Looking at the chaotic battle on the battlefield, they became more and more frightened.

Obviously, the 1-star Immortal Emperor who has just been promoted is just a newly promoted 1-star Immortal Emperor, but his strength is already infinite. After all, the 2-Star Immortal Emperor has the power and its Emperor's Power fluctuations.

What surprised them most is that the strength of the ten dísciples of All Heavens Store is truly evenly matched, and there is no so-called strong or weak.

"It's almost over."

When Chu Bei's calm voice sounded, ten people including Xiao Yan and Ye Fan stopped. In an instant, the battlefield returned to calm.

"The next battle is not necessary. As for the ranking, just look at the row." Chu Bei looked towards the Lanhui Immortal Emperor, indifferently said.

Hearing Chu Bei's words, Lan Hui Immortal Emperor was taken aback for a moment, then shook the head, sketching out a rather helpless smile, and then nodded.

"The emperor announced that the battle between sect members and disciple of the Heaven Above Faction Ranking Tournament is over."

"The first place is Ye Fan, the second place is Shi Hao, and the second place is Shi Hao. Three are Chen Nan, fourth is Xiao Yan, fifth is Tang San, sixth is Sun Wukong, seventh is Zhu Bajie, eighth is Ao Lie, ninth is Drifting monk, and tenth is Jin Chanzi."

"As for the ninth and tenth place, do you have any objections?"

These last words, Lan Hui Immortal Emperor said to Hong Jun and Hun Kun.

Hong Jun and Hun Kun are silent. Judging from the previous melee, the strength of Drifting Monk and Jin Chanzi is equal to Xiao Yan Sun Wukong, and naturally they are above them.

After a while, Lan Hui Immortal Emperor laughed and continued to announce the results of the competition.

After Lan Hui Immortal Emperor announced the top 200, a huge void projection appeared above the bucket platform, and the information was the points possessed by these 200 dísciples.

Looking intently, I saw Ranked 1st’s Ye Fan scored 100 points, second Shi Hao scored 80 points, third Chen Nan scored 70 points, fourth Xiao Yan 65, fifth Tang San 60, sixth Sun Wukong 55, Zhu Bajie 50 on the seventh, Aolie 45 on the eighth, 40 Drifters on the ninth, and Jin Chanzi 35 on the tenth.

The points after the tenth place start to be separated by 3 points, and then 2 points, 1 point, 0.5 points, 0.025 points...

The final ranking of the power ranking battle is determined, except for these two In addition to the sum of the points of the respective forces represented by the hundred dísciples, the points of the rankings of the Great Influence founders must also be added.

In the battle of the power founders, the first place is 300 points, the second place is 250 points, the third place is 210 points, the fourth place is 190 points, the fifth place is 180 points, and so on until the 39th place. name.

Now, the points between All Heavens Store dísciple have reached 600 points!

"Since the start of the power war, the power dísciple has scored 600 points. This is the first time!"

"Can the grand competition in the past match this mention on equal terms? All Heavens Store was born, and its dísciple took the top ten, and it was also the top ten Immortal Emperors!"

"600 points, doesn’t this mean that even if Chu Bei Sect Master does not participate in the next founder discussion Battle, his All Heavens Store is also the number one influence in total points, Heaven Above’s Number One Influence!"

"According to the rules of force warfare, this is indeed the case!"

… …

Looking at the points information above the Bidoutai, after a group of Powerhouses thought about it, there was a burst of exclamation.

Everyone, although the first place is no longer the All Heavens Store, the second and other rankings are still in suspense."

At this time, Lan Hui Immortal The Emperor’s majestic voice floated above the square: "Moreover, this second round competition is the highlight of the power war. You can witness the battle between Immortal Emperors! If you can learn something from their battles Breakthrough, that can be regarded as a great blessing."

Hearing Lan Hui's Immortal Emperor's words, the powerhouses calmed down, and their eyes filled with anticipation.

In the previous dísciple battle, although there was also an Immortal Emperor duel, it was just a 1-star Immortal Emperor that just broke through.

And the founder war, there is a battle of the high-star Immortal Emperor!

Although this power battle does not have the rewards of the Immortal Emperor ranking battle, the former cannot match the intensity of the latter, but it is still enough to feast their eyes on them.

In the previous Immortal Emperor ranking battles, all the fairy Imperial Capital will participate, including the Immortal Emperor who is still secluded cultivation Longquan Sect, Shendao Mountain, and Qiancangdao three secluded cultivation; but the power war is different. , This Three Great Influences just sent a representative to come.


With a crisp hum like metal, a huge gap appeared.

Looking carefully, I saw various unusual forms in the gap, and a dazzling golden light avenue stretched out.

Next moment, the Sound of Great Dao sounded, and a silhouette came out slowly from it.

This is a middle-aged man dressed in plain clothes. From the moment he arrived, all the energy fluctuations of the emperor on the round platform seemed to be imprisoned for an instant, and the huge square was suddenly plunged into it. In silence.

The middle-aged man held his hands behind, his faint gaze first swept across the Immortal Emperors on the round table, and then swept across the Powerhouses on the square, his face expressionless.

"Emperor Yuan! Appears again!"

"Is he going to watch the battle?"

Looking at that silhouette in the sky, there is a round stage The Immortal Emperor Powerhouse exclaimed.

"Everyone, Lord Yuandi is just worried that this battlefield is not strong enough, so I will strengthen them."

Lan Hui Immortal Emperor moved towards Yuandi respectfully after bowing.

, His eyes swept across a crowd of Immortal Emperor Powerhouse opened the mouth and said.

At the same time, I saw the source emperor clone hit countless dao emperor lights to attach to the boundary wall all around Bidoutai.


After finishing the reinforcement, Yuandi clone looked towards Chu Bei and the voice was flat.

Chu Bei slightly nod, as a response.

"The battle between you is the same as before. You will fight in pairs, and finally decide the ranking." Lan Hui Immortal Emperor glanced at the Immortal Emperor Powerhouses on the round table, waved several groups of mysterious halo Emerge.

All Immortal Emperors on the stage just glanced at the halo, and they knew their opponents to fight next.

"Caiqiong Immortal Emperor vs. Bailan Immortal Emperor"

"Mubai Immortal Emperor vs. Black Immortal Emperor"

"Wuji Immortal Emperor vs. Yihuang Immortal Emperor "

"Creation of Immortal Emperor to War Star Vault Immortal Emperor"


Except for that 7- which is the representative of Qiancangdao, who is lucky. In addition to the Star Immortal Emperor, the information about 38 other Immortal Emperors' battles soon projected on the top of the round table, divided into nineteen battlefields.

long long long ——

As soon as the game started, there were several battlefields directly into the fierce battle state.

But if you look closely, no matter which battlefield, the Immortal Emperor Powerhouse did not fight for life, it seems that it is really just friendship.

Even so, the terrifying degree of these nineteen battlefields is far from the previous battles between dísciples, especially in some battlefields, the source strength of heaven has appeared, and all of them are above the ordinary. Immortal Emperor power above power.

Battlefield number seven.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, my luck is a little bit bad. Why did you draw you?" The Empress under the Moon moved towards Chu Bei blinked beautifully, her expression rather helpless.

"That fight or not?" Chu Bei smiled knowingly. Although his current strength has returned to Immortal Emperor 3-Star, it is still enough to deal with the 2-Star Empress Moon.

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