The beautiful face, the eyes like limpid autumn water, the skin like snow, the long black hair like a waterfall, the slender body... These should be used to describe beautiful The vocabulary of woman, used to describe this azure robed man, is not an exaggeration at all. His whole body was exuding a feminine air, and when he felt it up close, his body would shiver inexplicably, like falling into an ice cellar.

The name of the azure robed man is Bu Tianxie, and he is the controller of Supreme Jincheng.

"Looking at what you look like, is there something important to report?" Bu Tianxie asked, casting his eyes on a white clothed man.

"City Lord, there was a terrific guy from the outside world not long ago!" The white clothed man stepped forward, with respect on his face, and quickly detailed the deeds about Chu Bei.

"Raise your hand to kill Supreme, imprison a mansion a hundred kilometers away, Interesting. If this method is true, his realm is really a mystery!"

After listening to the white clothed man Said, Bu Tianxie's eyes narrowed: "You have to bring him quickly and give him a generous temptation. Be sure to let him join the Supreme Golden City."

"City Lord, if he is to be caught Did the other two the early bird catch the worm?" the white clothed man asked.

"Then bring more people over. If it is really as you said, then solve them all secretly, but remember, don't leave evidence." Bu Tianxie said sinister laughter.

"I know what to do." The white clothed man bowed, and quickly retreated.


One of the Three Great Holy Lands, the dream blood sea.

Menghun mountain range, this was originally just an unusual and unnamed mountain range at the end of the continent. But because of the settlement of the Three Great Holy Lands dream blood sea, it has become a particularly special mountain range for Peak Powerhouses.

In the mountain range, peaks can be seen rising from the ground. On these peaks, there are many towering pavilions.

In the Central Region of these peaks, an exceptionally majestic great hall stands Wei Ran, shrouded by clouds and fog, and looks majestic and majestic. If you observe carefully, you will find that a layer of black mist is attached to the surface of the great hall. The mist is surging, giving people a gloomy and terrifying feeling.

In the depths of the mountain range, the dream blood sea belongs to a range of black robed sillhouettes sweeping back and forth in various positions, just like inescapable net. Even the patrollers, the weakest among them all have the terrifying breath of Supreme Peak.

Not to mention the ordinary Wild Beast, even if the gods and even the Supreme Powerhouse are close, they will be immediately noticed.

At this moment, there are nearly fifty silhouettes in the great hall, and everyone's body is faintly permeated with a deep and unmeasurable breath of horror. The peak Powerhouse in the entire dream blood sea is gathered here, because of the heaven-defying means that Chu Bei showed in the Blood Soul Villa.

"What's the origin of this guy?" Mo Xiaoyao sat in the first place, looking across the powerhouses in the great hall, frowning gradually.

"reporting to Holy Lord, this man seems to have emerged out of thin air. There was no news about him before." A black robed man moved towards Mo Xiaoyao and hugged the cup one fist in the other hand Said.

"This person's methods are not trivial. The cultivation realm is definitely not good enough. I am afraid it will cultivation an extraordinary Qi Method! Supreme Jincheng and Immortal Palace must have already sent people, and you will rush over immediately! Be sure to bring this person back before them!" Mo Xiaoyao's voice was low, and the tyrannical breath came out so that all around the tables and chairs hummed.

"Remember, living, then must see the person, died, then must see the corpse, by fair means or foul!" Finally, Mo Xiaoyao added another sentence.

"Understood, Holy Lord!" Hearing Mo Xiaoyao's words, several black clothed men in the great hall made eye contact and disappeared at the same time.


The Tianxiang imperial city borders with the heavenly punishment forest.

Since the news that Chu Bei created the All Heavens Store here, it has been overcrowded.

In the entire imperial city, both the children of the nobles and the children of the poor people rushed to sign up. Moreover, a large number of younger generations are also coming to the surrounding cities that have learned the news.

"Is this All Heavens Store Sect Master really as powerful as yours? Better than those Supreme?"

"Nonsense! How many people have seen it with their own eyes! This All The power of Heavens Store Sect Master is beyond words."

"haha, then this trip is right! Moreover, the All Heavens Store recruiting dísciple only requires age, and there is no distinction between high and low. ."

"Yes, this is a great thing for our poor people! Standing on the same starting line with those noble children. As for how far they can reach in the future, all Look at their innate talent."

"As far as I heard, All Heavens Store Sect Master created the cultivation Qi Method unique to All Heavens Store. The terrifying part of this cultivation Qi Method, even if you innate No matter how bad the talent is, you can cultivation to the Profound Sky within five years!"

"What? Five years of cultivation to the Profound Sky! And it is the worst of innate talent! If this is the case, then this All Heavens Store will not necessarily be the strongest power of continent in the future!"

"Wait and see!"


Before All Heavens Store, there are countless People talk fiercely, and most of them are parents who come to send their children to sign up.

"Senior, can I really be the Great Elder of the All Heavens Store with my strength?" In the All Heavens Store, Jun Wu intends to be a little nervous.

"Although this seat created the All Heavens Store, it will leave soon. Moreover, this All Heavens Store Qi Method has been taught to you, so it should not be difficult for you to pass it on." Chu Bei With a smile in the words, he then pointed his finger at Jun Moxie again, "Moxie has his own inheritance, and he will grow up soon. Then look at the entire Xuanxuan continent will not be his opponent."

Jun has no intention to complied: "Late birth will not let the senior down."

"You said, will the people of Three Great Holy Lands really come?"

"I don't know. , But since this is the instruction of the elder sister, we will wait and see here."

"But if he is not even the opponent of the Three Great Holy Lands, we can really help Are you busy?"

"If you can't help, you have to help! After all, he is the benefactor of our heavenly punishment forest!"


heavenly punishment At the periphery of the forest, Xiong Kaishan, Qianxun, and eight other Beastmasters gathered together, discussing while watching the situation in the All Heavens Store.

Not only the forest side of heavenly punishment, Qi Tianfeng Supreme does not ask the sky, cold-blooded Supreme tears without sorrow, God bestows the imperial life and death Supreme Shi Changxiao, the blue Supreme in the blue sea, the dream of red dust, the prairie eagle and the condor fight Empty, the wind Sword God, the six Human Race Supreme, also hovering not far from the All Heavens Store.

"Holy Land's Powerhouse is here!" Huo Ran, the cold-blooded Supreme, who had a calm face, condensed with tears and sad expression.

"Is it the Immortal Palace or the Supreme Golden City or the dream blood sea!" Almost at the same time, Shi Changxiao, Meng Hongchen, Ying Bokong and the others Supreme looked towards Northwest together. There was a roar of emptiness, and a terrifying breath swept across.

Heavenly punishment Xiong Kaishan and other beast kings on the outskirts of the forest were also immediately aware of them. They looked up at Northwest one by one, and their faces gradually became serious.

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