At this moment, in the imperial city of the Tianxiang Empire, various panic screams one after another. The streets that were originally stable and peaceful were all residents who fled with large and small bags.

Among them, there are also armies wearing delicate armors running along the street moved towards the east.

Jun Zhantian's speed is very fast. Whenever there is more than one army, the leader of the army will respectfully salute him.

In less than half an hour, Jun Zhantian rushed to the border of Tianxiang's imperial city and the heavenly punishment forest.

hong long long ——

Looking at it, there are countless mysterious beasts in the forest of heavenly punishment at this moment, madly moved towards the human territory, and the darkness is overwhelming.

They sounded like they had been ordered, and the earth shook and roared violently.

On the edge of the imperial city, teams of capable soldiers are holding lance in one hand and shield in the other, resisting the coming wave of profound beasts, fearless of life and death.

"Look! General Jun is here!"

"With General Jun, these profound beasts are not enough!"

See Jun Zhantian coming! , The soldiers who were desperately fighting the profound beast tide were like waiting for a savior to find the backbone of the master, cheering in excitement.


As the soldiers expected, Jun Zhantian rose into the sky, and his tyrannical breath burst out, directly appearing in the profound beast tide army.

I saw Jun Zhantian like a tiger entering a flock of sheep. Every time he punched out with him, the bodies of several profound beasts burst open and turned into a pile of minced meat.

bang bang bang!

Perhaps it is a means to fear Jun Zhantian. These profound beasts that have escaped intelligence have begun to avoid Jun Zhantian, and detour to Tianxiang imperial city.

"Look, Your Majesty is here too!" At some point, the monarch of the Tianxiang Empire also came to the edge of the imperial city with a sad face.

"General Dugu has also joined the battlefield!" With the arrival of more and more imperial city Powerhouses, the soldiers became more excited and their morale skyrocketed.

"Unintentional Third Uncle, you...what's wrong with your legs!" At this moment, a playful girl who looked fifteen or six years old came to Jun Wuyi's side, her mouth wide open, her fingers Looking at Jun's unintentional legs, he has a surprised look of shock.

"Xiaoyi, Third Uncle, I'll talk to you slowly." Jun inadvertently rubbed Dugu Xiaoyi's head, jumped, and joined the battlefield.

"Jun Family's scum, what are you doing here? Don't be afraid of those mysterious commanders, you will eat it!"

Dugu Xiaoyi looked at Jun Moxie with contempt. After mocking a sentence, he looked towards Chu Bei: "This stranger, is this the dude you just made?"

When I heard Dugu Xiaoyi's words, Jun Moxie just wanted to get angry, but was caught by Chu Bei. One sentence dumbfounded.

"Don't get angry, this is one of your eight wives in the future." Chu Bei said with a smile.

"What are you talking about! Pooh! My lonely little artist will marry this dude? Even if I am blind and break my leg, it is absolutely impossible! One of eight wives, one toad pays back I want to eat swan's meat!"

Dugu Xiaoyi glared at Chu Bei fiercely, full of anger, it seemed that Chu Bei's words were a great shame to her.

"Master, what are you saying, true or false?"

Jun Moxie took a deep breath: "This Little Lass looks pretty good, if it's really as you think Say, dísciple will have to train her well in the future! She dare to be so rude to you in the province."

"Jun Family scum, you dare to talk nonsense, I chopped yours Tongue!" Dugu Xiaoyi drew a rapier from her waist and waved it in front of Jun Moxie, cold light shining.

Jun Moxie laughed, no longer paid attention to Dugu Xiaoyi, but looked towards the battlefield.


As more and more imperial city Powerhouses join, the speed of mysterious beasts’ invasion has slowed down, and more and more mysterious beasts have died in Powerhouse Under the killing.

"Old Jun, do you know what happened! Why are these profound beasts aggressively invading my Tianxiang Empire?" King Tianxiang looked at the heroic Jun Zhantian in the battlefield and asked.

"Your Majesty, I am afraid you do not know, not only our Tianxiang Empire, but all the empires bordering the heavenly punishment forest have been invaded by the mysterious beast tide." Jun Zhantian has not yet spoken, one Warlord responded.

"What? Is it a full range of damp this time! Is the forest crazy? Are they doing this to go to war with all of us?" King Tianxiang frowned deeply.

"If we don't hand over the emperor of heavenly punishment, the wave of profound beasts will never stop!" At this moment, a powerful voice sounded like a thunder-like panic.

next moment, a strong silhouette of up to five meters appeared on the battlefield. He was in the form of a human, but his whole body was full of hair.

"Beast King Xiong Kaishan!"

Seeing the appearance of that strong silhouette, Jun Zhantian, Dugusheng and other imperial city Powerhouses all startedled with expressions, full of consternation.

At the time when Xiong Kaishan appeared on the battlefield, the mad army of profound beasts all crawled on the ground, as if bowing to him.

"Bear King, did you instruct them to invade our Human Race territory?" Jun Zhantian and other Warlords looked at Xiong Kaishan with solemn expressions. The other party is one of the twelve beast kings in the forest, not just in name only, but also in reality Supreme Powerhouse.

Looking at their Tianxiang imperial city, the strongest person is nothing but Tianxuan Powerhouse. In the eyes of Supreme Powerhouse, this poses no threat at all.

"When will we hand over our emperor, when will we withdraw!" Xiong Kaishan's voice was cold.

"The emperor of heavenly punishment? How could it be in our human territory!" Jun Zhantian questioned.

"Now I'm going to ask Blood Soul Villa!" Xiong Kaishan coldly shouted, his voice filled with anger.

"Since it's Blood Soul Villa's business, then you can just go to Blood Soul Villa. Why do you want to invade our Tianxiang imperial city!" Jun Zhantian was dissatisfied.

"This is the business of all of you humans!" Xiong Kaishan's body erupted with terrifying breath fluctuations, shaking the void chi chi: "Over the years, you humans have really become more and more incompetent. Our heavenly punishment forest is in our eyes! Now, I even dare to hit our emperor's idea! If she hadn't failed to rush through the barrier and was in a period of weakness, how could she be defeated by you!"

Falled with an angry voice, and Xiong Kaishan threw a punch. Suddenly, the terrifying profound energy rushed out, and a wave of Tianxiang imperial city soldiers flew upside down, blood spurting from their mouths.

"Xiong Kaishan, you are bullily intolerably! Can't afford to offend Blood Soul Villa, just take us out?" Jun Zhantian clenched his fists and began to gather in an imposing manner.

"Do you think Blood Soul Villa is in a good situation? If you can't see the emperor, all of you humans are waiting to be destroyed!"

A killing appeared in Xiong Kaishan's eyes Intent, and then launched several attacks one after another, leading to a lot of soldiers casualties.

"Are we really soft persimmons?" Jun Zhantian drew out the long sword.

"Jun old man, don't be impulsive! This is Supreme!" Du Gusheng quickly suppressed Jun Zhantian who was about to shoot.

"Trifling the Profound Sky, but the ants!"

Xiong Kaishan glanced at Jun Zhantian disdainfully, and stepped on the void with his feet, directly turning into a streak of divine light. With the terrifying profound strength fluctuation strikes to Jun Zhantian.

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