The cold-blooded Supreme glanced approvingly at the talking Divine Profound Realm Powerhouse: "Yes! But during that period, Sky Pillar Mountain suddenly collapsed a mountain range for some reason. At that time, the fire blasted into the sky more than ten thousand zhang, countless stones flew up, flying out of several dozen li grounds, but the people living near Sky Pillar Mountain suffered countless deaths and injuries. Even the Shenxuan Supreme is not immune, even the whole The Xuanxuan continent was trembling. Many places rushed into the heat that could melt gold fossils. It was a catastrophe that affected the entire continent! After the catastrophe, the Xuanxuan continent killed and injured more than tens of millions of people. That was the time, Sky Pillar The mountain on the side of the Mountain collapsed more than half!"

"Since then, the Sky Pillar Mountain, which no one can climb and no birds can climb, has begun to be able to climb by the Peak Powerhouse."

Speaking of this, the cold-blooded Supreme's voice became heavy: "That is when the first Human Race Peak Powerhouse arrives, so that the world knows that the end of the Xuan Xuan continent is not limited to the Sky Pillar. Mountain is over. After Sky Pillar Mountain, there is another Heaven and Earth!"

"Does the catastrophe you mentioned earlier have something to do with the other side of Sky Pillar Mountain?" guess.

"Since that half of the mountain collapsed, two grotesquely shaped things suddenly came over on the other side of Sky Pillar Mountain. Or, it should be said that they are humanoid creatures."

Cold-blooded Supreme took a deep breath: "The two grotesquely shaped creatures just crossed the Sky Pillar Mountain, and they had a violent conflict with our Powerhouse. Until the end, the Supreme level Powerhouse teamed up to reluctantly kill them! But it didn’t take long for the other side of the mountain to climb over more and more such creatures."

"Because of the large number of those creatures, even our Supreme level Powerhouse can be used for a while. Unable to resist. But they know that if these grotesquely shaped and terrifying creatures invade the continent we live in, it will inevitably cause unimaginable harm. For this reason, almost all the continent's profound practitioners were concentrated at that time. To the north of Sky Pillar Mountain, I tried my best to stop those creatures! This is the first battle of Xuanxuan continent!"

"Battle of heaven!" I heard this name for the first time. , The eyes of a crowd of human Powerhouses condensed, and they couldn't help repeating it again.

The cold-blooded Supreme glanced faintly at the crowd of all around people with pricked ears, and continued: "Since then the whole continent has united. In the consecutive days of fighting, we suffered heavy damage, but The same is true for those alien creatures. At the end of the day, they realized that they could no longer fight and began to retreat. That was the first battle to capture the sky, and it was the first time we repelled those alien creatures."

"After the first battle to capture the sky, the entire continent gradually realized that to deal with these alien creatures, the profound practitioners of Beneath the Supreme simply sacrificed in vain and were of no use at all. Even in the Divine Profound Realm, When facing these alien creatures, their full strength attack could not hurt each other at all. For this reason, the battle at the end became a battle between Peak Powerhouses."

"That is to say, in the first battle to capture the sky, Xuan Xuan continent formed the four largest forces in order to effectively block these alien creatures! The so-called three sages and one evil."

The cold-blooded Supreme glanced over the beast king on the side of the heavenly punishment forest: "These three sages refer to the Immortal Palace, the Supreme Golden City, and the dreamy blood sea of ​​our human beings. One evil refers to the forest of heavenly punishment."

"The emperor thought you forgot the battle of heaven!"

Mei Xueyan coldly snorted interrupted the cold-blooded Supreme, and then said for him: "At that time, our heavenly punishment forest Is the most powerful! Even the Three Great Holy Lands is based on the heavenly punishment forest. But after these nine thousand years, how do you Three Great Holy Lands treat our former ally?"

Upon hearing Mei Xueyan's words, Supreme Powerhouse, who knows some inside information, remained silent. Looking at Chu Bei again, he was like a spectator from beginning to end, with a faint smile on his mouth.

The cold-blooded Supreme glanced at Mei Xueyan, he stopped talking, and finally changed the subject of the other person, and continued to say to the human Powerhouse: "Since then, the Three Great Holy Lands will continue to learn from the human mysterious The Powerhouse is selected among the people. If someone reaches the Supreme’s bottleneck, they will be contained by the Three Great Holy Lands, and then wait for the next battle to capture the sky. During this period, these human Peak Powerhouses will never allow them to practice profound arts diligently. Going out! In their opinion, any slack will lead to the defeat of the battle for the heavens! And the failure of the battle for the heavens will surely lead to the catastrophe of the entire mankind!"

"In this way, Three Great Holy Lands has also become the true Powerhouse concentration camp of Xuan Xuan continent! In front of them, the so-called Blood Soul Villa and first under the heavens are not worth mentioning. It is the forest of heavenly punishment. After all, they are Xuanxuan beasts, and they are naturally eliminated. The rules have always remained the same. Gradually, the Three Great Holy Lands are becoming more and more prosperous over time. With this rising and the other, the strongest forest of heavenly punishment is now in decline." After that, cold-blooded Supreme looked towards heavenly punishment The beast kings of the forest, with sympathy in their eyes.

"But now, the Three Great Holy Lands of you humans have long forgotten their original intentions! Open strife and veiled struggle with each other, and even started poaching and killing the profound beasts of our heavenly punishment forest for the sake of improving our strength. Our ally! In the first heaven-sweeping battle nine thousand years ago, if it weren’t for our heavenly punishment and forest help, you humans would have already perished! Now that you are strong, do you treat your former benefactor like this!” Mei Xueyan He shouted, his voice was cold.

The seven Human Race Supremes did not refute, the facts are indeed as Mei Xueyan said. Today's Three Great Holy Lands, the essence is indeed a bit changed.

"For Xuanxuan continent, we still know too little before!"

"Unexpectedly, there is such a existence as Three Great Holy Lands!"

"In the end, the heavenly punishment forest is still our human ally!"

"In the future, I will never kill the mysterious beasts in the heavenly punishment forest again!"

"Me too! Can't kill Allies!"


After listening to the cold-blooded Supreme, after a group of human Powerhouses reacted, they began to feel resentful at the encounter in the heavenly punishment forest.

"Senior, although we hate the Three Great Holy Lands, this does not include you. You saved the elder sister, and you are the benefactor of our heavenly punishment forest!" The snake king Qianxun glanced at Chu Bei, seemingly afraid of the other party's misunderstanding, said immediately.

"When did this seat say that it came from the Three Great Holy Lands?" Chu Bei smiled at the snake king Qianxun, with some playfulness on his face.

"senior, you are really not from Three Great Holy Lands!"

"With your strength, how could Three Great Holy Lands not find you!"

"Could it be that you have been incognito all these years?"

For Chu Bei's answer, it is not only Mei Xueyan, Xiong Kaishan and other beast kings, but also Seven Great Paragons of Human Race. The color of confidence.

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