"Don't panic."

Chu Bei looked at Jun Moxie calmly, indifferently said: "The fruit you ate before was Illusory Beast Dan, now you have Initially have the Illusory Beast ability. As for this ability, you can explore it. As you develop it, your strength will also undergo Heaven and Earth turning upside down changes. As for your current form, its It is called undying bird and possesses terrifying recovery ability. It is almost invincible in battle against people."

"Master, I feel the magical effect of this flame! It's amazing! That's it!"

Gradually, Jun Moxie seemed to have found the trick, and within a single thought, he switched between undying bird and human forms several times.

Among these, he also deliberately scratched his right arm in a human form, and blood flowed across. But when he became an undying bird, the blue flame instantly restored his wound without leaving the slightest scar.

"Maybe in less than ten years, now I can heal Third Uncle's leg injury!"

After initial control and use of the Illusory Beast pill, Jun Moxie seems to have thought of something , An expression of be eager to have a try appeared on his face.

"Master, I will find Third Uncle." Jun Moxie respectfully looked towards Chu Bei.

"Let's go and be with you as a teacher." Chu Bei put his hands behind his back, his smile still.


Jun’s Mansion, lobby.

Jun Zhantian sits in the first place. Although he is over 60 years old, his hair and beard are still black and look like forty people.

"smelly brat, just forget about fooling around outside, now you dare to laugh at your Third Uncle, don't you! You know how much he has done on the battlefield when he was your age, and killed him How many enemies have the first level?"

When Jun Moxie came to the lobby, Jun Zhantian didn't even look at Chu Bei, he moved towards Jun Moxie and roared, Fang Zheng's majestic face Full of anger.

Jun Zhantian was born in poverty and he was a young general, able to move unhindered in the whole world, which made the enemies of all countries frightened. He is not only excellent in literary and military skills, but also one of the few Profound Level experts in the Tianxiang Empire.

From a humble poor man to the current Blood Orchid Duke of Flowers, it only took him less than forty years. Although time makes the man, there are very few throughout the history of continent.

On the battlefield, Jun Zhantian is unmoved in the face of the enemy's millions of troops, but as soon as he sees himself, the only remaining grandson, he will be furious!

Jun Zhantian really couldn't figure out how, with his bloodline and high-pressure management, there would be such a waste material among the younger generation.

The grandson in front of him, who made him love-hate, didn't become a martial artist. He was dizzy when he picked up a book and ran away when he heard the practice.

The nephew of someone else’s family either has a splendid chest and a small talent; or he has entered the right track of mystery cultivation, at least he is above Tier Six. And his precious grandson, the profound energy cultivation is worthy of the poor Tier Two, or he has spent countless Heaven and Earth Treasures on him.

The fundamental reason that made him so angry today was that the other party could not tell good from bad until he started to open his legs unintentionally.

Thinking of this, Jun Zhantian's tyrannical breath became violent, and the anger in his eyes would burst out.

"Father, being angry for this kid, it's really not worth it to be angry!" Seeing that Jun Zhantian was about to go violently, Jun sitting in a wheelchair inadvertently spoke. Although he also hated iron for not becoming steel, he still didn't want to watch Jun Moxie be hit hard.

"grandfather, I didn't laugh at Third Uncle, I can really heal Third Uncle's legs!" Jun Moxie said.

Hearing what Jun Moxie said, Jun unintentionally turned his face heavy, sighed and looked towards Jun Zhan Heavenly Dao: "Father, this kid, you should fight fiercely."

However, when Jun Zhantian's fist was about to fall on Jun Moxie's body, he snorted, and the latter's body turned into a blue flame. The flame surged and turned into a blue bird.


Looking at Jun Moxie who suddenly turned into a blue flame bird in front of him, Jun Zhantian's fist stopped in the air, his face suddenly screaming Changed, the whole person looked like a bolt from the blue, with a stunned look.

The same is true for Jun Wuwu in a wheelchair. He stared at the blue flame bird in a daze, couldn't help but held breath cold air, his face was at a loss, like thunder and lightning, like a clay-plastic wood-carving person.

The change of Jun Moxie came so unexpectedly that they were completely unprepared.

"What's going on!"

Jun Zhantian and Jun are dumbfounded, their brains seem to have lost the ability to think, standing still in place like a wood, stupefied Both eyes stared forward madly.

"Third Uncle, grandfather, don't worry, I am an undying bird form." Jun Moxie's voice sounded, and the next moment saw a blue flame spray out of his mouth, which swept through and wrapped Jun's unintentional Legs.

Seeing his legs burned by flame, Jun Zhantian's expression suddenly condensed. But just when he was about to urge the profound energy to extinguish the flame, Jun had no intention of raising his hand to stop it.

"Father, don’t move! My legs are beginning to feel, and I feel pain!"

Jun’s unintentional expression began to become excited, his expression extremely excited: "I can I feel that there is energy in this flame that is healing my legs that have been crippled for ten years!"

"What? You are conscious!" Hearing Jun Zhantian's unintentional words, Jun Zhantian was shocked. I can't believe what I heard a moment ago.

Jun has no intention to heavily nodded: "This flame really has a miraculous effect!"

The blue flame chi chi burns, and the color of joy on Jun Wuyi’s face becomes stronger and stronger, that looked towards Jun Mo Xie's eyes also changed from the initial hate iron for not becoming steel to surprise to relief.

I don’t know how long it has been.

With a bang, Jun unintentionally burst into a violent breath wave.

I saw both of his hands slap the wheelchair, the wheelchair split, and he stood up. After that, he stepped on the void again with his feet, and he jumped out a few meters away in the lobby.

"Haha, I don’t think I will leave the wheelchair one day!"

Jun has no intention of taking a cheerful step, returning to Jun Zhantian’s side, holding on tightly The latter's arms and body trembled slightly: "Father, child is alright, really alright!"

"Well, I saw it, I saw it for my father."

I don’t know. At that time, Jun Zhantian, who was unmoved by the enemy's millions of troops, had red eyes, and the battlefield Qi of Slaughter disappeared, and there was only an old man seeing a child who had been crippled for ten years. The joy of being able to stand up again.

"Moxie, how did you do it? And what about this undying bird?"

After happy, Jun Zhantian and Jun came back to his unintentionally senses looked towards Jun Moxie, his eyes filled with confusion.

In their eyes, Jun Moxie is a complete dude. Reading is not good, martial arts is not good, but he is proficient in eating, drinking and gambling.

However, after experiencing just one scene, they realized that Jun Moxie was not exactly what they thought. Suddenly, they realized that they couldn't see through Jun Moxie.

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