"grandfather, Third Uncle, I don’t want to hide it at this time."

Jun Moxie took a long breath and raised his head forty-five degrees. With a faint face, he sighed: "I met an expert when I was three years old, and he accepted me as a disciple. However, due to the secret skill I practiced, I couldn't perform in front of outsiders, so I could only cover it up with dumb trash. But just recently, after successfully cultivating it, the Master finally allowed me to show my strength."

Speaking of which, Jun Moxie sighed: "grandfather, Third Uncle, you know that Moxie has been in these years How lonely and lonely is Yin Ren?"

Jun Zhantian and Jun unintentionally listened to what Jun Moxie said, their eyes brought a deep regret, as if they were regretting that they hadn't seen this in front of them. The grandson and nephew who have been forbearing.

As for Chu Bei, he tugged at the corner of his mouth, glanced at Jun Moxie, and slandered in his heart.

"Moxie, grandfather has wronged you all these years!" Before Jun Zhan came to the sky, he hugged Jun Moxie who had returned to his normal appearance.

"Moxie, what cultivation base is your true strength?" Jun asked unintentionally.

"The inheritance given by the Master cannot be measured by the usual cultivation system. Therefore, I don't know what realm I am now." Jun Moxie shook the head.

"Then let Third Uncle try it for you!" Jun's words fell unintentionally, and he saw him move towards Jun Moxie, and his powerful profound energy was sprayed from the surface of his fist.

When he saw this, Jun Moxie's eyes condensed, without any hesitation, he directly used the ability of the Illusory Beast fruit to transform into an undying bird form, and greeted him with one claw.


A deep sound.

Jun Moxie, who turned into an undying bird, shook back, but he didn't suffer any damage.

"Jin Xuan!"

Jun had no intention of retracting his fist, staring at Jun Moxie with his eyes widened, his face full of consternation.

"No intention, you are not kidding! Moxie, he is Jin Xuan!"

Seeing Jun Wuyi’s nodded solemnly, Jun Zhantian laughed like crazy "God, you finally opened your eyes! Seventeen-year-old Jin Xuan, Tianxiang Empire Number One Person, I have a successor to Jun Family!"

Look at Jun Moxie again. After an unintentional punch, he really felt the terrifying of the Illusory Beast Dan.

This is just eaten, before it has time to develop, it already has Jin Xuan's strength!

"Moxie, what about your expert Master? Over the years, he has cultivated you so well. We must thank them. If it were not for him, you would not have the current strength and methods. Unintentional legs won't be good!" Jun Zhantian seemed to have thought of something, and said quickly.

"Grandfather, the expert Master in my mouth, he is far away from the horizon!" Jun Moxie said.

Hearing this, Jun Zhantian and Jun were unintentionally stunned, the two of them stared at Chu Bei's body suddenly, their mouths opened wide.

"You...you are the Master of Moxie!"

Jun Zhan's eyes were shocked, and he wriggled his throat. He really couldn't control what seemed to be less than twenty. The youth of the coming year connects with the Master in Jun Moxie's mouth.

When he wants to come, he can teach Jun Moxie and other methods against the sky, and he wants to come is also an old monster who has lived beyond the world for hundreds of years and has lived for hundreds of years.

Chu Bei slightly nod motioned to Shangjun Zhantian and Jun's unintentional gaze.

"Third Uncle, who really hurt your leg?"

After Jun Moxie asked Jun Wuyi, he looked towards Jun Zhantian: "Also, I What happened to the death of father and mother?"

Jun Moxie searched the memory of the former body owner, but did not have the answer to these two puzzles.

After hearing Jun Moxie’s question, Jun Zhantian and Jun had no intention of looking at each other. After some exchanges, shook the head: "Moxie, it is better not to know your current strength. Our enemy is too strong, too strong!"

"Too strong? How strong is that!" Jun Moxie asked.

"In front of them, with my strength, I can't be considered anything. If you want to know, then step into the Earth Profound Realm first." Jun Zhantian still did not answer Jun Moxie's question.

After all, Jun Zhantian looked towards Chu Bei and was very polite: "If you are offended, what is your strength?"

It's not just Jun Zhantian, Jun Wuyi With curiosity in his eyes, Jun Moxie also looked towards Chu Bei. He was also curious about the cultivation base of this cheap Master.

In Xuanxuan continent, the level of Xuan Qi first went from Tier One to Grade 9.

Grade 9 is above the Yin Xuan, followed by the Jin Xuan, the Jade Xuan, and then to the Earth Xuan and Tian Xuan, and above the day Xuan is the Shen Xuan.

Shen Xuan is called Supreme.

Of course, there is a higher level of cultivation base above Supreme.

When the profound energy cultivation base reaches the earth profound, it can extend its lifespan with the help of profound energy. When you reach the cultivation base of the Profound Sky, you can basically live to be one hundred and fifty to two hundred years old. If it can go further and reach that Divine Profound Realm, it can be extended again, but it will not pass the limit of three hundred and fifty years. At the Supreme Realm, it is possible to live five hundred years old. As for the realm above Supreme, it will naturally live longer.

It is reported that when the cultivation base reaches a certain realm, it can be rejuvenated, and its true age cannot be seen from the appearance. Judging from Chu Bei's methods, Jun Zhantian naturally would not think that the other party is really a youth in his twenties, but must be a Powerhouse that has reached the realm of rejuvenation.

As for how strong Jun Zhantian is, at least with the strength of his Sky Profound Realm, he can't be rejuvenated.

"Is this the cultivation base? There is no comparison, and it is still unknown."

Chu Bei smiled knowingly, not that he deliberately wanted mysterious, this is indeed the truth.

Hearing this, Jun Zhantian and Jun looked at each other unintentionally and stopped asking. Obviously they thought this question was a taboo of Chu Bei.

Ta Ta Ta!

Just when Jun Zhantian was ready to entertain Chu Bei, a rush of footsteps sounded outside the lobby, and then a soldier ran in panicked, breathing heavily in his mouth.

"Didn't you see any guests here? So lost self-control, how proper is it!" Jun Zhantian looked at the soldiers who ran in and shouted.

"Master, there is a major event outside, and the sky is falling down!" The soldier took a deep breath and said quickly.

"Say it in one breath." Jun Zhantian frowned.

"The wave of profound beasts is here! A large number of profound beasts ran out of the forest of heavenly punishment. They were assaulted and destroyed the city as if they were crazy, and the outside was in a mess." Then The soldier looked anxious.

"What? Profound beast tide! Our Tianxiang Empire has no relationship with the mysterious beasts of the heavenly punishment forest. How can they invade us! Go out and take a look!"

After falling, Jun Zhan's profound energy burst into the sky, and he had already left the lobby during his steps. The speed was extremely fast, and Jun had no intention to follow closely from behind.

"Master, we..."

"How can I miss the excitement."

Jun Moxie looked towards Chu Bei, but he didn't wait for his words After speaking, Chu Bei interrupted it. Then with a wave of his sleeves, he disappeared into the lobby with it.

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