The white horse was sent out of the battlefield and stared at Shi Hao coldly. Although his eyes were unwilling, he did not disagree with the outcome of the battle.

This time, he was defeated, completely defeated!

"In a few years, I will visit the All Heavens Store and discuss with you again." Baima looked at Shi Hao with a cold voice.

"If it were then, I was still in the door, so I would naturally take it. However, how many more times, the result will not change. In the same realm, All Heavens Store dísciple is invincible!" Shi Hao said With a smile, the first battle ended and left the battlefield.

"Longquanzong's white horse was defeated!"

"It was still a fiasco! Even being crushed is not an exaggeration!"

"Great In the Perfection Quasi-Immortal Emperor, Baima is recognized as one of the top ten! How could it be like this!"

"Is Shi Hao of All Heavens Store already so powerful? I'm afraid he It’s only half a foot away from the Immortal Emperor's realm!"

"In my opinion, he should be the strongest among the eleven Great Perfections in the All Heavens Store!"

"no! Look at the performance of other All Heavens Store dísciple!"


Looking at the empty battlefield in the area, watching the battle Discuss spiritedly. As a discordant voice sounded, countless lines of sight were scattered and looked towards the battlefields of other All Heavens Store dísciple.

At this point of view, each of them looked more and more astonished, their mouths opened wide, and their expressions in disbelief.

The other side of the battlefield.

In this battlefield, all kinds of dazzling emperor skills are constantly intertwined, exuding an incomparable surging breath, like a vast ocean, trembling stardom resonance, violent tremors, and successive collapses.

In a series of loud noises, two figures interlaced, all exuding a terrifying breath.

hong long!

In the battlefield, two figures separated from each other in a violent collision.

A huge pill-shaped thing suddenly emerged, huge and boundless, carrying the might of thunder.

Not only that, after the pill-shaped thing, another great cauldron appeared, with great power.

I saw one star after another as huge as the Star Region spinning around the tripod, and Myriad Things Origin Energy sprayed out inside the tripod. As for Dingkou, there is the rolling Star River, which is connected to the dazzling thunder.

Look at the huge Dan-shaped thing again, all around Nine Heavens thunder is permeated, black, purple, green... all kinds of lightning are everywhere, and some lightning has evolved into the appearance of the ancient Divine Beast, just looking At the first glance, I couldn't help but kowtow and worship.

"It's this pill-shaped thing again!"

"What exactly is that? Is it really All Heavens Store inheritance?"

"No, I have dealt with people in All Heavens Store, they have nothing like this! If I guess right, this should be the unique inheritance of Direct Disciple!"

"and Shi Hao before Different, the way Ye Fan walks is different!"


A crowd of spectators stared at Thunder Dan and talked aloud.


The great cauldron floats, Myriad Things Origin Energy flows; the thunder Dan rotates, driving the Nine Heavens thunder.

Under the gaze of countless pairs of eyes, the great cauldron appeared together with a silhouette above the pill-shaped thing.

Both of his hands carry behind, as if they have just experienced a bloody battle, looking ahead, and have not yet achieved the Immortal Emperor, but they give people a sense of direct vision of the Immortal Emperor.

"Have fun! Fight again!"

At this moment, a fighting intent shouted loudly from the other side of the battlefield. The sound was earth-shaking and breathtaking.

In the bright rays of light, another silhouette appeared in everyone's sight. I saw that he had double horns on the top of his head, and there were black moiré patterns between the eyebrows, blood energy covered the stars, and the stars glowed in resonance.

Along with the sound of his voice falling, I saw his right hand sticking out, covering thousands of stars, behind Star River beating with it, and with a bang, moved towards Ye Fan and patted it.

"Hei Wushan You Quan, Quasi-Immortal Emperor Great Perfection Number One Person!"

"The strength of Ye Fan is no less than Shi Hao!"

"It is reported that You Quan had hit the Immortal Emperor Realm thousands of years ago. If it were not for external influences and allowed some accidents, I am afraid it would have succeeded!"

" It’s terrifying that people can fight You Quan to such an extent!"


Looking at You Quan who shot, all the cultivators took a deep breath and were shocked. Content.

Ye Fan looked at You Quan calmly. His body was glowing and dazzling. In an instant, the huge pill-shaped thing submerged in his body, and his black hair was almost dyed blue. Walking with Myriad Things Origin Energy Cauldron, my breath soared.

long long long!

In the battlefield, Ye Fan walked on the tripod, his body all around Myriad Things Origin Energy shrouded, and he waved his fist. The surface of the fist was wrapped in nine-colored thunder, and the unusual form of the Dan-shaped thing was faintly visible.

He is divine might, eternally invincible, punched out and directly greeted the giant palm photographed by You Quan.


The chaos splashes, the flower of the emperor's path blooms.

Under countless line of sight, Ye Fan's punch wrapped in a nine-color thunder collided with You Quan's terrifying palm.

This time, it is no longer in a state of equilibrium, and You Quan obviously backed away. But it didn't seem to care, and once again played Supreme Emperor Shu.

Two figures are intertwined again!

The laws of the emperor's way are flying, their attacks are reduced to simplicity, and the highest way is hidden.

Ye Fan stepped on the great cauldron, behind thunder Dan unusual form was numerous, and the continuous attacks continued to hit, like a great river surging endlessly.

You Quan is also a tripod cast by various emperor skills, boundless divine ability, rule symbol breaking the sky, hard to shake the might of thunder and the tripod cast by Myriad Things Origin Energy.

The confrontation between the two is unthinkable. The long river of earthquakes is broken and the course is constantly changing!

"Is it really still a battle between Great Perfection?" In the Star Sea square, countless Powerhouses muttered to themselves.

"Our brothers are really strong, really strong!"

"Yes, I feel stronger than Daddy!"

Bing Tongtong, Bu Xuan and Xiao Dragon Phoenix stared at the projection battle in the sky in shock, and their faces were shocked.

One by one, his eyes were round, his eyes locked on the stalwart silhouette on the battlefield, and the opponent punched out at will, and they could play the Nine Heavens taboo thunder with the emperor’s breath. .

"Believe in yourself! Work harder! One day, we will be proud of being in the All Heavens Store like brothers, but also let All Heavens Store be proud of us!" Xuan tightened his fists, with firmness in his eyes.

As time goes by, the fighting on the battlefield has become more intense, and it has entered a white-hot state.

Two figures are the most terrifying rules between Heaven and Earth. With one punch and one kick, the streamers are surging, the years are surging, strong to the extreme, and the wave of hands breaks Exterminating All Living Things.

Gradually, they were entangled together, as if they had merged into one person, they fought fiercely.


Finally, that stalwart silhouette like the Heavenly Emperor, holding the great cauldron in one hand and the thunder pill in the other, unifying them, fiercely hit it There was a violent crackling sound on You Quan's body.

In the mighty trembling sound, You Quan coughed up blood and flew all over.

"You Quan is injured!"

Seeing this scene in the battlefield, all watching Powerhouse trembled and seemed a little trance.

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