"Is it true that the Master really fell? It has been a full 100,000 years. If he was still survived in the world, he must have already returned." Xiao Yan sighed. As the sigh fell, his face suddenly condensed.

Not only Xiao Yan, but all the Immortal Emperors in the great halls such as Chen Nan, Ye Fan, Tang San, etc., their complexion changed at one time, and then they invariably cast a similar look at the same time. Northwest direction.

Fourteen Immortal Emperors, including next moment, Xiao Yan and Chen Nan, appeared on the top of All Heavens Store at the same time.

At this time, Northwest, not far from the All Heavens Store, also has several silhouettes manifested. Their sights are exactly where Xiao Yan Chen Nan and the others are.

"Floating in the air, what do you mean?"

Xiao Yan coldly looked at the red robe man in the middle of several silhouettes in the northwest.

"Is there still no news about your Master? You know, the forces behind me are very attached to that Emperor Bao." The floating Immortal Emperor looked at Xiao Yan calmly.

"What the force behind you is obsessed with has nothing to do with us, we only care about the Master. As for the emperor treasure, you will find it yourself."

Xiao Yan's voice is indifferent: "This In the past 100,000 years, you have come to the All Heavens Store no less than a hundred times for that Dibao, and every time you come alone. But what do you mean by bringing them this time?"

Speaking of which, Xiao Yan reached out his fingers to the ten people on both sides of the floating Immortal Emperor behind, his expressions heavy.

These ten people are exactly the ten Immortal Emperors who are beyond mysterious strength. Among them are two 8-Star Immortal Emperors, three 7-Star Immortal Emperors, and five 6-Star Immortal Emperors.

"Xiao Yan, they don't want to wait anymore. This time is different from when I came alone before." Immortal Emperor shook the head floating in the air, with helplessness in his words.

"What do you mean by this? Could it be that they still want to take action against us? Just because of the absurd reason of Emperor Bao? If they are really attached to it, why don't they look for it by themselves?"

Sun Wukong shook the Golden Cudgel in his hand and stared coldly at the floating Immortal Emperor: "Don’t forget, in Danger Land, the Master once saved your life! You! Is it requite kindness with enmity?"

Hearing what Sun Wukong said, the Immortal Emperor let out a long breath: "What do you think they are going to do, can I stop it?"

Floating Immortal Emperor's words are self-deprecating, as if he has become a puppet being manipulated.

"I have given you a full one hundred thousand years. Since you can't find it, then we will take over your territory. First, imprison you. Maybe your Master will carry the source if you are not dead. The instrumental spectrum appears; secondly, our people also need a place to stay in this world. Your territory is good."

At this time, an 8-Star Immortal Emperor floating behind the Immortal Emperor suddenly When he opened his mouth, his voice was dull, but there was a powerful and terrifying Immortal Emperor coercion.

"If the Master were here, how would you dare to be so arrogant!"

Faced with the pressure of 8-Star Immortal Emperor, Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and the others were not afraid, One by one, the imposing manner began to climb.

"Although your Master is strong, the Nine-Star Immortal Emperor is not absolutely invincible! Cultivation Profound, the way you do it is not the end yet!"

8-Star Immortal Emperor is like Knowing something, I glanced over Xiao Yan Ye Fan and the others, and said coldly snorted.

"Look at the direction of All Heavens Store in Dizhou!"

"That is the floating Immortal Emperor! There are also those Immortal Emperors with mysterious strength!"

"Why did they appear in the territory of the All Heavens Store? Looking at their imposing manner, the situation seems a bit uncomfortable!"

"is it possible that the floating Immortal Emperor and the mysterious force Do you want to shoot the Immortal Emperor of All Heavens Store?"

"No way! One hundred thousand years ago, All Heavens Store Sect Master saved the floating Immortal Emperor! In the Danger Land If there was no All Heavens Store Sect Master, the floating Immortal Emperor would have died in that great spell. At this time, if the floating Immortal Emperor led people to attack Xiao Yan, wouldn’t it be too conscientious?"


In every corner of Heaven Above, one after another tyrannical breath burst out, and countless lines of sight were thrown towards All Heavens Store Dizhou, with shock in the words.


Source domain.

The most powerful domain of the chaotic universe.

The source heaven pavilion, headquartered in the central area of ​​the source domain, is also the emperor-level force of the Ranked 1st domain of the chaotic heavens.

"This day is here!"

"I don't know if the All Heavens Store can survive this disaster."

"Impossible, All Heavens Store Sect Master is not there. Sun Wukong and Xiao Yan are just 2-Star Immortal Emperor. How can they fight against that mysterious force?"

"By the way, how many such detached forces are there? Where does it exist."


The peak master halls of the Yuantian Pavilion's mountains, whispering sounds, carrying the breath of the emperor's way.


A large area in the northwest.

In a Holy Mountain shrouded in fairy mist, all around shrouded Star River, a lithe and graceful silhouette stands on top of the mountain. Its eyes are light, seemingly without Heaven and Earth baptism. There are endless avenues intertwined.

"One hundred thousand years have passed, is this All Heavens Store going to be in the sight of everyone again? It is very interesting."

Lithe and graceful women seem to penetrate thousands of people at a glance. Qiandayu, clear comprehension all cause and effect, the delicate and flawless features outline allow some smiles.

A large area in the southeast.

A piece of Desolate Land, looking at it, there is no vitality.

The gray-brown earth has only a few ruined leaves, cold and dead. Desolation and emptiness coexist, and some huge rocks stand scattered on the ground, which looks like tombstones at first glance.

The sky is drowsy, and the faint black mist adds a touch of gloom to this Desolate Land. Far and silent, there is no sign of life.

"Is the Dibao Calling the Famous Genealogy Book? What is it?"

In the depths of the boundless earth, a long, low, misty sound came out.

A large area in the far north.

crash-bang ——

This is an endless bloody ocean. It is like a blood pool from the death of a Supreme Powerhouse, with a pungent smell.

In the breathtaking sound of hua hua, there was a sudden loud noise in the sea of ​​blood. The surface of the sea seemed to have been cut by the Heavenspan giant sword, divided into two halves, and then surpassed the 8-Star Immortal Emperor. The terrifying gas machine overflows, transcending the past, the present, and the future.

"The source? What is it?"

A thin silhouette came from the depths of the seabed to the surface of the sea, a pair of cold eyes looked towards Tianyu, the eternal shaking, the long river Collapse directly.


At this moment, even if it is the most powerful domain, there are also high-star Immortal Emperor waking up from the retreat, moving towards All Heavens Store and throwing in the direction of Emperor Zhou A glance.


On the other side.

Chu Bei is still floating in the aimless walking, just like a walking corpse.

Like there is some kind of guidance in the subconscious, he spent a thousand years in this time and space, and came to this fairy mountain where he is now.

In front of him, there is a passage shrouded in shining light.

Chu Bei walks along, behind a river that flows for years, with the voice of imperialism.

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