"What happened to the earthquake!"

"Is there a Powerhouse fighting!"

"Look, Master Sect Master is in the sky !"

"Don’t panic, there will be no trouble with Sect Master."

More and more applications dísciple ran out of the house and gathered in the square, All of them looked terrified.

xiū xiū xiū!

In the forest of heavenly punishment, several divine rainbows flew above the All Heavens Store. The leader was Mei Xueyan, the emperor of heavenly punishment, and immediately behind him was Xiong Kaishan, Qianxun and other beast kings. .

Qi Tianfeng Supreme does not ask the sky, cold-blooded Supreme tears without sorrow, God bestows the imperial life and death Supreme Shi Changxiao, the blue Supreme dream red dust in the blue sea, the prairie eagle condor fights the air, the wind Sword God wind cirrus clouds, These six Human Race Supremes that have not yet gone far returned to the All Heavens Store after feeling the shaking of the earth.

"Senior, what's the matter with this shock?"

I couldn't find out why, so cold-blooded Supreme could only ask Chu Bei with tears and no sorrow. The eyes of the heavenly punishment Powerhouses including Mei Xueyan also focused on Chu Bei's body, waiting for the other party's answer.

long long long ——

With the passage of time, the vibration has become more and more terrifying. In the rumbling sound, the earth has begun to crack.

Looking from afar, the countless mountains outside the forest are all falling huge rocks under this terrifying shaking, and some of the steeper peaks just fall off the entire mountain.

Stones splash, big trees collapse, ground ravines crack, everything is like the end of the world.

Heavenly punishment Beast King, Human Race Supreme, they immediately explored the divine sense when the vibration appeared, but the divine sense reached the end and still did not find the root of the earthquake. In other words, the root cause is extremely far away from them.

In the dark, they have an intuition that this earthquake is not just their Tianxiang Empire and the forest of heavenly punishment, but the entire Xuanxuan continent.

"Could it be that...no, it must not be what I think!"

Huo Ran, Mei Xueyan seems to have thought of something, within both eyes flashed like never before The dignified rays of light. After muttering to himself, his face turned pale.

If all of this is really as she thought, the consequences are really too serious. It was so serious that she could deal with it before she had time to prepare. It was too sudden!

Mei Xueyan took a deep breath, shook the head did not answer the six human Supreme, but looked towards Chu Bei with a worried expression.

"You are right, Sky Pillar Mountain has collapsed." Chu Bei glanced at Mei Xueyan and spoke lightly.

Chu Bei's voice is not loud and extremely calm. It can be heard in the ears of the heavenly punishment powerhouses such as Mei Xueyan, Xiong Kaishan, and the six human Supreme, but it is like a bolt from the blue!

Sky Pillar Mountain, located at the end of the Xuanxuan continent, is also used as a barrier to block the terrifying alien army on the other side of the mountain.

But now, the Sky Pillar Mountain collapsed, and the consequences...

Thinking of this, not only Mei Xueyan, but also the faces of other Powerhouses became pale, and their eyes were full of Dignified with fear!

"How could Sky Pillar Mountain collapse suddenly!"

"Suddenly, there was no sign! What happened!"

Heavenly punishment Beast King, Human Race Supreme looked at each other in blank dismay, and the collapse of Sky Pillar Mountain was a major event that affected all the creatures of Xuanxuan continent.

"Could it be caused by those Foreign Race people?" Xiong Kaishan frowned.

Compared to the Xuanxuan continent, the environment on the other side of Sky Pillar Mountain is extremely harsh. For this reason, those alien armies are always thinking about conquering the creatures of the Xuanxuan continent, enjoying this wonderful side. The world.

hong long long!

Suddenly, the ground tremor increased again. At the same time, the temperature between Heaven and Earth seems to be rising at a speed that can be felt.

"Bear King, although our heavenly punishment forest is now declining, we must not retreat if the foreign army does invade! Immediately gather all the profound beasts above the ninth rank and prepare for the expedition!" Mei Xueyan Act decisively and immediately issue a harsh order.

If Sky Pillar Mountain really collapsed, the invasion of the alien army would be a foregone conclusion. Every delay of one minute will cause immeasurable losses.

"Master, what are you going to do?" Jun Moxie transformed into an undying bird form and flew to Chu Bei's side, opened the mouth and said.

Although he is the soul that has penetrated this Xuanxuan continent, and he has just arrived, but when he hears that the continent he lives in is about to be invaded by a foreign army, a fighting intent rises in his heart inexplicably, thinking To guard the territory.

When Jun Moxie asked this question, Heavenly Punishment Beast King and Human Race Supreme looked towards Chu Bei again, waiting for the other's answer. With the strength of the opponent, it is absolutely not difficult to hide from the massacre of the foreign army, but if the opponent chooses to fight against the enemy with them, their camp will undoubtedly add a considerable Peak battle strength.

"With this seat, everything is fine." Chu Bei smiled knowingly, confident in his indifferent words.

long long long ——

Since Xiong Kaishan conveyed Mei Xueyan’s instructions, in the forest, all mysterious beasts expert ten thousand horses galloping moved towards All Heavens Store gathered together. Come.

In the sky, countless flying profound beasts of all races, hiding the sky and covering the earth, are like dark clouds covering the entire sky, and then they fall to the ground with a brushing sound, letting the sky restored to sobriety and calmness.

In a short while, on the Grand Plaza in front of the All Heavens Store, countless profound beasts Powerhouse gathered. Although these profound beasts Powerhouse are densely packed, they are entirely different in order.

These profound beasts above the ninth rank have already turned on intelligence, and they are silent, but their eyes are full of fighting intents. They know what they will face next and wait quietly. Following Mei Xueyan's instructions.

xiū xiū xiū!

In the sound of breaking through the sky, seven more silhouettes of heavenly punishment deep in the forest appeared in front of Mei Xueyan.

"Holy tiger senior, deer holy senior, why are you born?" Seeing these seven silhouettes, Mei Xueyan's expression condensed, and the eyes of other beast kings flashed with surprise.

"The reason why we have been struggling on whilst at death's door is to wait for the arrival of today." The seven beasts looked at each other and said, "Death, of course, is worthy of death."

"Analyzed from the current situation, it should be that Sky Pillar Mountain has collapsed! We must act in advance. If not, wait until the Foreign Race people rush over and enter the hinterland of the continent. It's easy! The ending is bound to be tens of thousands of times harder!" Lu Beastzun looked solemn.

"Maybe this time, it is really the last battle to win the sky. Victory, Xuanxuan continent no longer has any worries; defeat, Xuanxuan continent consigned to eternal damnation." Tiger Beast Zun sighed.

These seven beasts are all ancient beings who have experienced the first battle to capture the sky. They naturally understand the terrifying terrifying of Foreign Race people better than ordinary people.

Their vitality should have come to an end long ago. Thousands of years ago, everything in the heavenly punishment forest was given to Mei Xueyan and the younger beast kings. They just kept secluded cultivation and survived with a little bit of vitality. With.

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