"Does Fellow Daoist Chu want to bully others that way?"

The Empress under the Moon rolled the eyes, complaining and blaming Chu Bei.

Listening to the voice of the female emperor under the moon, and looking at the other's little woman's gesture, Chu Bei shuddered inexplicably and did not dare to answer any more.

At the moment, this month, the empress has obviously expressed a desire to become a monastic partner with him, but he has no such idea at all.

Can enter the existence of Immortal Emperor Realm, which one is the master of fuel saving.

"That's all, I think Fellow Daoist Chu should understand what I mean and think about it. This Heaven Above, now I am the only female Immortal Emperor."

Yuexia The female emperor’s soft voice sounded, with some flattery on her face, and after looking towards Lan Hui Immortal Emperor: "I surrender this battle."

With the surrender of the female emperor under the moon, Chu Bei successfully entered the next stage. Round.

Two hours later, all battlefields had results.

"Wuji Immortal Emperor vs. Bailan Immortal Emperor"

"Creation of Immortal Emperor vs. Immortal Emperor on the floating island"

"Heavenly Immortal Emperor vs. Nether Immortal Emperor "


The top twenty battles are launched.

Battlefield number four.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, the guy under the moon is very wise. I have personally experienced your methods, and in the Danger Land, I owe you a big favor. To me In other words, this battle is also unnecessary." Hei Wu Immortal Emperor looked at Chu Bei opened the mouth and said.

The first time he competed for the source sky stone mine, he fought against each other.

But at that time, the other party kept his hands, only used a drop of strength of Heaven. In Danger Land, they are in a deadly formation. When body dies and Dao disappears, the other party solves their crisis.

Since the black had no Immortal Emperor and fell without a fight, Lan Hui Immortal Emperor announced the result immediately.

As time goes by, the competitions in the major battlefields have had results again.

The third game is the top ten game.

"Wuji Immortal Emperor vs. Creation Immortal Emperor"

"Heavenly Immortal Emperor vs. Lord of All Heavens Store"

"Bai Ling Immortal Emperor vs. Dragon "Puppet Immortal Emperor"


When Lan Hui Immortal Emperor announced the start of the game, Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal glanced at Chu Bei, shook the head, and said nothing. He left the battlefield directly.

Lan Hui Immortal Emperor was taken aback for a moment, and immediately announced the result after reacting.

"All Heavens Store Sect Master once again won without a fight!"

"My God! Why do this again! I want to see All Heavens Store Sect Master take action!"


"He just made it into the top five? I haven't seen him move from the beginning to the end!"

"Why? is it possible that if it's you, you will still be with him World War I?"

"All Heavens Store Sect Master defeated Emperor Yan Heavenly Immortal on sword dao! Can use 120 drops of strength at the same time, the symbol of 8-Star Immortal Emperor Ah!"

"Looking at the entire square today, I am afraid that only Lan Hui Immortal Emperor of Yuantian Pavilion can fight him!"

"And All Heavens Store Sect Master It's like a bottomless pit, maybe he still has some hidden terrifying methods."

On the square, the discussion started and the topic all pointed to Chu Bei.

long long long ——

On the battlefield, the source of strength of Heaven is agitated, and the terrifying sound waves are scattered, which is breathtaking.

Three hours later, the five major battlefields had results.

Lan Hui Immortal Emperor lightly coughed, his eyes swept across the Powerhouses on the square, with a smile on his lips: "Now the top five are out, and they are the Immortal Emperor and the representative of Longquan Sect. The Immortal Emperor of Heluo on the Shinto Mountains, the Immortal Emperor of Bailing on behalf of Thousand Cang Island, the Immortal Emperor of Limitless Immortal Sect, and the All Heavens Store Sect Master!"

"These four Immortal Emperors have not moved forward. Enter the 8-Star realm, but they are all at 7-Star Peak! Even if you are not the opponent of All Heavens Store Sect Master, you will definitely dare to fight the opponent!"

"Finally, I can see All Heavens Store again Sect Master has taken action!"

Hearing Lan Hui's Immortal Emperor's words, all the Powerhouses were almost boiling, and their expressions were excited and excited.

"Everyone, you will have a two-wheeled battle between you. The first battle, the Hanying Immortal Emperor is on the sidelines. The first battlefield, the Heluo Immortal Emperor against the Promise Immortal Emperor; the second battlefield, the Bailing Immortal Emperor Play against All Heavens Store Sect Master." Lan Hui Immortal Emperor said.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, although I know that I will lose, I still want to learn your methods."

Immortal Emperor moved towards Chu Bei, representing the Bailing of Qiancang Island. After cup one fist in the other hand, his realm is 7-Star Peak, and he has not entered the 8-Star realm.

"I’m running out of seats. I don’t want to fight anymore, just let you win."

However, when everyone looked forward to Chu Bei, Chu Bei said Spit out a light voice.

"Don't want to fight anymore? What do you mean!"

"Does it mean that All Heavens Store Sect Master will surrender without a fight?"

"How could this happen! After finally waiting for the Immortal Emperor to fight him, but waiting for the Fellow Daoist Chu to stop fighting!"

"Is this Fellow Daoist Chu not afraid to get an evaluation of inferior skills?"

"What a joke! Fellow Daoist Chu's strength is obvious to all, and it has entered the 8-Star Super Immortal Emperor! Who has got the points first? This is Fellow Daoist Chu's choice ."

"If you want to fight, you can fight, if you don’t want to fight, you don’t want to fight! I like such a casual character!"


Chu Bei that calm The voice sounded like a bolt from the blue, and all the cultivators in Heaven Above were shocked for a while.

As the opponent Bai Ling Immortal Emperor, when he heard Chu Bei's words, he was also taken aback, his expression stiffened suddenly.

"Master is really casual."

"Yes, I hope to learn something from his Tao."

"Look I can only wait for the next opportunity."

"When will we be able to catch up with the Master? Even now in this realm, I still feel that it is far, far away from the Master and Senior."

Xiao Yan, Ye Fan, Shi Hao and the others looked at each other, shaking their heads and smiling bitterly.

"Fellow Daoist Chu, do you really choose to give up?" Even Lan Hui Immortal Emperor cast a surprised look.

"This seat is lacking, let alone this battle is meaningless to this seat."

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, with his hands behind his back, his head up forty-five degrees. The corner looked towards the distance, and the eyes were faint, giving people a mysterious color.

If it were not for the expiration of the previous two Level 12 products, Chu Bei would certainly not let go of this opportunity to sweep the opponent.

But with his current 3-Star strength, he is far from the opponent's opponent. If one hundred and fifty drops of strength of Heaven were used, it would be too wasteful.

Simply, it would be better to choose not to fight, anyway, the first place has fallen into the All Heavens Store.

"This battle, whether you fight or not, you have to fight!"

At this moment, a powerful voice with Supreme Emperor prestige spread from afar Here, the entire Star Sea Square was flooded in an instant, which made people tremble.

"Who is talking!"

"It's the direction of Qiancangdao!"

Hearing the sound, including the Immortal Emperors, everyone in the field Powerhouse's gaze immediately turned to Thousand Cang Island.

In the buzzing sound, a huge halo appeared above the depths of Qiancang Island.

The divine light bursts into the halo, a silver light avenue stretches out, and a stalwart silhouette becomes faintly discernible.

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