"haha, my Jun Family's revenge has finally been revoked!"

"My son, you have seen it in the Spirit of Heaven, you must take revenge!"

Looking at Xiao Mansion not far away, which was tragically fatal, Jun Zhantian suddenly raised his head and laughed, with a faint cry in his laughter.

"Senior, it's over, many thanks!" Jun had no intention to heavily moved towards Chu Bei and knelt down, deeply grateful in his pious eyes.

"The Xiao Family of Fengxue Yincheng, this is almost dead!"

"This mysterious Powerhouse is closely related to Tianxiang Jun Family. I have to look for opportunities to visit Jun in the future. Family."

The Powerhouse who witnessed this process took a long breath, the mysterious Powerhouse shot, even if it’s the blizzard of Supreme, the cold blizzard can only watch helplessly from the side. .

"Don't worry, I'll see you alone."

Chu Bei's voice fell with a smile, just when Jun looked at Chu Bei in confusion and confusion. , The latter is a finger pointed.

In the next moment, a beautiful woman in purple clothes appeared in front of Jun Wuyi.

"Han...Hanyan Yao!"

"The daughter of Fengxue Supreme, the former continent number one beauty!"

"Maybe the rumors are true, This gentleman had no intention to really fall in love with Yanyao Fairy!"


After a group of Powerhouses recognized the identity of the purple-clothed woman, their expressions became more stagnant, with allow some stiff.

"Unintentionally, is it really you?"

"Am I dreaming?"

The purple-clothed woman stretched out her fibrous hand and stroked it cautiously With Jun's unintentional cheeks, his eyes flushed unconsciously, and tears fell from the corners of his eyes.

"It's me, it's not a dream." Jun Wuyi obviously didn't react, and there was a vibrato in his words.

"Unexpectedly, in my lifetime, I will see you again. Unintentionally, your legs..." Hanyan Yao's body trembled slightly, as if thinking of something, she quickly looked towards Jun Wu's legs, very Astonishment flashed in his quick eyes, with joy.

"It's alright." Jun accidentally touched Hanyan Yao's Qingsi, and pointed out his finger at Chu Bei: "I have the favor of senior, heal the dark disease, and get revenge. And I can see you again. , This life has no regrets."

Following the direction of Jun's unintentional finger, Hanyan Yao looked towards Chu Bei, but when she was about to bow and thank, she saw a very familiar silhouette.

At this moment, Hanyan Yao’s thin body trembled suddenly: "Father...Imperial Father!"

"That's all, I will not Intervening. Stay if you want to stay, go back anytime if you want to return to Fengxue Yincheng." Han Fengxue shook the head, allowing some helplessness on his face. The sigh fell, he glanced at Chu Bei's direction, his eyes signaled, turned into a divine rainbow moved towards Fengxue Yincheng and flew away.

"Unintentionally, Imperial Father... did he agree that we are together?" For a long time, Hanyan Yao came back to his senses, her voice with excitement.

Jun has no intention to heavily nodded, and then directly pulls Hanyan Yao to kneel down in front of Chu Bei: "Thanks Senior to make it happen!"

Jun didn’t intend to know that if it wasn’t for the other party’s existence, He and Hanyan Yao simply won't have a day together. All of this stems from the fear of Chu Bei from the cold wind and snow.

"It's over here, you are all gone."

Chu Bei first glanced at Mei Xueyan and the Eight Beast Kings, and then at the human Powerhouses below. The indifferent voice came out of his mouth.

Soon after Chu Bei's voice fell, these silhouettes moved towards Chu Bei and left after greeting.


After one hour.

"Huh? How did the mysterious beast tide retreat!"

"Could it be said that the emperor of heavenly punishment has been found?"

"It is very good, this The crisis of the beast tide is lifted!"


"What? The owner of Blood Soul Villa Li Juetian is not dead! He is the emperor of sneak attack heavenly punishment!"

"Battle of Heaven? Where is the Three Great Holy Lands! It turns out that the profound beasts in the heavenly punishment forest are our allies!"

"My God! What about mysterious Powerhouse? What's the origin? Do you really have seen those anti-sky methods?"

"Hehe, it is said that mysterious Powerhouse established a Sect called Wumen on the border between Tianxiang's imperial city and the heavenly punishment forest! With that wave of his hand, the Sect halls were created out of thin air!"

At this moment, all cultivators of the Xuanxuan continent were caught in a heated discussion. The most intense discussion topics are the Battle of Heaven and mysterious Powerhouse Chu Bei.


One of the Three Great Holy Lands, Immortal Palace.

"reporting to Palace Lord, we found a new Peak Powerhouse beyond Supreme." A black clothed man hurriedly ran into the palace of Connaught, with a respectful expression.

"When did you find a Powerhouse in the outside world and report it to me personally?" The cold voice contained a little dissatisfaction.

This is a middle-aged man, wearing a luxurious black robe with golden marks, wearing a nine-curved purple crown, and holding a scepter about two meters long and inlaid with countless precious stones. A slightly dissatisfied voice came from his mouth, and a horrible breath that surpassed Supreme's fluctuations filled his heart. At the same time, it was heart palpitating, and people couldn't help but give birth to the mood of worship.

Die Wuya, the Palace Lord of the Immortal Palace nowadays escapes the existence of above ten thousand people.

"Palace Lord, an ordinary Powerhouse that surpasses Supreme should naturally not disturb you. However, the Powerhouse I discovered this time is very mysterious, even I can't even see his body cultivator as, And his methods are very weird." As he said, the black clothed person handed the crystal ball about the size of a football in his hand to Duan Wuya.

Duan Wuya took the crystal ball, his eyes fixed on the scene of Blood Soul Villa in the ball, his brows gradually frowned.

"Palace Lord, can you see the realm of this person?" the black clothed person asked Chu Bei in the picture.

"Weird, weird." Duan Wuya shook the head, but when he witnessed Chu Bei raising his hand to imprison Xiao Mansion, eyes suddenly shrank: "You go there and bring The last two saints! Be sure to bring this person to Immortal Palace in front of the Supreme Golden City and the Dreamy Blood Sea!"

"Quickly, must be quick! Remember, it is a no-compromise method!!!" Came back to his senses in shock, Duan Wuya shook the gem scepter in his hand coldly said.

"Yes, Palace Lord." After the black clothed person complied respectfully, the silhouette flashed and disappeared directly into the palace.


One of the Three Great Holy Lands, Supreme Golden City.

At the end of the Xuanxuan continent, there is a city like Immortal Realm like a dream and illusion.

City inside the pond Immortal Qi Enchanting, green peaks and green valleys, waterfalls and flowing springs, Immortal Crane dancing, and longevity monkey dancing. On top of each mountain, Bejeweled Jade Tower is connected into a piece, truly picturesque and intoxicating.

In the huge square, hundreds of people walked up to the road and sat cross-legged for cultivation. Looking at their breath, even the weakest person's breath fluctuates above the blood soul villa owner!

"City Lord, you have left the customs."

With a burst of wonderful fairy music sounding over the square, the already peaceful square became more and more silent.

At this time, a group of Powerhouses sitting cross-legged looked up at a Bejeweled Jade Tower high in the sky, and saw an azure robed man slowly flying over.

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