Time passes day by day.

In a blink of an eye, Chu Bei has been in this small mountain village for three months.

He is still sitting in a wheelchair, only his head can move his whole body, and the energy in his body cannot be mobilized. He is pushed and served by Xiao He every day.

I don't know where to start, he even forgot his identity as the owner of All Heavens Store, and really began to integrate into the life of this mountain village.

Although the mountain village is remote, it can be regarded as secluded. In addition, the village is quaint and the villagers get along very warmly and harmoniously, which gives Chu Bei a feeling of home.

There are 308 people in this village, including the old woman.

In three months, Chu Bei has met with them all and can also call out everyone's name.

As for what he does every day, it is nothing more than telling outside stories to the children in the village. Sometimes some adults come to listen and just laugh.

"Chu big brother, where did all these stories you tell come from? Is the outside world really that big? And the immortal you said, really a single thought can be ruined We are Qi Duanshan?" Xiao He's mouth opened wide, and his face was full of shock.

The group of children sitting around Chu Bei all around, with their eyes shining brightly, with their chins resting on their hands, they stared at Chu Bei excitedly.

"If you believe it, it will be true, and if you don't believe it, it will be false." Chu Bei glanced over Xiao He and a group of children, pretending to be profound.


"A bandit is coming!"

"Everyone is taking up their weapons!"

At this moment, there was a rush of horseshoes in the distance, followed by the panic screams of the villagers.

Looking intently, I saw that in the direction of the village head, a black shadow brought the dust in the sky and quickly approached.

After a while, this black shadow appeared on a clearing at the head of the mountain village. And the big men in the village gathered together with their hoes and sickles.

"Tut tut, there is still a mountain village hidden here! Haha, it seems that we are going to make a fortune again."

Among the bandits coming, the leader is A one eyed man with a back of a tiger and waist of a bear has several knife marks on his face, hands and back, obviously he has experienced fierce battles.

Behind him, there are nearly thirty bandits, all of them holding a machete in their hands, looking fierce and evil.

"Our village is very poor, please let us go." A big man in the village stepped forward and looked at the one eyed man headed, with pleading in his eyes.

"Do you think I will pity you?" The headed one eyed man grinned and sneered. With a sudden wave of the machete in his hand, there was a sound of breaking through the sky.

After that, the bandit one eyed man moved towards behind waved his hand. The bandit who was instructed immediately dismounted and moved towards the big man in the village.

At the same time, the bandit swung the machete in his hand, and within a few breaths, he ran to the big man and slashed over.

The expression of the big man in the village changed suddenly, and he hurriedly raised his hoe to block him.

But these bandits are obviously practicing guys, and the strength in their hands is far beyond the ability of the villagers.

Only hearing a bang, the machete in his hand shook the hoe in the hand of the village man.


The sharp point of the knife slashed across the chest of the big man in the village, instantly bringing up a horrible to see wound, and blood flowed across.

Under the huge impact, the big man in the village seemed to be hit by a beast, and his body flew upside down. Fiercely fell to the ground, his face turned pale, his mouth was wailing with bitter pain, and the earth was soaked with blood. .

"Big tree!"


A group of villagers hurriedly ran to the big man who had fainted and took out various dressing bags Stop the bleeding for him. Among these people, especially a six or seven-year-old fatty child crying the most, with red and swollen eyes.

"You are all bad guys, and you will definitely be punished by the Immortal King and Immortal Emperor! They can kill you with a single thought!" Fatty Tong clenched his fists and stared fiercely at the crowd. Bandit.

"What Immortal King Immortal Emperor? What nonsense!"

The one eyed man headed by one eyed man looked at the Fatty Queen contemptuously, and faced the thirty bandits behind. After beckoning, coldly said: "Kill them all, don't keep one!"

Hearing the words of one eyed man, the faces of the villagers turned to gray with screaming, and fear appeared in their eyes.

These bandits acted swiftly and swiftly. After receiving the order from the one eyed man, they did not hesitate to dismount immediately, carrying a machete and rushing towards the villagers.


Suddenly, the villagers screamed in panic, which contained the excitement of a band of bandits, and the villagers' screams of pain.

As the big swords in the hands of these bandits fell, more and more villagers fell.

The blood pooled into a river, stained the ground red, and the living life became a corpse, some with their eyes open, and their eyes were filled with hatred and anger towards the bandits.

During this slaughter process, some villagers also resisted with sickles, but they weren't the opponents of these bandits who walked on the blade all the year round. They were killed when they met each other.

In the small mountain village, there are endless screams.

A group of bandits slaughtered frantically, with excitement on their faces and bloodthirsty in their eyes.

They ignored the villagers’ begging for mercy, and swiped them one after another, and the blade was covered with blood.

"You will not have a good result!"

The villagers fled in a panic, screaming angrily in their mouths, but they still couldn't get rid of the blade of the bandit who was catching up.


Looking at the fallen corpse, Xiaohe was crying, but he still didn't forget to push the wheelchair and flee as much as possible.

Finally, a bandit took aim at Xiao He after hacking and killing an old woman, and after three steps and two steps, he caught up with him. Amidst the cold laughter, he raised his knife and fell.

Xiaohe fell in a pool of blood.

The wheelchair was also knocked down by the bandit.

"Chu big brother."

Xiaohe's face became paler, the white dress was cut from behind, blood was flowing from the huge wound, and Chu Bei's body was stained. Body.

Even at this time, her hands are still firmly holding the push handle of the wheelchair, never letting go.

With the passage of time, more and more villagers fell in a pool of blood, and after wailing for a while, they lost their vitality.

The pungent smell of blood permeates the air, which is disgusting.

Gradually, the open space became quiet. Looking around, all the villagers fell down, only a few were dying, and they were not far from death.

"Leader, it's all done!"

A bandit licked the blood on the blade with his tongue, kicked the old woman just killed, and closed the knife looked towards The headed one eyed man.

"There is also a fish that escaped the net! A paralyzed waste!"

A red-clothed bandit pointed a knife at Chu Bei and moved towards others The thief said.

"Why are you still stunned? is it possible that you sympathize with him?" Another bandit said with a smile.

"Under my knife, how can you sympathize with the word."

The red-clothed bandit laughed, but he was about to swipe Chu Bei's eyes with a knife At that time, his body shuddered inexplicably, and a chill rose up.

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