"No wonder you can't find you anyway! It turns out that your Blood Soul Villa still hides such a secret space!" Snake King Qian searched and shouted.

"Li Ren, what's going on! Obviously I was about to succeed! But I was interrupted at the most critical moment, and I ended up falling short!"

In the battlefield, Li Juetian coldly looked at the Great Elder of the Blood Soul Villa below, screaming with terrible anger. I saw that his eyes were full of bloodshot eyes, and his whole body was covered with magic lines, as if he was on the edge of a cultivation deviation.

Look at the lithe and graceful silhouette again, closing his eyes tightly, look pale, without a trace of blood. If it weren't for the weak breath fluctuations, I thought it was a dead person.

"Owner, he disturbed you! And, and his strength..." Against Li Juetian's cold and merciless gaze, the Great Elder of Blood Soul Villa hurriedly pointed his finger at Chu Bei, but it was still Before he could finish speaking, Li Juetian was coldly snorted interrupting him.

"Just a little bit, I'm about to step into that higher level of realm! But unfortunately, I was interrupted by you at the most critical moment! You damn it! I want you to be broken into pieces! "Li Juetian stared at Chu Bei fiercely, with a sharp killing intent pouring out of his body.

After that, Li Juetian's hands were intertwined, and there was black bloody glow shrouded in the palm of his wave, releasing a terrifying breath.

long long long ——

Li Juetian's silhouette flashed, and in the blink of an eye he appeared in front of Chu Bei with his terrifying palms.

"Human Race and the forest of heavenly punishment belong to the same camp, but for your own sake, you did not hesitate to put Human Race on the opposite side of the forest of heavenly punishment. When the emperor of heavenly punishment failed Take away, try to draw its strength to complete the breakthrough! This crime is unforgivable! When killed!"

Seeing that Li Juetian’s palms are about to strike on Chu Bei’s head, the latter The calm and indifferent voice floated between Heaven and Earth.

Next moment, only Chu Bei a finger pointed, Li Juetian’s terrifying offensive stalled instantly.

Immediately afterwards, his body seemed to be injected with an unbearable majestic force, first his palms ka-cha exploded, and then his arms until his whole body exploded, just like the previous Like those Shenxuan Powerhouses, they turned into a pile of flesh and blood and poured out in the sky.

"Dead! Li Juetian died like this!" Seeing this scene, all Human Race Supreme's expressions suddenly startled and became more and more trance.

The deaths of dozens of Shenxuan Powerhouses before were already enough to shock them. But the death of Li Juetian at the moment made their shock level rise to a higher level.

In terms of strength, Li Juetian is definitely the strongest existence among them, Peak ranked in the Supreme realm!

But even if it is so powerful, in the eyes of the mysterious purple clothed man above, it is no different from an ant, and it is easily obliterated by raising his hand.

In other words, as long as the mysterious man thinks, the life and death of their so-called Human Race Supreme is just that's all between the other's thoughts.

Thinking of this, a crowd of Human Race Supreme suddenly swallowed saliva and said, and there was a lot of respect in their eyes again looking towards Chu Bei.

"Bear King, he is who! Could it be from Three Great Holy Lands?"

"But how can Three Great Holy Lands help us heavenly punishment forest! Don’t hit a person when he's down, being a spectator is already very grateful to them!"

Seeing that Li Juetian was killed, the faces of the seven beast kings in the heavenly punishment forest were obviously better, and then looked towards Xiong Kaishan , Asked about the origin of Chu Bei.

Perceiving the gazes of the seven beast kings, Xiong Kaishan shook the head, indicating that he did not know the origin of Chu Bei.

After solving Li Juetian casually, Chu Bei turned his head and looked towards the direction of Blood Soul Villa Great Elder. Without waiting for the latter to react, a beam of gaze shot out.

Suddenly, under countless eyes, the body of Blood Soul Villa Great Elder directly turned into nothingness, as if it had evaporated out of thin air.

Gu du!

Seeing this scene, the Supreme and Human Race Powerhouse swallowed saliva and said, fell silent.

"Human Race and the forest of heavenly punishment coexist, if anyone dares to be so despicable, I will kill them!" Chu Bei's calm eyes swept across the major Human Race Supreme, and his indifferent voice was in Heaven and Earth Reverberating between.

Hearing the sound, the crowd of Human Race Powerhouse looked at each other and became more silent.

After that, Chu Bei looked towards the emperor of heavenly punishment who was extremely weak and fluctuated in breath, and waved his hand.

Under the cover of blue rays of light, the breath of the emperor of heavenly punishment began to grow, and his pale face without a trace of blood also turned ruddy, recovering at a terrifying speed.

In just a few seconds, the emperor of heavenly punishment opened his eyes, and his breath stabilized.

"Elder sister, you woke up!"

"Very good! My emperor is all right!"

Wake up after seeing Lithe and graceful silhouette, heavenly punishment The eight beast kings of the forest cried out with excitement in an instant, extremely excited.

"Didn't I be captured? Also, my dark illness disappeared! What's the matter?" Mei Xueyan looked towards Snake King Qianxun, with confusion in her eyes.

"elder sister, is your dark illness all right!" The snake king Qianxun's expression was filled with joy, and then quickly told Mei Xueyan the whole sequence of events.

"Thanks Senior to help!" After hearing what the snake king Qianxun said, Mei Xueyan hurriedly moved towards Chu Bei and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand, with gratitude in her words.

Chu Bei nodded gestured, and then pointed his hand at Mei Xueyan and Snake King Qianxun one after another: "You two have no relationship with the dísciple of this seat. As a Master, I naturally want to shoot for him."

"Your dísciple? Is it irrelevant?" Mei Xueyan and Snake King Qianxun looked at Jun Moxie who was recruited by Chu Bei in front of them. After looking at each other for a while, they looked towards Chu Bei again, a cloud of fog Shui: "But we never knew your dísciple."

It's not just Mei Xueyan and Snake King Qianxun, but Jun Moxie is also a confused expression of the second monk: "Master, what do you say? What does it mean?"

"For the teacher, they are two of your eight harems in the future." Chu Bei smiled knowingly.

"Senior can really be a joke." Hearing Chu Bei's words, Mei Xueyan and Snake King Qianxun's expressions instantly turned cold.

It was Jun Moxie, who smirked in a daze, "Lending Master's good words."

"Is the senior from the Three Great Holy Lands?" At this time, Mei Xueyan looked towards Chu Bei asked.

"Three Great Holy Lands? What is that place!" Hearing Mei Xueyan's question, there was the Powerhouse of the Profound Realm asking Human Race Supreme.

"In your opinion, such forces as Blood Soul Villa are already top-notch existences. But I don't know that there is a mountain as high as one mountain, and this Three Great Holy Lands is the higher mountain! "The cold-blooded Supreme said with tears without sorrow: "Nine thousand years ago, when the heroes came together, the entire Xuanxuan continent was in chaos. Of course, in such an environment, Powerhouses are also endless. The so-called time makes the man, heroes are also creating The current situation. But at the most prosperous moment, continent had a great change. And this Three Great Holy Lands, also appeared at that time."

Heard here, a crowd of people The expression of the class became more serious. They knew that they would soon learn from the cold-blooded Supreme's mouth about the secrets of this Xuanxuan continent, which few people know.

"Do you know Sky Pillar Mountain?" Cold-blooded Supreme raised a question.

"Of course I know!" A powerhouse nodded in the Profound Realm: "Sky Pillar Mountain, the highest mountain of the Profound Realm continent, is located at the southernmost tip of the continent. Legend has it that the mountains are high and ten thousand, lying between Heaven and Earth, It stretches for hundreds of thousands li, straight into the blue sky, and the vertical direction is from the continent side to the continent side. The ancient old legend, this mountain is the end of the sky! Not to mention people or animals, not even the eagle can fly past. It has always been extinct. There has never been a Powerhouse to conquer. Sky Pillar Mountain, the mountains are endless, the gods and demons can't reach it!"

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