Now that the Sky Pillar Mountain collapsed, they did not hesitate to leave the customs, and they had no hesitation to consume the last vitality in this battle.

Since the first battle to capture the heavens, their mission of heavenly punishment is to protect the common people!

Although after a long period of comfort, the world has forgotten them and their heroic feats, and even countless humans continue to invade the forest of heavenly punishment and kill the mysterious beasts, but when this crisis hits, They still abide by the mission left over by Old Ancestor thousands of years ago.

For the continent, for the common people, to resist the foreign army!

This one sticks to it, does not hesitate to sacrifice, does not hesitate to do it!

"Xueyan, give the order! Hurry to Sky Pillar Mountain now! I don't know what is going on with Three Great Holy Lands? Every second of delay, the crisis of Xuanxuan continent increases by one point." Deer Beast Lord opened the mouth and said.

"The Sky Pillar Mountain collapsed, and the Three Great Holy Lands, which was close at hand, was the first to bear the brunt. I don’t know how much battle strength still remains. What I am really worried about now is that the Three Great Holy Lands are already in this catastrophe. The entire army is annihilated, or the battle strength is lost too much, that can be terrible! With our family's strength, I am afraid it will be difficult to win this battle! Give the order!" The Tiger Beast Venerable seemed to have thought of something, and issued A sigh.

Mei Xueyan was heavily nodded when she heard the words of the deer and the tiger. But just when it was about to give instructions, a dazzling rays of light enveloped everyone and the beasts in the field.

"This power..."

"He is?"

In an instant, the seven beasts looked at Chu Bei with Surprised.

next moment, the bright rays of light surging, everything in the sight of everyone and beasts in the field has undergone a change of Heaven and Earth turning upside down.


In an instant, a crowd of people and beasts disappeared from the territory of All Heavens Store and came to a new area.

Looking ahead, Shrouding The Heavens is covered with thick smoke and dust in the distance, covering the boundless earth!

As far as the eye can see, there are nearly 30 mountain tops, fists are spraying thick smoke violently.

"The battlefield of the sky!"

Recognizing the place where the seven beasts suddenly shrink, the eyes that looked towards Chu Bei again are full of incredible colors .

"Could it be the Tianzhu mountain range......"

Human Race Powerhouse, the heavenly punishment beast king, saw the all around situation, could not help but gasp.

Sky Pillar Mountain collapsed. They have tried their best to overestimate the seriousness of the disaster, but they still didn't expect the situation to be so bad!

They are at least a hundred miles away from the collapsed Sky Pillar Mountain, but the oncoming heat wave has made them unbearable.

The collapsed Sky Pillar Mountain all around, multiple volcanic craters spewed red lava endlessly, and countless boulders were rushed into the sky, carrying the crimson red and smashed down like a meteorite, terrifyingly terrifying.

At the end of Xuanxuan continent, Sky Pillar Mountain collapsed, and dozens of volcanic craters vented huge terrifying energy!

Under such violently rising temperatures, all water sources within a radius of thousands of miles continue to decrease at a rate visible to naked eye, and large areas of evaporation have begun to appear in many areas, and this situation is still getting worse. Among.

The human Powerhouse and the mysterious beast army who rushed to watched the terrible scene caused by the power of Heaven and Earth, they could only watch one by one, as if they had experienced it once in a flash. the blue sea turned into mulberry fields!

These apocalyptic scenes of Chidi Wanli World, the visual impact it brings, incomparable, thrilling, horrible to see!

"I am afraid that Three Great Holy Lands will suffer heavy losses this time!" Mei Xueyan frowned and her expression was extremely solemn. Although the nature of the Three Great Holy Lands has changed, they are still the three main forces in the Battle of Heaven. And the catastrophe brought about by the collapse of Sky Pillar Mountain now covers almost all areas of the Three Great Holy Lands.

long long long ——

Huo Ran, brilliant rays of light lit up a hundred miles away, accompanied by a roar of explosions, and there are various roars vaguely sound.

"Senior, the battle for the sky seems to have begun!" Looking at the billowing dust and smoke hundreds of miles away, Mei Xueyan's eyes condensed, and then immediately looked towards Chu Bei and said.


At the same time, the battlefield, the central area.


Along with splitting the air sound, a cloud of billowing smoke was suddenly seen turbulence, and then a silhouette flew out of the smoke cloud at great speed, penetrating the raging flame, and quickly went away.

Following that silhouette, a total of dozens of silhouettes flew out of the fire sea soon, and they were desperately chasing the first that silhouette.

"Zhan Kuang, you are in collusion with a foreign race! Destroy the restraint of Master Nether, destroy the Sky Pillar Mountain, and make the entire Xuanxuan continent into a desperate situation. Your sin is unforgivable!" An angry shout came from the rear The chasing silhouette uttered in his mouth.

Seeing that person's appearance clearly, it is the Palace Lord of Immortal Palace, one of the Three Great Holy Lands.

At this moment, Duan Wuya's face was full of frost, and he looked furious, and his clothes were damaged everywhere, and he was quite embarrassed. There was no more majesty when he ordered the capture of Chu Bei at the Immortal Palace in Escape. However, its appearance is dilapidated, but its eyes are like electricity, and watching its breath fluctuate, it seems that it is using some kind of self-harm method of burning potential in order to increase its speed to the greatest extent. It is necessary to catch up with the fleeing in front of it. silhouette.

In addition to Duan Wuya, Supreme Jincheng City Lord Bu Tian Xie, Dream Blood Sea Holy Lord Mo Xiaoyao, are also in pursuit of this line.

"Zhan Kuang, you were with Master Nine Nether for a period of time, Senior Lu. But now, you are so frantic, destroying Sky Pillar Mountain, shaking the foundation of Xuan Xuan continent, you, you... …Your crime deserving ten thousand deaths!"

Bu Tianxie also shouted out loudly, like a tongue thundering, and the space around several thousands li buzzed, and the echoes continued, seemingly even The air trembled a little because of the loud noise. Between Heaven and Earth, one after another wave-like ground pattern disappeared.

"War mad, stop quickly! Go back to the Nether Master Spirit plane and apologize for death!" Mo Xiaoyao's screams also floated from Heaven and Earth.

However, in the face of the shouts of the Three Great Holy Lands Holy Lord, Zhan Kuang turned a deaf ear to his ears, and continued to fly at full speed.

Fly another distance.

Suddenly, Zhan Kuang stopped stature and turned to face Duan Wuya, Mo Xiaoyao and the others.

"The situation of the battle, is not obediently surrender! Even if my body dies, I have to arrest you and go back and ask for guilt!" Looking at the situation of the battle that stopped, Dian Wuya and the others rose again.

"A group of juniors, do you really think I am afraid of you? I just want to take you down more securely."

Zhan Kuang's cold eyes swept across the line. Wuya, Mo Xiaoyao, after a sneer, glanced at the behind, and said: "Sky Pillar Mountain has been destroyed, and the most powerful powerhouse of this bunch of Human Races has been taken by me to your designated area. Do you still need this? Will Shengjun continue to take action!"

Hearing Zhan Kuang's words, Duan Wuya, Mo Xiaoyao and the others' eyes condensed, and a chill immediately rose in their hearts.

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