although it has only been established in recent years, it is a fierce dark horse. Except for that. In addition to the Sect Master on the 6-Star, five Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfections were added at once."

"Speaking of these five Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfections, they are still from the creation. Where is Yuan Ling’s Western Territory. You said that if they were on the battlefield, it would be interesting for the five of them to meet Hong Jun and Hun Kun."

"Speaking of which, Baihua Valley is really a pity. . An emperor-level force that stood for tens of thousands of years has just died out."


There are densely packed silhouettes in the huge Star Sea Plaza, all with them. Strong breath fluctuation. The weakest person who can stay in the square today also has the strength of the Immortal King Fifth Stage.

As for the Powerhouses under the Immortal King, they are all very interesting. You can watch the whole process of the power war through the projection displayed by the Yuantian Pavilion.

At this moment, the eyes of all the Powerhouses on the square are concentrated on the large round platform made of unknown material suspended just above the center of the square.

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