"Not good! Old General is in danger!" In the battlefield, the pupils of Warlord shrank sharply.

Xiong Kaishan's speed is very fast, and he has arrived in front of Jun Zhantian almost instantly. However, when Xiong Kaishan’s casserole-big fist was about to fall on Jun Zhantian’s chest, everyone only heard a clear click. Xiong Kaishan’s silhouette stopped inexplicably, and the space he was in was actually cracked. Opened a strip of slender gaps.

At this moment, whether it is Xiong Kaishan or Jun Zhantian, they seem to be suddenly imprisoned by a force.

"What's going on!"

Looking at the scene in the battlefield, all the faces of Warlord were puzzled. The high-ranking profound beast who was born with intelligence and crawling on the ground, his eyes widened, and his expression was filled with confusion.

"Humans and the forest of heavenly punishment are originally in the same camp. Your current approach is too extreme." Suddenly, a calm voice sounded in everyone's ears.


With the sound of this voice, the space where Xiong Kaishan and Jun Zhantian were located, the power of imprisonment disappeared, and the two flew out inexplicably at the same time.

"Who!" Xiong Kaishan's vigorous shout echoed between Heaven and Earth.

Just as a crowd was looking around looking for someone to speak, a purple clothed man appeared out of thin air above the battlefield.

"Who is he!"

"Is he the one who just talked to? It was he who saved the Lord Old General!"

"He is me Human Race Supreme?"

The warlord's gaze froze on Chu Bei's body, discussing spiritedly, and wondering about Chu Bei's identity.

"Jun Family scum, he...he is not that..."

Recognize the purple clothed man above the battlefield, the little Dugu is incoherent in his art, hesitated for a long time, and didn't say anything. Come out a complete sentence.

"hmph! You also know that Human Race and the forest of heavenly punishment are in the same camp! Then look at what you are doing now! How dare to take it in the weak period of my imperial defeat Robbery, I don’t know what the plot is!" Xiong Kaishan was so angry, he condensed a terrifying imposing manner as soon as he finished speaking, and blasted Chu Bei with a tyrannical attack.


Unfortunately, in front of Chu Bei, Xiong Kaishan is really no different from ants.

His body was not within ten meters of Chu Bei, before he was blown away by a force, a mouthful of blood spurted, and his face was pale. During this process, Chu Bei didn't lift his eyes, it could be said that he didn't make any movements.

"Xiong Kaishan was injured!"

"He is one of the twelve beast kings of the forest of heavenly punishment, Supreme Powerhouse!"

I witnessed this scene, Warlord was stunned for an instant.

"Who are you this purple clothed man!" In the eyes of the Warlord looking towards Chu Bei again, the color of curiosity became stronger and the respect was even greater.

"For the matter of your heavenly punishment of the Beast Emperor, this seat will give you justice."

Chu Bei ignored Warlord's comments below. After glancing at Xiong Kaishan, a finger pointed.

Suddenly, countless blue flames flew out from his fingertips.

These blue flames surging, evolved into hundreds of undying birds, moved towards the battlefield below and flew away.

I saw where these undying birds went, whether it was a severely injured human race cultivator soldier or a profound beast in the forest of heavenly punishment, their injuries were all recovered and healed at a terrifying speed.


"Is this still a human method!"

"Okay, it's all done!"

We witnessed the companions of the lively dragon and animated tiger who were dying and recovered under the healing of the undying bird. Other soldiers and Warlord were dumbfounded almost at the same time.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, they would never believe that there are people in the world who have such divine ability!

"Justice? How do you give us justice! My emperor does not know life or death now, the longer she drags on, the greater the danger for her!"

Xiong Kaishan glanced at the cured man below his eyes The soldiers and profound beasts, after a flash of surprise in their eyes, looked towards Chu Bei opened the mouth and said.

Chu Bei ignored Xiong Kaishan, but with a wave of his sleeves, a ripple instantly enveloped the entire battlefield.

next moment, including the Emperor Tianxiang, Jun Zhantian, Jun Wuyi, Dugusheng and other Warlords, as well as Xiong Kaishan and others, all felt dizzy in their heads, and then everything in their vision changed. , Like Big Dipper Turns and Stars Move.

"Here, this is the site of Blood Soul Villa!"

"He actually took us from Tianxiang imperial city to Blood Soul Villa in an instant!"

"This is definitely not Supreme's means! Could it be, is he an existence above Supreme!"

A crowd of Warlord came back to his senses, when they recognized where they were right now, One by one stared at Chu Bei in astonishment, with shock on his face.

"Look below! Seven...seven beast kings!"

"Blood Soul Villa and the Forest of Heavenly Punishment, are they already at full-scale war!"

"Could it be said that the emperor of heavenly punishment was really robbed by the people of Blood Soul Villa?"


Jun Zhantian, Du Gu Sheng, etc. The Warlord hovered high in the sky. When they saw the scene below, their pupils suddenly dilated.

hong long long ——

At this moment, the outer circle area of ​​Blood Soul Villa has been completely in ruins. The intensity of the battle is far from what Tianxiang imperial city could compare to.

Countless 7th-Rank, 8th-Rank mysterious beasts and Powerhouses of Blood Soul Villa are fighting, blood flowing into a river, wailing everywhere.

If we say that the most fierce battle is the seven human Supreme vs. the seven beast kings in the forest of heavenly punishment!

"City Lord of Wind and Snow Silver City, Wind and Snow Supreme, Cold Wind and Snow, Qi Tianfeng Monster Ask Heavenly Supreme, Do Not Wentian, Cold-blooded Supreme, Tears without Sadness, God-given Empire Grandmaster Life and Death Supreme Shi Changxiao, Recluse Blu-ray all the year round The azure Supreme dream of the sea, the prairie eagle and the eagle fighting in the air, the wind and the wind Sword God, the wind and the wind!"

Jun Zhantian and Dugusheng recognized the seven human Supremes, glanced at each other, and said one after another. Up their identities.

"Snake King, do you really want to undying endlessly!"

Ask Heavenly Supreme, Mo Wentian, looked towards a lithe and graceful woman coldly shouted.

"When you see the elder sister, this battle will end!" Snake King Qianxun replied blankly.

"You insist that the Emperor of Heavenly Punishment was taken away by the people of Blood Soul Villa, but you have searched every corner of Blood Soul Villa before, and there is no trace of your Emperor of Heavenly Punishment." Cold-blooded Supreme tears without sorrow.

"That's right! The forest of your heavenly punishment is trying to frame my Blood Soul Villa, thereby violating the entire Human Race on this ground!" The Great Elder of Blood Soul Villa yelled.

Hearing this, the faces of the seven beast kings in the forest of heavenly punishment in the battlefield have become extremely ugly, and even some beast kings have directly turned into their bodies, opening their bloody mouth wide open like a sacrificial bowl, with hideous expressions.

"Since it has nothing to do with your Blood Soul Villa, why is it so powerful! He robbed me of the emperor, and I even fought with him! It’s just invincible, so he robbed me. Emperor!" A profound beast in the Divine Profound Realm opened the mouth and said.

"Li Juetian? Really ridiculous! That guy failed Transcending Tribulation three years ago and fell!"

"A dead man, how can he rob the emperor of heavenly punishment?"

"This reason is really absurd!"

"Yes! The fall of Juetian is well known to everyone."

"If you have to Life and Death Battle, then my human army will definitely not be afraid of you!"


When I heard the words of the profound beast in the Profound Realm, the Supreme face of the Human Race was instantly heavy. Got down, angry.

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