When Chu Bei reached the end of the passage, he couldn't help but stop. When he saw everything ahead, he was stunned, subconsciously deeply exhaled.

This is a terrifying battlefield. To be precise, it is a battlefield where only the corpses have been killed.

The reason why Chu Bei was stunned was that every corpse in this battlefield had rune shrouded on it, even though it had been dead for a long time, the corpse still had the power of Immortal Emperor shrouded. Touch.

Just between Chu Bei's trance, a terrifying roar sounded from the battlefield.

Next moment, Chu Bei only felt a terrifying breath assaults the senses.

At this moment, Chu Bei seemed to be in this Immortal Emperor battlefield, and there were many scenes of Immortal Emperor creatures fighting in his eyes.

That is the scene of the collapse of the Great World once, and the various Supreme Emperor Dao skills decrease as the number of corpses increases!

Chu Bei walked on the battlefield, and every time he passed a corpse, he would pause for a little time, because he could feel the attack in front of the owner of the corpse through this corpse.

Chu Bei squatted beside a corpse.

Different from other corpses, this corpse made him feel very special. Of course, its breath is far from what other corpses can compare.

What is particularly special is that even though he has been dead for years of incomprehensible era, Chu Bei still can't see his appearance clearly.

With curiosity, Chu Bei reached out and tried to remove the hazy fog above the corpse's head to see the lineup under the fog.

Just when Chu Bei's hand fell on the fog, there was a hum, Chu Bei's body trembled suddenly.

In an instant, a silhouette of a purple clothed man appeared in front of Chu Bei. The body of the purple clothed man can't be considered too tall, but the golden hair is scattered, and the eyes that are not shrouded in mist are the only ones whose eyes are sharp and cold, which is inexplicably chilling.

"Obviously he has died, but he still has such power!"

"Will such a person fall?"

Looking at the fuzzy in front of me silhouette, Chu Bei's cold hair is standing upright, and there is a sense of suffocation.

He is very sure that the silhouette in front of him was absolutely supreme existence beyond Jiuxing during his lifetime!


Suddenly, this terrifying phantom submerged into Chu Bei's between the eyebrows.

Chu Bei's body trembled suddenly, and in an instant, he saw the scene of the phantom before his death.

He is standing in a void, surrounded by an endless Star Region, like a piece of ancient universe surrounding him, and he is standing at the center of the world. While Golden's hair flickered, the Star River hung and hung on its behind to shatter and dim until it disappeared.

He seems to be fighting, fighting with an unreal force.

In the end he was defeated, fleeing with serious injuries, and finally fell on the current battlefield.

"Where is the end of the Tao?"

Chu Bei muttered to himself, recalling what the silhouette had experienced before his death, his expression was a bit trance.

chi chi chi chi ——

Without waiting for Chu Bei to think more, the corpses in this mysterious endless battlefield all have a ray of light flying out, densely packed, hiding the The sky and covering the earth moved towards Chu Bei rushed.

What makes Chu Bei feel incredible is that when these gloomy lights came in front of him, they lined up in an orderly manner, and entered his between the eyebrows one by one.

Each gloom is the life of a Supreme Emperor, and Chu Bei has experienced these Emperor's life time and time again.

Fortunately, this is not a cycle of reincarnation. Every Emperor's life is different.

Although this was not what Chu Bei thought, but to go through the Emperor's body uncontrollably, he did not feel bored.

Even, in this process, he witnessed countless ways of the Emperor.

Vaguely, it seems that he has grasped the link between thousands of emperor ways.

Of course, this link is very ethereal, and it disappeared quietly when Chu Bei thought he was going to catch it.

Unconsciously, Chu Bei closed his eyes, and his body lay horizontally above the battlefield.

In his all around, there are a number of gloomy lights floating around. This scene is very strange.

If there are outsiders present, they will definitely be startled, because just through naked eye, you can see that Chu Bei's body becomes transparent, and every bone is clearly visible, with gorgeousness on it. dazzling light.

As for Chu Bei himself, at this moment, he feels that his divine sense has been separated from the physical body, swimming in the pre-mortem world of the Supreme Emperor one after another.

What he didn't know was that the seal of his own power seemed to be slowly opened, and the power fluctuations revealed from nothing, rising a little bit, getting stronger and stronger.

At the same time, the turbid area in the Sea of ​​Consciousness gradually became clear, and it was faintly visible that there were branches and leaves shaking, releasing clear light.

As for the floating black brick, it has also begun to generate an unusual form, and there are eighteen fuzzy phantom evolutions above it.

Although it is impossible to see the exact appearance of the eighteen phantoms, it can probably be judged that they are eighteen different mysterious things.


The Great Domain of the Chaos Heavens, Heaven Above.

All Heavens Store Dizhou, the atmosphere above the All Heavens Store has become more and more weird and silent.

Countless Powerhouse eyes cast from all directions, and sighs were heard from time to time.

A group of All Heavens Store Immortal Emperors, such as Xiao Yan, Sun Wukong, and Zhu Bajie, stood side by side, staring coldly at the 8-Star Immortal Emperor from the detached mysterious force on the opposite side.

"Since the source instrument spectrum cannot be handed over, and there is no whereabouts of your Master, then there is nothing to say."

With the indifferent voice, I saw the 8- The body of the Star Immortal Emperor all around simultaneously showed a hundred and thirty drops of the source strength of Heaven. The number of this source strength of Heaven was already equal to that of the Qiancang Immortal Emperor.

Feeling the oncoming oppression of Yuantian breath, Xiao Yan, Sun Wukong and other All Heavens Store Immortal Emperor face instantly changes are heavy. Although it is a bit solemn, there is no fear at all.


Fifteen people including Chen Nan and Ye Fan burst out the power of Immortal Emperor at the same time, and jointly resisted the swept source strength of Heaven.

With a loud noise, including the floating Immortal Emperor and the others, a vast world battlefield formed in the starry sky above the All Heavens Store.

Ye Fan was the first to bear the brunt, right hand moves, the thunder carrying the power of the Immortal Emperor fell, the imperial path breathed, and moved towards the 8-Star Immortal Emperor; the top of Chen Nan's head was dazzling. , The endless light atoms converge into Immortal Emperor tribulation light, chi chi rang; in front of Shi Hao, a giant hand emerged, and the star dome was torn between the fingers of five fingers, moved towards 8-Star Immortal Emperor; Zhu Bajie all around The yellow sand is flying in the sky, and every grain of yellow sand carries the blooming imperial Dao rune.

Tang San's hands evolved, various mysterious artifacts carried Emperor Wei, and blasted them out together; Jin Chanzi behind a big Buddha appeared, the golden light was dazzling, and the mouth was accompanied by terrifying scriptures, intertwined to form a buddha stick , Fell straight to the 8-Star Immortal Emperor. Drifting shots, snowflakes falling, and the frozen star dome, the chill is permeated; Ao Lie shots, red, and there are ghosts and crying gods in the unusual form of the red glow.


As soon as the world battlefield takes shape, the fourteen Immortal Emperors of All Heavens Store will shoot at the same time, which is directly the strongest move to take out, and jointly kill the mysterious force 8 -Star Immortal Emperor.

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