Apart from the battlefield of Hong Jun and Hun Kun, there is nothing more eye-catching than the battlefield where All Heavens Store dísciple is located.

Perhaps because of the mysterious of All Heavens Store, watching the Powerhouse including Immortal Emperor, I am very curious about where they can go.

If you say that in the current battlefield of All Heavens Store dísciple, the focus of attention is more, it is the battlefield where Shi Hao is located.

Fighting against Shi Hao is a big man with long red hair scattered, and his eyes sharp and terrifying.

This is a Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection of Longquan School. Its name is White Horse. Since embarking on the road of cultivation, it has swept everyone in the same period. It has a high innate talent and abnormal terrifying. At the same time, he is also a strong candidate who is believed to be able to take that step in nearly a million years.

At this moment, he is on the battlefield, shrouded in chaos, and the breath of the avenue covers the star dome, as if he can suppress the eternal heavens.

"You are very strong!"

White Horse glanced at Shi Hao indifferently, the cold voice fell, and he directly patted it with his hand.

hong long!

White horses possess terrifying and exuberant blood energy, which has vaguely entrained a trace of real Immortal Emperor breath. With just a palm, their battlefield is as if it is still .

"It is indeed the Chief Disciple of Longquan Sect! It is said that it has proved by time and space mystery, and now it seems to be true!"

Looking at that side suddenly fell into a deadly battlefield. , The crowd watching Powerhouse trembled.

It’s just that when the terrifying giant carrying the power of Supreme was about to strike Shi Hao, I saw a huge pill appearing out of thin air in the latter’s body, welcoming it. Go up and blast the giant hand apart in an instant.

"All Heavens Store, Shi Hao, is also terrifying! Facing the white horse, it is not weak at all!" Seeing Shi Hao's divine ability, a crowd of onlookers watched the Powerhouse again, their faces Showing an incredible color.

long long long ——

In the successive rumbling sounds, the silhouette of the white horse is constantly changing, and various emperor skills emerge in endlessly.

He is full of red and long hair like a fire, dancing there, releasing a dazzling rune, breathe hard.

After arriving, his magical body skyrocketed again, and the rolling Star River surrounded it all around, generating a terrifying unusual form.

Because of knowing Shi Hao's strength, he no longer retains it and directly showed the strongest posture!

"It’s not a long time since I’ve been fighting so much!"

White Horse’s sharp eyes looked at Shi Hao like lightning and indifferent: "That weird thing is your Proving Is the Dao Tool? Or is it the inheritance of your All Heavens Store? Your senior and junior brothers seem to have them!"

The voice fell, and the white horse shot again, and the blood-red stove flew from the palm of his hand. Out, the dazzling light flowed, the flame of the Infinite Avenue was sprayed, and the star dome was burned.

Even vaguely, layers of unusual form can be seen in these flames. That was his life, recording the strong state that swept all enemies from his birth to the present.

The heart palpitating thing is that at the moment Baima shot his hand, there was a long river around his body manifesting, burning raging, shrouded by time fragments.

"You are also very strong, you can use it to practice hands."

Shi Hao's mouth outlines a smile, and the fighting intent in his eyes is even worse. Gura Gura no Mi is behind it. Hovering, releasing the terrifying vibrating power.

"Practicing? You are too arrogant! Don't you understand the principle of there is Heaven beyond the Heaven there is Person beyond the Person?" White horse yelled.

"In the same realm, All Heavens Store dísciple is invincible!" Shi Hao's majestic voice agitated on the battlefield, his face filled with confidence.


Hearing Shi Hao’s words, the white horse’s face revealed disdain, holding the blood red stove in his hand, walking on the river of time, time fragments dancing, boundless horror, boundless swings Avenue symbol blaze.

At the moment of the fight, the battlefield in the area on the fighting platform was almost sinking, and the dazzling Light of Immortal Dao wrapped them in it.

"Longquanzong’s white horse was angered! I am afraid that the battle between the two of them will soon come to an end!"

Looking at the peerless battle on the terrifying battlefield, Star The Powerhouse on Sea Square sucked in a breath of cold air.

Fortunately, there is a higher star-level Immortal Emperor Powerhouse blessing than Doutai, otherwise the entire Star Sea mountain will usher in terrifying disaster!

"Lost in the years!"

In the battlefield, Baima shouted, he used the strongest time secret technique. I saw him slit his wrist, dazzling blood splashed, and plunged into the blood red stove.

Suddenly, a force of time entrained the symbol of time, carrying the blood essence of the white horse, moved towards Shi Hao and suppressed it.

"same realm, All Heavens Store dísciple is not afraid of everything!"

Similar voices were spit out again from Shi Hao's mouth, and then I saw both of his hands dancing, generating with Void Power Resonance, swept out the white radiance of Wuliangsen, penetrated Power of Time, and pointed straight at the white horse.

With a boom, Void Power collided with Power of Time, and the avenue symbol flew.

At first, White Horse's Power of Time could compete with Shi Hao Void Power.

It didn't take long for Void Power to explode again with a terrifying divine glow. In an instant, Power of Time was annihilated, and it came to the white horse to suppress it.


Feeling the Void Power coming from the bombing, the white horse roars, the blood essence of the whole body penetrates out of the body and burns blazingly. The opponent is far stronger than he thought, he has to work hard!

As the original blood essence burns, the breath of the white horse rises again. With a wave of hands, the star dome is turbulent, the years are shattered, and time is like an ocean, welcoming it.

"Your Tao is not mature enough." Shi Hao was overwhelmed by the ocean of time, and his hair turned white and his body began to grow old. However, his expression has not changed, and he has no fear at all.


The white horse yelled, the blood essence burned all over, and he was wrapped in scarlet flame.

As the dreary cold voice in his mouth fell, the Scarlet Stove appeared in his hands again, becoming more and more terrifying, exuding Chaos Energy, ripples of time.

However, when the Scarlet Stove was about to strike on Shi Hao's head, his white hair suddenly turned black again, and his skin instantly returned to its original state, as if Power of Time The same disappeared from him.

"It's over."

With the calm voice falling, Shi Hao's whole body was wrapped in white radiance, and then his body seemed to melt into the sky, mysterious Mo Test, bred Profound Truth.

There was a loud noise, and there were many unusual forms!


Shi Hao merges with the pill-shaped thing behind his head. Three little people appear above his head. He transforms himself into Dafa, performing various Supreme Divine Ability, and finally Mixed with the power of the tremor, first the Scarlet Stove was shattered, and then fiercely strikes on the chest of the white horse.

In an instant, the white horse's chest was pierced and staggered backwards, and the blazing flame of Blood Essence Combustion from its body surface went out.


The white horse roared, with a strong unwillingness in the roar. It couldn't accept this result, and the strongest time attack after burning blood essence on its own couldn't even hurt the opponent.

Before this, he claimed to be invincible in the same realm. For thousands of years, he has never failed in the same realm. But today, even if the original blood essence is burned, it still can't hurt the opponent.

Furthermore, his opponent still had no relevant news before, as if he appeared out of nowhere!

"All Heavens Store Shi Hao vs. Longquanzong Baima, Shi Hao wins!"

When Shi Hao attacked again, Lan Hui Immortal Emperor eyes shrank quickly shot. A group of Emperor Guang wrapped the white horse and shattered Shi Hao's terrifying attack, and at the same time announced the result of the match between the two.

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