"Have you heard about Tianxu?"

"This has been spread! Of course you know!"

" Unexpectedly, Tianxu suffered such a catastrophe during this blockade! Under the 8-Star Immortal Emperor, everyone is dead, and no one lives!"

"Tianxu is probably the first time since hundreds of millions of years. A real apoptotic domain, even the boundary wall is destroyed."

"But then again, what are the blood pupils in the mouth of the Four Elephants Immortal Emperor? They are even worse than the nine-star Immortal Emperor. Be horrible!"

"Speaking of the nine-star Immortal Emperor, who would have thought that the All Heavens Store Sect Master is in this realm? This is already at the same height as Master Yuandi."

"It's a pity that All Heavens Store Sect Master existed, and they died under those blood pupils."

"But what makes me depressed is that even All Heavens The Store Sect Masters are all dead. Why did the twelve of the Four Elephants Immortal Emperor and Wuya Immortal Emperor survive? They also saw the blood pupils, the Golden disc, and the brick-like emperor. They Where did you go again?"


Powerhouses are discussing fiercely in every corner of the chaotic universe.

"Nine-star Immortal Emperor, this Fellow Daoist Chu is hidden deep enough."

"Fortunately, our realm has not arrived, so he can’t ignore the blockade as great as he did. spell. Otherwise, we might have fallen into that explosion too."

There are divine senses of Immortal Emperor Powerhouse intertwined, and they are communicating with each other.


Heaven Above.

All Heavens Store Dizhou, Fellow Daoist Chu Hall.

"Master is impossible to fall! It is impossible!"

The faces of Ye Fan, Chen Nan, Shi Hao and the others who heard the news suddenly turned gray. , One by one staggered inexplicably.

"The Master's strength, deep and unmeasurable, can't be predicted at all. How could he die in an explosion?"

"Yes! even more how even the four elephants Immortal Emperor , Wuya Immortal Emperor, they are not dead, Master is stronger than them, how can they die!"

"In my opinion, Master must have killed those blood pupils, and finally brought With that stone brick Dibao left."

Xiao Yan, Tang San, and many other Direct Disciples were unable to accept the news, one after another they spoke out.

But soon after they finished speaking, their faces became darker and darker.

Because they suddenly discovered that the force that called them back to the chaotic universe is slowly disappearing.

This vast Great World is beginning to reject them!

Gradually, Xiao Yan, Tang San, Chen Nan, Ye Fan, Shi Hao, Jun Moxie, Luo Feng, and Linley gradually became transparent and disappeared with a buzzing sound.

"Brother Xiao, Brother Tang, are they sent back to their respective time and space?"

"The power of the Master has disappeared. Could it be that his Senior really fell? ?"

"It won't, it will definitely not."

Looking at the disappeared Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and the others, Sun Wukong, Zhu Bajie, Drifting, Jin Chanzi and Ao Lie looked at each other and murmured.

On this day, the Nine-Star Immortal Emperor from Force Zero dispatched and found the Four Elephant Immortal Emperor to take him away.

In addition to the zero force, a number of mysterious forces that are beyond the imperial power list have appeared one after another. Each selected the 8-Star Immortal Emperor who survived the explosion of the Tianxu. Take them away.

Seeing this scene, the Powerhouse of the Chaos Heavens Domain has become more and more aware of the terrifying that transcends the mysterious force!

Yuandi, the realm of nine stars, Immortal Emperor is on the Number One Person list!

Clinker, these detachment forces can actually send the nine-star Immortal Emperor to come, and it seems that these nine-star Immortal Emperors are not the most powerful powerhouses of these detachment forces.

The appearance of these mysterious strengths also allows all Powerhouses to faintly understand the unknown aspect of the chaotic universe.

Although the Twelve Immortal Emperors of the Tianxu were taken away, the discussion of the Tianxu by the great realms of the heavens is still intense.

In the Tianxu explosion, including All Heavens Store Sect Master, a total of 62 Immortal Emperors fell in the explosion, and only twelve survived.

For this reason, this day is also known as the Day of the Fallen Emperor!


At the same time, a strange and mysterious blue time and space pass.

A youth man wearing a purple robe lay on his back in the long river of rune, his eyes closed tightly, if it weren't for the faintly discernable breath fluctuation, he thought it was a corpse.

I saw his body all around, and there was a dark brick floating up and down, releasing a gloomy light. On the surface of the brick, there is a beating of rune bytes, continuously intertwined and outlined, successively evolving 18 mysterious illusions, which is very magical.

Under the scouring of this long river of rune, I saw the black brick slowly moved towards youth The man's head was close, and finally slowly submerged in between the eyebrows.

This youth man is naturally Chu Bei who'fallen' in the explosion of Tianxu!

When the black brick was completely submerged in Chu Bei's between the eyebrows, the blue space-time passage suddenly trembled and shook crazily, as if it might collapse at any time.

I don’t know how long it took, and finally a white light appeared in the time and space passage, like the end of the passage.

As if Chu Bei's body received an invisible force, it was slowly pushed into the white light.


Continuous mountain range, a remote mountain village.

In a dilapidated small wood house, there is a youth man wearing a purple robe lying across.


With a harsh rubbing sound at the foot of the bed, the youth man slowly opened his eyes.


When the youth man wakes up, he wants to get up subconsciously, but before he can put his hands on the bed, tears are coming from all over his body. Colic pain, this kind of pain is like tearing from every cell, which is unbearable for ordinary people.

After the youth man sucked in a breath of cold air, he could only give up struggling, turned his neck slightly, and looked all around.

This is a very simple room. In addition to allowing some wooden furniture, there is also a rusty small iron kettle that is steaming.

"I really survived." The youth man is Chu Bei.

Before the ruins exploded that day, he only knew that the system in Sea of ​​Consciousness competed with the owner of the pair of blood pupils, and it was only a collision that caused the explosion.

As for where the master of the blood pupils went, he didn't know where he was going; but system fell into a long sleep.

His Sea of ​​Consciousness is now in chaos. The system interface, Tree of Enlightenment, Enlightenment Tree, world seed, etc. are all sealed, except for the source spectrum that looks like a black brick. Up and down in the Sea of ​​Consciousness, bringing up a mysterious rune from time to time.

The most terrifying thing is that not only is everything the system gives to zero, but even his own power, he has lost control, like being imprisoned by a seal.

This kind of feeling is like that his body has turned into an endless huge energy storehouse, but this energy storehouse is blocked by a door, and a key is needed to open the door.

It’s exactly, I don’t know where to get this key.

"Even divine sense is impossible to leave from the body. This is where I should go."

After probing the condition of the body, Chu Bei shook the head with a sigh. Laugh at yourself with allow some.

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