"The strongest is 2-Star, no matter how many, what's the use?"

Smiley voices floated from the star dome, Then I saw that 8-Star Immortal Emperor swung all around the strength of Heaven of the hundred and thirty drops, and faced the attack of Xiao Yan fifteen people neatly.

long long long ——

One hundred and thirty drops of strength of Heaven exploded and turned into endless waves of terrifying energy, which almost instantly annihilated Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and other 14 people attacked.

puff puff puff!

Almost at the same time, Xiao Yan and the others' emperor armor shattered outside the body and was attacked by the strength of Heaven.

Suddenly, they looked pale one by one, blood spurted from the mouth, and the breath suddenly became disordered and fell to the bottom.

It can be said that the battle between Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and the others and the 8-Star Immortal Emperor separated out in an instant.

Even if the former has an advantage in terms of quantity, the realm difference is too much, which is of no use at all.

"Brother Dao bullying people like this is too much?"

Seeing the mysterious force, the 8-Star Immortal Emperor is about to confront Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and When the others waved the strength of Heaven, a deep and vigorous voice rang in the battlefield.

Immediately afterwards, in front of the Xiao Yan entire group, a silhouette emerged.

"It's the Lanhui Immortal Emperor of Yuantian Pavilion!"

"Why did he make a move? He never got involved in the affairs of Heaven Above Great Influence."

"Lanhui Immortal Emperor may not be able to stand it anymore."

"Lanhui Immortal Emperor is also in the 8-Star realm. Since he has taken action, he must be from All Heavens Store. The crisis is also resolved."


After all the Powerhouses who watched the battle recognized Lan Hui Immortal Emperor, they exclaimed almost at the same time, with surprise on their faces. And shocked.

Behind this 8-Star Immortal Emperor represents mysterious detachment forces. The other party has to deal with All Heavens Store, even if some forces that have good relations with All Heavens Store dare not speak out at this moment.

Unexpectedly, Lan Hui Immortal Emperor actually intervened.

"What do you mean? Do you want to stop the emperor?"

On the battlefield, the 8-Star Immortal Emperor of mysterious force condensed his eyes and looked at Lan coldly Hui Immortal Emperor seemed to ignore the latter at all.

"You need that Emperor Treasure, just find it yourself! What does this have to do with the All Heavens Store? You are in the 8-Star realm, against this group of Immortals who have just entered the 2-Star realm Emperor, don’t you feel ashamed?” Lan Hui Immortal Emperor was coldly snorted, and he did not face the awe that the so-called detached forces should have.

"This emperor’s business has nothing to do with you."

Mysterious force 8-Star Immortal Emperor glanced at Lan Hui Immortal Emperor, and said: "Even though Yuantian Pavilion is a big domain Number One Influence, but you guys in the cabinet must not think that it is really the number one!"

"The battle is still going to be a battle, let's not talk about it."

Lan Hui Immortal Emperor waved his hand, and several sources of strength of Heaven shot out from his body, suspended all around his body.

As for the number of source strength of Heaven, it is the same as that of the mysterious force 8-Star Immortal Emperor, it is also one hundred and thirty drops.

long long long ——

In an instant, another world battlefield took shape. It was the battle between the 8-Star Immortal Emperor.

Looking at the terrifying collision of the strength of Heaven in the battlefield, the eyes of Xiao Yan, Ye Fan and the others were cast on the body of Lan Hui Immortal Emperor, with gratitude on their faces. After that, they looked at each other and immediately regained their own injuries.

"It's really interesting, it turned into a battle of 8-Star Immortal Emperor!"

"This Lanhui Immortal Emperor is really not thin to All Heavens Store."

"Is it possible that Lan Hui Immortal Emperor and All Heavens Store Sect Master have had a deep friendship in private? Otherwise, how can they not hesitate to offend a detached force!"

Looking at the two 8-Stars The horrible battle of the Immortal Emperor was discussed by the cultivator.


At the same time, on the other side.

Over the pile of emperor corpses, Chu Bei's floating body suddenly fell, a loud explosion sound, and a deep pit was raised on the ground.

At this moment, those gloomy lights hovering in front of Chu Bei have all disappeared. More precisely, those gloomy lights have entered Chu Bei's between the eyebrows and finally dissipated.

In the deep pit, Chu Bei exhaled for a long time, as if awakening from a deep sleep after tens of millions of cycles, slowly opened his eyes.

"It's like a big dream."

Feeling the majestic power in the body that seemed to be opened by a key, regaining the same majestic power as Sea of ​​Consciousness, Chu Bei whispered.

[Host goes to another world evil monarch plane, and signs a contract with Jun Moxie]

[Host is on another world evil monarch plane, prestige reaches 80]

[branch line Mission release: The host breaks through the barriers between the evil monarch plane and the chaotic universe]

Listening to the system sound in his mind, Chu Bei's mouth raised a smile, and the system woke up.

next moment, Chu Bei stepped into the wheel of time and space.

The evil monarch plane of different worlds.

Tianxiang Empire, Monarch Mansion.

In the depths of the mansion, in a rather ornately decorated room, a teenager lies on a huge bed.

This young man looks a little immature, his face is slightly thin, and his eyes are a little slender, giving people a direct look like a pretty boy.

It's just that the boy closed his eyes tightly at this moment, as if he had fainted, without any consciousness.

Huo Ran, this young man suddenly opened his eyes, his right hand instinctively slapped the bedboard, but when he was about to jump up, his arm softened, and it seemed to be too weak to support his body. With a bang, he fell back heavily.

next moment, the young man’s mouth was crying with bitterness and pain.

"Huh? I'm still alive!"

"I didn't die!"

The young man came back to his senses from the pain quickly and said to himself While talking to himself, his face was filled with joy and excitement.

Kang Dang!

At this time, the door opened.

A lithe and graceful silhouette seemed to hear the movement and rushed in.

"Young Master, you...you woke up! What happened to the sound just now? What happened to you?"

It was a fifteen or six year old girl who ran into the house. Wearing a maid costume, his voice was a little timid.

"Young Master? Who are you! What's the matter!" Upon hearing the voice, Jun Moxie stared at the maid in front of him, and looked towards all around the strange things, suddenly shivered.

In this brief moment, a strange memory suddenly rushed up from the bottom of his heart, and paragraphs of strange information flooded into his mind. In an instant, Jun Moxie was stunned as if struck by lightning!

"I was born with weight?"

"It is still a completely unfamiliar world!"

"Did I drink Mengpo Tang's reincarnation, or reincarnated in someone else's body?"

Jun Moxie came to the mirror and looked at the face he saw for the first time in the mirror with a daze. For a long while, he didn't move, as if he had lost his soul.

"Young Master, are you okay?"

But when the little maid beside him reached out and dangled in shock in front of Jun Moxie's eyes, he was suddenly ecstatic Yelled.

"haha! Good people are rewarded! Although I can’t figure out what happened, I’m still alive anyway!"

"It must be my past life that I have accumulated countless merits and moved God. , So there is a chance to come back from the dead at this time."

Jun Moxie was like a crazy exclaim, really frightened the little maid, and saw her shuddering to hide away. The pretty big eyes stared at Jun Moxie in panic.

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