"Young Master, don’t..."

Especially when Jun Moxie walked towards her, the girl’s petite body was trembling, and her face was extremely pale, as if she was a woman. The little quail was only violently frightened.

Obviously, in the eyes of the girl, the former Lord Moxie was like a nightmare.

"What kind of person is the former master of my body?" Looking at the girl’s frightened look, Jun Moxie shook the head, and no longer paid attention to the girl, but Set up my mind, began to check the condition of my body.

However, Jun Moxie was immediately stunned by this investigation.

Meridian is frustrated, with loose muscles, stiff joints, multiple weaknesses...It can be said that this body is simply a waste body, extremely bad.

"This wants to return to the previous life Peak, it is impossible for ten or eight years." Jun Moxie sighed and sat down on the edge of the bed.

In his previous life, he was a killer and a super ace killer standing in the peak.

Since his debut, he has been unfavorable, and the success rate is 100% that no one has ever seen before! In less than five years, he became the number one killer in Ranked 1st on the killer list.

In addition to being the number one killer, his own reward for chasing and killing is also firmly occupying the first of his world rewards list, no one can shake.

No one dares to accept his reward, and no one can accept it, just because he is strong enough, it is a legend in the assassin world!

As the number one killer, Jun Moxie has his own style of doing things. But also because of his style, other assassins gave him a title, which is the evil monarch.

While Jun Moxie was still alive in the world, his name as the evil king deterred all parties, big and small! Although many people know the name of the evil prince, almost no one knows what the evil prince, the number one killer looks like, whether it is a male or a female.

"That's all, if you come, let it rest."

After sighing for a while, Jun Moxie still accepted his body.

At least he was very fortunate that he was not possessed by the woman, and the name of this body was the same as him.

As for the former Jun Moxie, he is a super dude who is idle, likes to do things, eats, and so on. In short, living a typical parasite with no value.

Regarding the background of Jun Moxie, his grandfather Jun Zhantian, the Grand Duke of Blood Orchid of the Empire, is also the most powerful figure in the military.

father Jun Wuhui, formerly the General of the Empire, died in battle ten years ago, and his mother died in depression nine years ago.

The two big brothers, Jun Moyou and Jun Mochou, both died heroically in a great battle three years ago.

There is also an Uncle gentleman who was unintentionally, and was seriously injured in the war ten years ago. Although he had taken a life, he was completely paralyzed from the waist down and became a useless person.

Jun Family, the huge clans of the Tianxiang Empire Peak, can be said to be a loyal whole family.

Unfortunately, the deaths and injuries, in this generation of Jun Moxie, there is only one seed left for him. The key is to be a super dude who does not seek improvement but knows nothing but idleness.

"In fact, think about it, it's not bad to be a dull second generation ancestor." Thinking of the deeds of the previous master in his mind, Jun Moxie suddenly grinned.

However, just as his muttering fell, a cold voice sounded from outside the door: "The dwarf second generation ancestor? Our Jun Family really seems to be declining in your hands. It's a shame for Jun Family!"

A wheelchair came into the house with a thin middle age person in his thirties sitting on it.

I saw him leaning against the supporting wood, his legs covered with thick satin, and a pair of muddy and clear eyes, staring coldly at Jun Moxie. The eyebrows are like swords, flying diagonally into the temples, naturally with an inexplicable cold and severe and Qi of Slaughter.

"The slave and maid retire!" Seeing the thin middle age person in the wheelchair, the girl on the side bowed respectfully, and then trot out of the house.

Jun Moxie sat on the side of the bed and looked at the middle age person who came in, his expression trembled. Although the opponent is physically disabled, the power that reveals in his eyebrows must have been a Great General who had killed firmness and ordered the magnificent army with thousands of men and horses, a strong hero.

"Third Uncle?"

Jun Moxie searched in his mind about the unintentional memory of the third Uncle sitting in a wheelchair, and then tentatively called.

In Jun Moxie's memory, Jun was unintentionally a waste person sitting in a wheelchair and waiting to die. It was useless at all. But at this moment, the breath revealed by the other party made Jun Moxie feel a Qi of Slaughter that even moved him.

Jun Moxie stared straight at the middle-aged man in the wheelchair, his face was full of surprise.

The Qi of Slaughter revealed on the opponent's body, only those who have been experienced all the year round, and the iron-blooded soldiers who have fought out from the sea of ​​corpse mountains and blood will have this unique sharpness. Just like a peerless sword that will never be buried in dust even if it is broken, it exudes overbearing rays of light.

However, because of the existence of the wheelchair, this peerless sword is hidden in the sheath!

"You still have my Third Uncle in your eyes?"

Jun glanced at Jun Moxie accidentally, coldly snorted: "Now there are older generations covering you, but wait When they return, how are you survived in the world? The older generation is there, and other Aristocratic families will give you some face. But they passed away, in the eyes of those people, you are just a waste!"

For what Jun didn't intend to say, Jun Moxie didn't take seriously. He knew that the other party was actually caring about himself, and there was a feeling of hate iron for not becoming steel in it.

"Third Uncle, the older generation is getting old, don't you still cover me?" Jun Moxie opened the mouth and said.

"Are you taunting me?" Jun unintentionally looked heavy.

"Third Uncle, I have a way to heal your legs." Jun Moxie pointed to Jun's unintentional legs.

Hearing what Jun Moxie said, Jun accidentally shook the head and turned the wheelchair away. Obviously, he still thought that Jun Moxie was using him to get rid of him.

Looking at the lonely back of Jun unintentionally leaving, Jun Moxie wanted to say something but wanted to catch up to say something, but in the end he didn't take any steps.

He can indeed heal Jun's unintentional legs, but it is based on the cultivation base of his previous life, not the current hollowed out body.

From the situation of this waste body, he wants to reach the realm that can cure Jun's unintentional legs, and it will take at least ten years.

This is also the reason why he didn't catch up with Jun Wuyi. After all, it will be ten years, no one will believe it.

"If it weren't for this terrible body, how could you start from the beginning."

Jun Moxie was sighed, but when his sigh fell, above his head, There was a loud bang. Then, a dark circular gap appeared.

Looking at the purple clothed man slowly falling from the gap, Jun Moxie's eyes suddenly shrank, his mouth opened wide, and his eyes were filled with astonishment.

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