After the initial ranking of the battlefield is determined, those who are within ten of the rankings can initiate a challenge.

Once the initiator defeats the challenger, the initiator ranking will replace the challenger ranking, and the challenger ranking will drop by one until the final Ranking List is no longer changed.

"Everyone, you all know the rules of the second round, so let's start!"

Fifteen minutes later, Lan Hui Immortal Emperor’s strong and bright voice was on the battlefield. Sounded in.

As the voice of Lan Hui Immortal Emperor fell, a hundred world battlefields appeared in the empty sky dome. In the center of each world battlefield, there is a huge and clear Ranking List flashing with brilliant rays of light.

Looking at it, Xiao Yan, Chen Nan, Tang San, Ye Fan, Shi Hao, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Drifting, Jin Chanzi, Ao Lie, Ancient Dragon Phoenix are divided into 11 In different battlefields, the same thing is at the top of the list.

As soon as the Lanhui Immortal Emperor announced the start of the game, people in the hundred battlefields successively launched challenges.

At first, none of Xiao Yan, Chen Nan and the others initiated the challenge, but when the Number One Person in the current ten Powerhouses initiated the challenge, the others began to stir.

After all, they want to come and challenge first, even if they fail, the ranking will not change.

But the fact is that when they fail to challenge, their own strength will be restrained by this world battlefield, which makes it impossible to use the strongest Slaughter Technique when challenged by the people below.

When this point was discovered, Powerhouse, who was not sure, did not dare to challenge Xiao Yan and Chen Nan at will, Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection.

As for the two Immortal Emperors, Hong Jun and Hun Kun, no one challenged them from start to finish in their battlefields.

An hour later.

The Ranking List of one hundred battlefields no longer changes. Compared with the original Ranking List, the changes are not much different.

"Finally start the third round!"

"The next game will be interesting."

"Especially the top 20, just It's about the ranking of the power list."

"Needless to say, the top two are definitely dominated by Hong Jun and Hun Kun. As for the third to the twentieth, it is hard to say. After all. , Most of these people have reached the realm of Great Perfection, it depends on whose way is stronger!"


It was Lanhui Immortal Emperor who announced the end of the second round. At that time, the Powerhouse on the Star Sea Square and a group of Immortal Emperors suddenly came to mind.

This third round, also known as the top 100 battle, selects the first of the 100 battlefields in the second round to compete.

The rules are very simple, it is the most common pairwise competition.

The top 100 to the top sixty-four, the top sixty-four to the top thirty-two, the top thirty-two to the top sixteen, the top sixteen to the top eight, and finally the top four, the top The battle for Asia.

"Little fellows, you are all the mainstays of Heaven Above. The next game is not only about the ranking of the forces you represent, but also a Peak battle. In the process of fighting with each other I hope you can all realize it. If you can take this breakthrough, it would be the best."

Lan Hui Immortal Emperor glanced across Xiao Yan, Chen Nan and other hundred people: " There is still time, please adjust your status and prepare for the Peak Battle!"

When Lan Hui's voice fell, a hundred Powerhouses looked at each other and disappeared almost at the same time, returning to their respective forces. s position.

If you say that at this moment, what attracts the most attention is the location of Chu Bei.

Although two Immortal Emperors were born in the dísciple of Chuangshi Yuanling, there is a big difference between the number of Great Perfection and All Heavens Store apart from this.

Of the thirty-nine emperor-level forces, most of the emperor-level forces have only two Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection on the field, and some of the lower-ranked emperor-level forces do not even have the Great Perfection Quasi- Immortal Emperor.

Look at All Heavens Store again, there are eleven Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection!

With such a number, even Longquan Sect, Qiancang Island, and Shendao Mountain are envious.

"Master, the two Immortal Emperors that created the Immortal Sect are not easy."

Xiao Yan, Chen Nan, Tang San, Ye Fan and the others stand side by side Chu Bei bowed in front of him.

"It's okay, you can go to the battle, and then hand it over to be a teacher." Chu Bei smiled knowingly: "Since All Heavens Store is participating in the war, it must be the first, and it can only be the first! "

"Yes, Master! dísciple will do my best!"

When Chu Bei said, Xiao Yan, Chen Nan, Tang San, Ye Fan and the others looked at each other He was heavily nodded.


"The time has come, all the participants will be on the stage!"

Half a quarter of an hour later, accompanied by a loud bang, in the Star A huge competition platform appeared above the writing in Sea Square.

Different from the previous two games, this last game is not played in the world battlefield, but directly above the Star Sea Plaza.

Although Bidoutai does not look big, it has its own mystery and seems to be divided into several areas. Each area can be used separately as a competition place.

"For those who are able to participate in this final round of competition, your cultivation base has almost reached the Quasi-Immortal Emperor's Peak, and they are almost the same. One party wants to miss the other party and kill the other party. Probably. For this reason, in the course of the battle, you can have no reservations. To put it bluntly, the opponent's worst situation is a serious injury. If such a death situation does occur, the emperor will take immediate action."

Lan Hui Immortal Emperor glanced over one hundred Powerhouses that had already appeared on the platform, and the majestic voice spread throughout the Star Sea Square.

"Start to choose your opponent."

With the voice of Lan Hui Immortal Emperor falling again, a hundred light groups appeared on the top of the platform.

One hundred Powerhouses who are familiar with the rules moved towards those one hundred light groups at the same time, of which only fifty light groups contain weird words. And the fifty people who got this weird word light group will be randomly selected again to choose their opponents.

"Floating Island Zong Liuruo vs. Creation Immortal Sect Hong Jun"

"Yuexiagu Muhui vs. All Heavens Store Xiao Yan"

"Longquan Sect White Horse vs. All Heavens Store Shi Hao"

"Hei Wushan You Quan vs. All Heavens Store Ye Fan"


In a short while, this is the first Both opponents have finalized the list.

"Hey, how can my luck be so memorized! This first match ran into Hong Jun, there is no hope."

"I am not the same as you, opponent It's a mixed bag, and it's also an Immortal Emperor that's hard to reach!"

"Brace oneself, let's go through the cutscene. Sect Master can also understand us. It's really difficult."

The two Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection Powerhouses, Hong Jun and Hun Kun, flew helplessly into the area where Hong Jun and Hun Kun were.

The battle comes quickly, and goes faster!

Perhaps knowing the ending, these two people didn't want to fight at all, and when they played a few of the strongest killer moves and found that they were easily taken by Hong Jun and Hun Kun, they directly chose to surrender.

Compared to the Hong Jun and Hunkun battlefields, the other battlefields are much more intense. Various terrifying techniques are emerging one after another, the Profound Truth bursts out, and the terrifying breath is scattered, carrying a prestige of destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth.

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