"I just ran down the ominous beast from the mountain. I seem to be extremely hungry. I came to our village to eat people! Fortunately, someone found out in time, otherwise, I really don’t know what to do. How many babies have hurt. We are going to help now."

"I won't tell you anymore, if the time is delayed, it will be bad."

"You newcomer, when we slaughter the livestock, we will have a beast banquet tonight, and then let you taste the craftsmanship of our village barbecue."

Speaking, a bunch of big men And rushed towards moved towards one direction.

"Xiaohe elder sister, let's go watch the fun!" A group of children broke up.

"Are we going?" Dasha looked towards Xiaohe.

Xiaohe hesitated for a while, then looked down towards Chu Bei in the wheelchair: "Big brother Chu, let me push you back to the house first."

"No, you all go Now, just push me over." Chu Bei said.


Meeting Chu Bei's firm gaze, Xiao He bit his lip and agreed. But in order to save time, the person pushing the wheelchair was replaced by Dasha.

Turning around a few village trails, a crowd of people appeared in Chu Bei's sight.

At this moment, men, women and children in the village are surrounded by a spacious flat ground, and the roar of human beings and the roar of the tiger Wild Beast are heard from time to time in the encircling circle.

When he came to the crowd, Chu Bei saw several big men fighting ominous beasts.

I saw that the ominous beast was very huge, twice as big as the ordinary liger. The body was extremely strong, and the thick limbs could see the spit out muscles. When you open your mouth and roar one after Another sharp teeth show cold glow, which makes your heart palpitations.

But when faced with such a cruel ominous beast, the few big men showed no signs of fear on their faces, each holding a hoe and sickle and confronting the ominous beast.


It seems that seeing more and more onlookers, the roar of the ominous beast's mouth has become rapid.

next moment, I saw that it went crazy and slaughtered a big man.


The big man quickly swung the hoe out of his hand and successfully left a huge incision on the ominous beast. Although the big man injured the ominous beast, the latter managed to get close to the big man. He endured the pain and slapped the big man flying with a paw.

The big man was knocked into the air, and the ominous beast suddenly had a breakthrough mouth in that position. It rose up from the roar, and a faint blood light appeared in his eyes.

Looking at the ominous beast leaving the encirclement, the faces of all the big guys suddenly changed drastically.

And all around the name of the village onlookers, in the flying sand, they saw a dark and huge beast shadow rushing out.


A majestic beast roar sounded, which seemed to carry a terrifying threat, causing everyone's thoughts to appear temporarily stagnant .

The little lotus who was facing the ominous beast, looked at the ominous beast that was culled, and his delicate face instantly appeared pale.

In her line of sight, the sharp claw with cold glow is rapidly zooming in and getting closer.

The speed of the ominous beast is very fast, the wind pressure brought by the huge body smashes the dust on the ground, the biting claw wind seems to become a sharp blade, it seems to cut the air and bring a burst of chi The sound of chi is to tear Xiaohe's delicate body into several pieces.

"Not good! Its target is Xiaohe!"

"Xiaohe, run away!"

"It's over! It's too late!"


Looking at the direction of ominous beast sharp claw, the villagers who reacted exclaimed in exclamation, with fear and anxiety in their voices. It seems that they have foreseen the bloody scene that will happen to Xiao He next.

At this moment, Xiaohe is already desperate.

Looking at the huge silhouette that was getting closer and closer, Xiaohe's petite body kept trembling, and finally closed his eyes like a fate.

"Am I going to die like this? Wu wu, it must be very painful to be caught by that paw."

"Fortunately, I was the one who chose. If you are someone else, their family will be very sad."

Xiao He muttered to himself.


However, just when Xiao He was frustrated and all the village names covered their eyes with their hands and couldn't bear to see Xiao He being caught to death, a muffled sound sounded.

next moment, a hot liquid splashed on the face of Xiaohe and the village name all around.

Smelling the smell of blood and the sticky droplets on his face, Xiaohe and the village names opened their eyes again.

At this look, everyone was stunned!

Looking at the scene in front of them, one by one looked in a trance, with their mouths wide open, they seemed to have become wooden people who could not think.

I saw the huge ominous beast disappeared, and some were just a bunch of bloody mud that became horrible to see.

But from the position of the bloody mud and the faintly visible broken bones, it can be judged that this is the previous brutal ominous beast!

"What happened?"

"Why did that animal suddenly become like this?"

A group of villagers came back to his senses, looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Xiaohe, are you okay?" A group of villagers came back to his senses and hurriedly asked.

"I...I'm okay." Xiaohe was stunned, and said falteringly, a little shocked.

"It must be the Divine Immortal in the sky to protect us. He didn't see Xiao He being killed by the beast, so he lowered his punishment."

A villager spoke. After that, a group of villagers knelt down to the ground at the same time, clasped their hands together, moved towards the sky and prayed extremely religiously.

"Big brother Chu, did you feel a gust of wind just now? It was when the ominous beast pounced."

Xiaohe seemed to have thought of something, and pointed out his fingers A pile of flesh and blood on the ground in front of him, then looked towards Chu Bei, who was in the wheelchair closest to him.

Just now, when the sharp claw was about to fall on her, she felt a sudden gust of wind blowing behind her, and then when she opened her eyes, the ominous beast turned into bloody mud.

"Where is there any wind, it must be your illusion."

Chu Bei smiled knowingly. This ominous beast's death was naturally caused by him, and that invisible force also burst out of his body.

Seeing that sharp claw was going to penetrate Xiaohe, he was eager to stand up and kill ominous beast.

However, no matter how he shouts in his heart, all he can move is his head. The majestic power in his body is not used by him at all.

However, just when he was unwilling to give up, a ray of energy was ejected from his body on its own, killing the ominous beast at the crucial moment.

"Big brother Chu, why all the gauze wrapped around you broke and fell off?"

Looking at the pile of rags under Chu Bei’s wheelchair, Xiaohe reacted. Confused on his face.


Chu Bei's expression was stagnant, and after hesitating for a moment, he quickly said: "Maybe it was caused by the aftermath of the power that saved you."

"I'll bandage you again at that moment." Xiaohe said seriously.

"My little friend, I originally wanted to give you a beast banquet. But now it seems that I can only wait for the next opportunity."

Behind Bei's shoulders, he began to clean up the flesh and blood on the ground.

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