On the wooden bed, Chu Bei thought about what to do next, and tried his best to endure the pain before he could hold his neck up.

At this moment, he realized that he had been wrapped in a white cloth strip into a mummy, and the strong pungent smell of medicinal herb radiated from the cloth strip.

"Which good-hearted person did it? But it was used in the wrong place."

Looking at the cloth strips inside and outside of his body, Chu Bei knows Smile.

At this moment, with a creak, the wooden door was gently pushed open from the outside, and a petite silhouette appeared in Chu Bei's sight.

"Yeah! You finally wake up!"

A clear and pleasant voice with excitement came into Chu Bei's ears.

This is a sixteen or seventeen-year-old girl wearing a pink dress, giving people a pure and pleasant sense of direct vision. A naturally falling black and beautiful hair, fair skin, and extremely clear eyes.

When Chu Bei woke up, the girl in the pink skirt quickly came to the bed in three steps and two steps, cautiously supporting her back to straighten her body, with an angelic smile on her mouth.

"You are awake. You have been in a coma for three months. Dasha and I went up the mountain to pick medicinal herb. When I saw you, I lay motionless on the ground and couldn’t wake up no matter what. Simply and Dasha brought you back. But it's strange to say that there are a lot of wild beasts in the mountains, and you don't even have any scars on your body."

Speaking of which, the girl in the pink skirt bit Biting your lip: "You are unconscious, but you don't have any wounds on your body, and you can't use specific medicines. I can only wrap your whole body. Three months have passed, and the people in the village say you can't save your life. , I’ll never wake up, don’t waste any more time, find some time to find a mountain to bury you. But I always think you can wake up, but you really wake up, otherwise I really don’t know What should I do."

"Thank you."

Chu Bei inexplicably wanted to reach out and touch the girl's forehead in the pink skirt, but the moment he lifted his arm forcefully , A piercing pain rose.

Immediately, there was another sound of suck in a cold breath.

In the end, Chu Bei could only spit out these two simple words.

"You are not well, you can't move."

Seeing Chu Bei's painful expression, the girl in the pink skirt was obviously a little anxious, and hurriedly said: "You continue to lie down. I'll go and push Grandfather's wheelchair for you. If you want to go out and breathe, I will push you."

The girl in the pink skirt steadily put Chu Bei back on the bed and walked away quickly. go with.

"This bastard is not as good as an ordinary person."

Looking at the back of the girl in the pink skirt, Chu Bei sighed again.

At the moment, the system fell asleep, and there was something wrong with his body, even the divine sense could not be used.

This directly leads to him becoming an ordinary person, and even because his whole body is impossible to move even a little bit, he is not as good as an ordinary person.

da da da!

Just when Chu Bei fell into thinking about life again, the girl in the pink skirt went back and forth with a cheerful pace, and at the same time brought a pure wooden wheelchair.

Looking at the wood grain on the wheelchair, it seems to have gone through several days and months, some years.

"My name is Xiaohe, what is your name? Where do you come from? How come I fainted in the mountains? Did you also go to gather herbs?"

Innocent and beautiful The girl in the pink skirt carried Chu Bei to the wheelchair with great difficulty, wiped the sweat on her forehead, revealing two sweet dimples on her cheeks. At the same time, a pair of beautiful eyes brings up confusion.

"Chu Bei."

At the gaze of the girl in the pink skirt, Chu Bei's lips moved slightly: "Where he came from, and why he was in a coma, but I can't remember. "

"Huh? You shouldn't have amnesia!"

When Chu Bei said, the girl in the pink dress opened her mouth wide, and Shu Lingling's big eyes were full of surprise.

After a long time of calming down, he continued: "Since you don’t know where you are from, please continue to stay with me. If you look older than me, then I will Call you the big brother Chu."

Chu Bei slightly nod, said: "Xiaohe, where is this? How much do you know about this World?"

Xiaohe slightly nod After thinking about it, he said everything he knew.

"Do you only know these?" Chu Bei continued.

"en." Xiaohe is very serious and nodded.

This is a small mountain village with a pastoral surname as the main surname. Nine people in the village are pastoral surnames. And the girl in the pink skirt in front of her, whose full name is Muhe.

The mountain range outside the village is called Qiduan Mountain, which is thousands of kilometers long.

Because of its large area, the people in their village have lived here for generations, and simply cannot get out of this mountain range.

But from childhood He’s mouth, Chu Bei learned that there are still Daoist repairs in this world. At least those immortals that can fly to the sky in the other side’s mouth are Daoist repairs.

As long as he can find Daoist, he can truly understand this World.

"You have been in a coma for so long, I will push you outside to get some breath."

Speaking, before Chu Bei responds, Xiaohe has already pushed Chu Bei left the house.

After leaving the house, Chu Bei looked around and looked all around.

Actually, as Xiaohe said, the distance is surrounded by towering mountains and woods everywhere.

As for the mountain village where he is now, there are wood houses everywhere. Although they are simple, they are neatly arranged.

It didn't take long for Xiaohe to push Chu Bei out of the house. Not far away, the children playing and playing on an empty mountain land immediately ran over.

"Xiaohe elder sister, he woke up!"

"Daddy said you were stupid! He said he brought a living dead back!"

"Are his legs broken? Why is he sitting in Shepherd Grandfather's wheelchair?"


A group of six or seven-year-old children immediately gathered around Chu Bei’s Around, chirp chirp twitter twitter keeps going.

At this moment, an extremely burly and sturdy man leaped and ran over to the east.

"Wake up, Xiaohe really woke up, our medicine is still effective."

The big tall man has excitement on his face, holding a piece of grass in his hand. , Put smacking the lips in your mouth and kept on smacking the lips.

"This is the big silly I mentioned to you, don’t look at his big size, but Zhiling is still a child." Xiaohe pulled the big tall to his side and looked at Chu Bei Said.


At this moment, there was a sudden rush of footsteps not far away, and the dust on the ground rose.

After that, I saw several big men running quickly with hoe and sickle in their hands.

"Hurry up, never let the livestock hurt our villagers!" the headed man shouted.

"Hey, your baby is alive!"

"Look at you like this. It is obvious that you have not healed from a serious illness. It is windy outside. Go back to the house!"

"Yes, your life belongs to Xiaohe, don't just wake up and fall asleep again."


A group of big guys are seeing Chu Bei At that time, you say a word to him.

"Uncle Gazi, what's going on? What are you doing in a hurry? You still have knives in your hands." Seeing several big guys fully armed, Xiao He hurriedly said Asked.

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